Game on September 15, 2022 at 17:47, 6 players
1. 173 pts Pacific
2. 126 pts HollyIvy
3. 126 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


5E 82 112 


L1 80 192 


1L 33 225 


M8 74 299 


N1 92 391 


J1 40 431 


O7 29 460 


14J 38 498 


15K 36 534 


12F 82 616 


H10 30 646 


13B 25 671 


15A 83 754 


12A 56 810 


11C 33 843 


I11 37 880 


10J 27 907 


1G 24 931 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 1 6:06 -758 173 1.7819 Pacific 1 6:06 -758 173
HollyIvy 2 4:18 -805 126 2.7671 HollyIvy 2 4:18 -805 126
Mycophot 1 4:00 -805 126 3.7808 Mycophot 1 4:00 -805 126
4. -
CCCC8888 1 0:35 -901 30 Group: not rated
5. -
OOOO8888 1 0:58 -901 30 1. - CCCC8888 1 0:35 -901 30
6. -
YYYY8888 1 1:21 -901 30 2. - OOOO8888 1 0:58 -901 30
3. - YYYY8888 1 1:21 -901 30
On 1st draw, YOGIC H4 30 --- YOGIC pertaining to yoga [adj]
Other moves: YOGIC H8 28, GOATY H8 26, CAGOT H4 22, GOATY H4 22, YOGIC H5 22
YOGIC H4 30 CCCC8888, OOOO8888, YYYY8888, HollyIvy
On 2nd draw, GROOLI(E)R 5E 82 --- GROOLY gruesome [adj]
Other moves: GROOLI(E)R 5F 66, GIRO(S)OL 5E 28, ROL(A)G G3 22, GLORI(F)Y 4B 20, GORILY 4C 20
On 3rd draw, FE(V)EROUS L1 80 --- FEVEROUS feverish [adj]
Other moves: FER(R)EOUS L3 72, FE(R)REOUS L2 72, FE(R)REOUS F2 70, FE(V)EROUS F1 64, FER(R)EOUS F3 62
FEE(L)S 6J 33 Pacific
On 4th draw, FYRD 1L 33 --- FYRD local militia in Anglo-Saxon times [n]
Other moves: DRONY 6J 29, YONDER K7 27, DOYENNE 2I 26, FEND 1L 24, FEOD 1L 24
On 5th draw, OUTHEAR M8 74 --- OUTHEAR to surpass in hearing [v]
Other tops: OUTHEAR K7 74
Other moves: OUTHEAR K8 72, THIOUREA J3 65, OUTREACH 8B 64, RESHOT 8J 27, TOSHER 8J 27
On 6th draw, ROMANCED N1 92 --- ROMANCE to woo [v]
Other moves: CODENAME 12F 80, ROMANCED F5 71, COMEDIAN 7C 69, DAEMONIC 7B 68, CODENAME 2E 67
MOANED 15H 42 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 7th draw, POETIZE J1 40 --- POETIZE to write poetry [v]
Other moves: PEIZE J3 36, PIZE J4 35, ZEE 2J 32, POZ L13 30, PREZ 14L 30
On 8th draw, TATE O7 29 --- TATE a tuft of hair [n]
Other moves: EAT O7 26, TAE O7 26, TAO O7 26, TAT O7 26, ATE O8 24
TATE O7 29 HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 9th draw, KIORE 14J 38 --- KIORE (Maori) a small brown rat native to New Zealand [n]
Other moves: KNOP 1G 30, INVOKE 12H 28, KEP 1H 27, KIP 1H 27, KOP 1H 27
KNOP 1G 30 Mycophot
KIP 1H 27 Pacific
On 10th draw, NOSER 15K 36 --- NOSER a thump on the nose [n]
Other moves: SOVRAN 15F 35, ARVOS 15G 32, NOVAS 15G 32, OSAR 15L 31, SAV 15M 31
VANES 15I 31 Pacific
On 11th draw, INVEAGLE 12F 82 --- INVEAGLE to cajole [v]
Other moves: GAVELING E5 76, RAVELING F5 66, VAGILE 12H 28, VALINE 12H 26, EVANGEL 12H 24
On 12th draw, NAVAID H10 30 --- NAVAID a navigational device [n]
Other tops: AID N10 30
Other moves: RANCID 8E 29, NICAD 8F 28, ACID 8G 27, CAD 8H 26, CID 8H 26
PANDA 4A 25 HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 13th draw, METIF 13B 25 --- METIF a child of a white and a quadroon [n]
Other moves: FUMET I9 24, TEMP 1G 24, TUMP 1G 24, AMU 13H 22, FUMET 11B 22
On 14th draw, TIDELAND 15A 83 --- TIDELAND land alternately covered and uncovered by the tide [n]
Other moves: DENTINAL 10C 63, DATELINE C6 61, ENTAILED C7 61, LINEATED C7 61, INLACED 8D 31
On 15th draw, QUAI 12A 56 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUIP 1G 45, QUAI 6B 36, QUIPO 2F 36, QUIM B10 35, AQUA J9 33
QUIP 1G 45 Pacific
On 16th draw, WABS 11C 33 --- WAB a web [n]
Other moves: SWAB 11B 32, ABBA 11H 30, WANS 11C 29, BOAB G4 28, SWAN 11B 28
On 17th draw, SEX I11 37 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other moves: XU O4 36, AX 13H 34, EX I12 34, JUST 10J 27, INCUS 8F 26
SEX I11 37 Pacific
On 18th draw, JILT 10J 27 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other moves: BLIP 1G 24, BURP 1G 24, CUR 8H 24, JIBE 7G 24, PULP 1G 24
On 19th draw, BURP 1G 24 --- BURP to belch [v]
Other tops: CUR 8H 24, HUP 1H 24, NOUP G4 24
Other moves: DRUB O1 23, UH O3 22, PUP 1H 21, PINGUIN K9 20, UNHIVE 7E 20
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