Game on September 29, 2022 at 19:58, 10 players
1. 542 pts roocatcher
2. 512 pts Pacific
3. 87 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


10F 32 60 


5F 92 152 


11A 75 227 


A8 27 254 


L1 34 288 


1H 30 318 


D4 78 396 


14A 43 439 


13C 39 478 


2B 72 550 


3I 28 578 


1A 61 639 


15F 31 670 


14J 56 726 


B8 32 758 


L11 48 806 


6B 37 843 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 4 14:15 -301 542 1.7135 roocatcher 4 14:15 -301 542
Pacific 3 15:10 -331 512 2.7759 Pacific 3 15:10 -331 512
sunshine12 2 2:06 -756 87 3.7335 sunshine12 2 2:06 -756 87
4. -
chunk88 1 1:43 -787 56 Group: intermediate
LongJump22 0 0:20 -816 27 1.6585 LongJump22 0 0:20 -816 27
Hammer22 0 0:38 -816 27 2.6416 Hammer22 0 0:38 -816 27
Discus22 0 0:56 -816 27 3.6402 Discus22 0 0:56 -816 27
ShotPut22 0 1:17 -816 27 4.6160 ShotPut22 0 1:17 -816 27
HighJump22 0 1:41 -816 27 5.6403 HighJump22 0 1:41 -816 27
10. -
BadBoyBen 0 0:17 -819 24 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 1 1:43 -787 56
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:17 -819 24
On 1st draw, VOUDON H4 28 --- VOUDON a primitive religion [n]
Other tops: VODOUN H4 28
Other moves: VODOU H4 26, VODUN H4 26, VODOUN H3 22, VODOUN H7 22, VODOUN H8 22
On 2nd draw, MESIC 10F 32 --- MESIC characterized by a medium supply of moisture [adj]
Other moves: COSMEA 10F 29, MOSAIC 10F 29, VOMICAE 4H 28, VOMICAS 4H 28, AMICES 10C 27
MOSAIC 10F 29 Pacific
MASE 10F 23 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, EXO(P)HAGY 5F 92 --- EXOPHAGY a cannibal custom of eating other than one's kin [n]
Other moves: EXO(P)HAGY 8F 73, HY(P)OGEA 5E 52, HY(R)AX 11C 47, HEXY(L) 11C 42, HEXY(L) 11J 41
HEX 11E 39 roocatcher, Pacific
On 4th draw, PLA(G)UED 11A 75 --- PLAGUE to harass or torment [v]
Other moves: PLUMA(G)ED F7 66, UP(S)CALED J7 66, PUDE(N)DAL 7C 65, PUDE(N)DAL 7F 64, UPL(O)ADED 7C 64
PA(N)D 4K 26 roocatcher
PALED 11C 23 Pacific
On 5th draw, ELAPSE A8 27 --- ELAPSE to pass away [v]
Other tops: EPAULE A10 27, EPUISE A10 27, EPULIS A10 27, LAIPSE A8 27
Other moves: ASLEEP A6 24, LEAPS A8 24, LEEPS A8 24, PAILS A11 24, PAISE A11 24
LEAPS A8 24 roocatcher
PLIES A11 24 Pacific
On 6th draw, FROGGED L1 34 --- FROG to hunt frogs (web-footed, tailless amphibians) [v]
Other tops: DOOFER 14A 34, GLODE B10 34, GROOF 6B 34
Other moves: FORGED 4A 33, DEFOG 14A 30, FOREDO 4A 30, FOREGO 4A 30, FROGGED L2 30
GROOF 6B 34 roocatcher, Pacific
On 7th draw, PILAF 1H 30 --- PILAF a dish made of seasoned rice and often meat [n]
Other moves: PAROLE 2J 28, FLAP 1L 27, FLIP 1L 27, FLOP 1L 27, PUY M3 27
FLOP 1L 27 roocatcher, Pacific
On 8th draw, STRAFIN(G) D4 78 --- STRAFE to attack with machine-gun fire from an airplane [v]
Other moves: RAFTIN(G)S D5 72, ALIFS B10 31, SNARF 6B 31, RATLINS B8 30, FRATI 2F 28
RIF 6D 27 roocatcher
IF 6E 26 Pacific
On 9th draw, STONEY 14A 43 --- STONEY abounding in small rocks [adj]
Other moves: NOSEY C3 39, SEY M1 35, EYOT C6 31, OYES C6 31, ONLIEST B9 28
STONEY 14A 43 Pacific
SEY M1 35 roocatcher
On 10th draw, BIOME 13C 39 --- BIOME an ecological community [n]
Other moves: MOBIE 15E 36, BERM 13C 35, BORM 13C 35, MOBE 15E 33, MIB C7 32
MOBIE 15E 36 roocatcher
MORE 15E 27 Pacific
On 11th draw, TARTANE 2B 72 --- TARTANE a mediterranean sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: TARTANE B2 70, REACTANT J7 62, NARRATE 2I 26, ANEAR 6J 23, AREAE 6J 23
TAV 4F 17 roocatcher
YEARN M5 16 Pacific
On 12th draw, VIGOUR 3I 28 --- VIGOUR active strength or force [n]
Other moves: VID 1A 26, VIGOR 3I 26, DIG C7 24, DIVA 7A 23, DIVOT 3I 22
VID 1A 26 Pacific, roocatcher
On 13th draw, DAZE 1A 61 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other moves: ZED C7 56, ZOAEA C7 56, ZEA C7 52, ZOA C7 52, AZO C6 50
ZED C7 56 roocatcher
ZOA C7 52 Pacific
On 14th draw, CURIO 15F 31 --- CURIO an unusual art object [n]
Other tops: COURT 15F 31, CROUT 15F 31
Other moves: CITO 15F 28, COIR 15F 28, COIT 15F 28, COUR 15F 28, CRIT 15F 28
CROUT 15F 31 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 15th draw, JINK 14J 56 --- JINK to move quickly out of the way [v]
Other moves: J*WJEW 14J 54, JIN 14J 51, WHINE 14J 51, EWK 15B 37, KHI 14I 37
JINK 14J 56 Pacific, sunshine12, roocatcher, chunk88
On 16th draw, NOWL B8 32 --- NOWL the top of the head [n]
Other moves: AWL B9 29, OWL B9 29, AWEE 6J 26, AWE 15M 24, AWN 15M 24
AWL B9 29 Pacific
OWE 15M 24 BadBoyBen
OWT 15M 24 roocatcher
On 17th draw, TRANQ L11 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: JINKER 14J 34, AWEEL 6J 29, AWEE 6J 26, AWE 15M 24, AWL 15M 24
JINKER 14J 34 Pacific
AWE 15M 24 roocatcher
On 18th draw, BIRTH 6B 37 --- BIRTH to originate [v]
Other tops: BERTH 6B 37
Other moves: ZATI C1 28, REH 6D 27, HOTTIE 11J 25, HOTEL 11J 23, HOTE 11J 21
BIRTH 6B 37 roocatcher
REH 6D 27 LongJump22, Hammer22, Pacific, Discus22, ShotPut22, HighJump22
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