Game on September 7, 2022 at 10:59, 7 players
1. 252 pts Pacific
2. 240 pts HollyIvy
3. 213 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


6D 22 48 


K1 29 77 


2G 82 159 


1H 52 211 


E5 44 255 


8A 33 288 


1M 28 316 


3M 33 349 


C7 28 377 


11A 62 439 


10G 31 470 


4J 38 508 


H10 39 547 


A11 36 583 


D2 21 604 


15E 65 669 


14F 53 722 


12H 27 749 


N10 29 778 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 1 7:08 -526 252 1.7669 Pacific 1 7:08 -526 252
HollyIvy 3 9:10 -538 240 2.7825 HollyIvy 3 9:10 -538 240
moonmonkey 1 4:49 -565 213 3.7627 moonmonkey 1 4:49 -565 213
Mycophot 1 5:11 -565 213 4.7823 Mycophot 1 5:11 -565 213
5. -
WWWW8888 1 0:45 -752 26 Group: not rated
6. -
PPPP8888 1 1:10 -752 26 1. - WWWW8888 1 0:45 -752 26
7. -
TTTT8888 1 1:35 -752 26 2. - PPPP8888 1 1:10 -752 26
3. - TTTT8888 1 1:35 -752 26
On 1st draw, W(H)IPT H4 26 --- WHIP to strike with a whip (an instrument for administering corporal punishment) [v]
Other moves: P(E)WIT H4 24, TWI(R)P H8 24, WITT(Y) H4 22, PUTTI H4 20, PUTTI(E) H4 20
W(H)IPT H4 26 WWWW8888, PPPP8888, TTTT8888, HollyIvy
On 2nd draw, COWRITE 6D 22 --- COWRITE to collaborate in writing [v]
Other tops: WOTC(H)ER 5D 22
Other moves: WRETC(H) 5C 20, COWRIE 6D 19, CRWT(H) 5D 18, OWC(H)E 5E 18, WEC(H)T 5E 18
On 3rd draw, SAUBAS K1 29 --- SAUBA a South American ant [n]
Other tops: SAUBAS K6 29, TSUBAS K1 29, TSUBAS K5 29
Other moves: ABUTS K2 27, BASTA K4 27, BASTS K2 27, BASTS K4 27, BUATS K2 27
On 4th draw, TRIMARAN 2G 82 --- TRIMARAN a sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: TRIMARAN 2E 64, TORMINA E5 36, TAMIN L1 35, SMART 1K 30, SMIRR 1K 30
SMART 1K 30 HollyIvy, Pacific, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 5th draw, AXES 1H 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: OXES 1H 52
Other moves: BORAX 4K 44, AX 1H 42, EX 1H 42, OX 1H 42, DEX 1M 38
BORAX 4K 44 Pacific
On 6th draw, FORDONE E5 44 --- FORDO to destroy [v]
Other moves: DECAF D4 30, CORNFED D6 28, FAD 1M 28, FARCED D3 28, FED 1M 28
On 7th draw, MUCID 8A 33 --- MUCID musty [adj]
Other moves: CIDED 8A 30, DICED 8A 30, MEDIC D11 30, DEMIC D11 29, DEMIC D9 29
DICED 8A 30 Pacific
On 8th draw, FID 1M 28 --- FID a square bar used as a support for a topmast [n]
Other tops: FAD 1M 28, FAG 1M 28, FIG 1M 28, FOG 1M 28
Other moves: DIF 1M 26, DOF 1M 26, FADOS D11 25, FAS 1M 25, FIDOS D11 25
On 9th draw, AKE 3M 33 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other moves: BATIK 4K 32, BLEAK 4K 32, FATLIKE M1 30, TILAK D11 30, CATLIKE C8 28
On 10th draw, SCRIEVE C7 28 --- SCRIEVE to move along swiftly and smoothly [v]
Other moves: CARVIES C8 26, CAVIERS C8 26, VAREC D2 25, VRAIC D2 25, CARVES C8 24
On 11th draw, REELEVATE 11A 62 --- ELEVATE to raise [v]
Other moves: ELEVATE O3 33, VAREC D2 25, VALETE 3B 23, VELATE 3B 23, VELETA 3B 23
ELEVATE O3 33 Pacific, HollyIvy
On 12th draw, ZEP 10G 31 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: REPEG A11 27, ZEE 10G 27, ZEP J5 25, GEEZ I10 24, L*ZLEZ D13 24
On 13th draw, EBONY 4J 38 --- EBONY a hard wood like stone [n]
Other moves: BONY 4K 36, NYE 4M 28, ROOTY A11 27, ROYNE A11 27, YE L4 26
ROOTY A11 27 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 14th draw, ETHANE H10 39 --- ETHANE a gaseous hydrocarbon [n]
Other tops: ETHION H10 39
Other moves: RHINE A11 36, RHINO A11 36, RHONE A11 36, AHI 10A 29, HAEN 12H 26
RHINO A11 36 Pacific, Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 15th draw, RYOTS A11 36 --- RYOT a tenant farmer in India [n]
Other moves: EYOTS J6 27, OOSY 14A 27, ROOTY A11 27, ROYST A11 27, YOGIC D2 27
RYOTS A11 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 16th draw, LOGIC D2 21 --- LOGIC the science of reasoning correctly [n]
Other tops: BIO B13 21, BLOC D3 21, BOI B13 21, BOO B13 21, GLOBI 3C 21
Other moves: BE B10 20, BI 10B 20, BAL I13 19, BALOO 3C 19, BIO G13 19
On 17th draw, BONEH(E)AD 15E 65 --- BONEHEAD a stupid person [n]
Other moves: BON(E)HEAD 15C 64, (K)NOBHEAD 15C 64, HAD C3 34, HANDBA(G) 13G 34, HA(T)BAND 13G 32
HAD C3 34 Mycophot, moonmonkey
HE B10 26 Pacific
On 18th draw, JIN 14F 53 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JUN 14F 53
Other moves: JUD C3 50, JUG C3 50, JIN G13 37, JUN G13 37, JEDI 14K 36
JIN 14F 53 Pacific
JUG C3 50 moonmonkey
JUD C3 50 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 19th draw, HAGGLE 12H 27 --- HAGGLE to bargain [v]
Other moves: GAG C3 26, LAG C3 22, LUG C3 22, GOOGLE 3B 21, H**L*HAOLE 12H 21
On 20th draw, IODIN N10 29 --- IODIN a nonmetallic element [n]
Other tops: INDOL N10 29
Other moves: DANIO 13G 28, DALI 13G 24, DINO N12 23, DIOL N12 23, DOOL N12 23
INDOL N10 29 HollyIvy
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