Game on September 17, 2022 at 18:46, 8 players
1. 163 pts LongJump22
2. 148 pts Mycophot
3. 148 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 40 40
2. 6B 70 110
3. E5 90 200
4. J2 36 236
5. 8A 36 272
6. 1D 102 374
7. 13B 37 411
8. H10 55 466
9. 2F 36 502
10. 14F 36 538
11. 12B 35 573
12. B10 38 611
13. 3C 53 664
14. 4A 29 693
15. 15J 32 725
16. 14L 32 757
17. M8 36 793
18. L2 81 874
19. M3 28 902
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6573 LongJump22 2 3:22 -739 163 1.7233 Mycophot 1 3:54 -754 148
2.7233 Mycophot 1 3:54 -754 148 2.7558 HollyIvy 1 3:55 -754 148
3.7558 HollyIvy 1 3:55 -754 148 3.7496 queen66 1 4:29 -754 148
4.7496 queen66 1 4:29 -754 148 Group: intermediate
5. - JJJJ8888 1 0:42 -862 40 1.6573 LongJump22 2 3:22 -739 163
6. - TTTT8888 1 1:08 -862 40 Group: not rated
7. - OOOO8888 1 1:28 -862 40 1. - JJJJ8888 1 0:42 -862 40
8. - SSSS8888 1 1:49 -862 40 2. - TTTT8888 1 1:08 -862 40
3. - OOOO8888 1 1:28 -862 40
4. - SSSS8888 1 1:49 -862 40
On 1st draw, JOIST H4 40 --- JOIST to support with horizontal beams [v]
Other tops: JATOS H4 40, JIAOS H4 40, JOTAS H4 40
Other moves: JATOS H8 26, JIAOS H8 26, JOIST H8 26, JOTAS H8 26, JATOS H5 24
JATOS H4 40 JJJJ8888, TTTT8888, OOOO8888, SSSS8888
On 2nd draw, EPHEDRIN 6B 70 --- EPHEDRIN an alkaloid used to treat allergies [n]
Other moves: PREHENDS 7A 67, REPONED 5E 40, HEDER I7 26, HEP I7 26, HERDEN I7 26
REPONED 5E 40 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, FE(N)ESTRA E5 90 --- FENESTRA a small anatomical opening [n]
Other tops: FEASTER(S) E5 90, FEAT(H)ERS E5 90, FEAT(U)RES E5 90, FEA(S)TERS E5 90, FER(R)ATES E5 90, FE(R)RATES E5 90, REFASTE(N) E5 90, REF(L)ATES E5 90
Other moves: FASTER(S) J2 86, FAT(H)ERS J2 86, FA(I)REST J2 86, FA(L)TERS J2 86, FA(S)TERS J2 86
F*RTS J2FARTS J2 35 Mycophot
FEATS J2 35 queen66
FARES J2 35 HollyIvy
On 4th draw, WALIER J2 36 --- WALY excellent [adj]
Other tops: WAILER J2 36
Other moves: LAWNIER I3 32, EARWIG J6 31, WAILER 13B 31, WALIER 13C 31, WILGA 13C 31
On 5th draw, NEIVE 8A 36 --- NEIVE the fist [n]
Other tops: NAEVE 8A 36, NAIVE 8A 36, NIEVE 8A 36
Other moves: NAEVI 13C 29, AVINE 13A 27, AVINE 8A 27, NAIVE 13A 27, VENAE 8A 27
NAIVE 8A 36 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
On 6th draw, VENDE(R)S 1D 102 --- VENDER a seller [n]
Other tops: VENDE(E)S 1D 102, VEND(E)ES 1D 102, VEND(U)ES 1D 102, V(E)NDEES 1D 102
Other moves: DEVE(I)NS 1D 96, END(I)VES 1D 93, (A)DVENES 1D 90, DEVE(I)NS 13B 83, VENDE(E)S 13A 83
On 7th draw, LEASOW 13B 37 --- LEASOW to pasture [v]
Other moves: ALEWS 13C 29, SWEAL 13C 29, WALES 13C 29, OSE K5 28, ALEWS 13A 27
On 8th draw, ADIEUX H10 55 --- ADIEU a farewell [n]
Other moves: EAUX D12 42, DIPLEX B10 40, DUPLEX B10 40, ADIEUX 12G 37, PAX 14A 37
PIX 14A 37 Mycophot, queen66
PAX 14A 37 HollyIvy
On 9th draw, YOM 2F 36 --- YOM day [n]
Other tops: JALOPY 4H 36, YAM 2F 36
Other moves: APAY 12C 33, MY 2E 32, YOU 14F 32, PYA 12C 30, WIMPY 2J 30
On 10th draw, HOURI 14F 36 --- HOURI a beautiful maiden in Muslim belief [n]
Other moves: HOUR 14F 33, HOUT 14F 33, HILLO B10 32, TROPHI C3 30, ROUGHT 14F 29
On 11th draw, ADMAN 12B 35 --- ADMAN a man employed in the advertising business [n]
Other moves: MAD 12D 27, AMAIN D11 26, GRANDDAM 11D 26, MAID D12 26, MAND D12 26
On 12th draw, KOALA B10 38 --- KOALA a small furry Australian marsupial [n]
Other moves: NAIK 14A 35, TANK 14A 35, EIK 14B 33, KO I3 32, KAIE 14A 31
On 13th draw, ZINEB 3C 53 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other moves: ZO I3 52, ZANTE 3I 48, ZIBET 3C 45, ZO A14 44, BIZONE 3A 40
ZANTE 3I 48 LongJump22
On 14th draw, GOAT 4A 29 --- GOAT a horned mammal [n]
Other tops: GEAT 4A 29, GRAT 4A 29, GROT 4A 29, ORGEAT 15J 29
Other moves: JOLTER 4H 26, OUTAGE 15J 26, TOERAG 15J 26, URAO 4A 25, GAT 4B 23
GROT 4A 29 LongJump22
On 15th draw, NITRYL 15J 32 --- NITRYL short for nitroxyl [n]
Other moves: LINGY A1 27, RANGY A1 27, TANGY A1 27, LITANY 4J 26, YANTRA 3I 26
NITRYL 15J 32 LongJump22
On 16th draw, AUF 14L 32 --- AUF an elf's child [n]
Other moves: EF 14M 28, FA 14N 28, FE 14N 28, JELAB 4H 28, OBA 14M 28
EF 14M 28 LongJump22
On 17th draw, LOQUITUR M8 36 --- LOQUITUR used with a persons name as a stage direction [coll]
Other moves: LOQUAT L10 30, QUAT L12 26, QI I9 23, QAT 3I 22, SUQ 9E 22
QAT 3I 22 LongJump22
On 18th draw, CAPRICE L2 81 --- CAPRICE a whim [n]
Other moves: CLAP 8L 33, CLIP 8L 33, ICECAP L4 33, CAPRICE 3I 32, CAPRIC 3I 30
LI 8M 2 LongJump22
On 19th draw, BOET M3 28 --- BOET a brother, or a buddy (South African) [n]
Other moves: BO I3 24, BOUGE A1 24, BOUGET K8 23, OB A11 23, BEAT L12 22
OU 9M 2 LongJump22
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