Game on October 8, 2022 at 15:12, 11 players
1. 575 pts roocatcher
2. 389 pts Chelsea
3. 301 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 5G 66 90
3. 4K 30 120
4. O5 83 203
5. N10 48 251
6. 15J 42 293
7. M13 39 332
8. 3J 41 373
9. 14D 65 438
10. 15A 48 486
11. H12 39 525
12. I8 26 551
13. L7 81 632
14. 10E 29 661
15. E5 44 705
16. 12A 32 737
17. C9 30 767
18. M7 39 806
19. O1 33 839
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7074 roocatcher 6 20:50 -264 575 1.7074 roocatcher 6 20:50 -264 575
2.7460 Chelsea 6 11:15 -450 389 2.7460 Chelsea 6 11:15 -450 389
3.7755 Pacific 2 13:50 -538 301 3.7755 Pacific 2 13:50 -538 301
4.7252 sunshine12 2 6:31 -674 165 4.7252 sunshine12 2 6:31 -674 165
5.6571 LongJump22 1 0:12 -806 33 Group: intermediate
6.6416 Hammer22 1 0:33 -806 33 1.6571 LongJump22 1 0:12 -806 33
7.6712 Javelin22 1 0:50 -806 33 2.6416 Hammer22 1 0:33 -806 33
8.6160 ShotPut22 1 1:10 -806 33 3.6712 Javelin22 1 0:50 -806 33
9.6403 HighJump22 1 1:32 -806 33 4.6160 ShotPut22 1 1:10 -806 33
10.6334 Discus22 1 1:51 -806 33 5.6403 HighJump22 1 1:32 -806 33
11. - Suincunx 0 0:13 -818 21 6.6334 Discus22 1 1:51 -806 33
Group: not rated
1. - Suincunx 0 0:13 -818 21
On 1st draw, PAIGLE H4 24 --- PAIGLE the cowslip [n]
Other tops: PIGLET H4 24
Other moves: APLITE H3 22, PAGLE H4 22, PLAGE H4 22, PAIGLE H3 20, PAIGLE H7 20
PLAGE H4 22 roocatcher
On 2nd draw, (B)AGUETTE 5G 66 --- BAGUETTE a rectangular gemstone [n]
Other tops: TUTE(L)AGE 5C 66
Other moves: TUTEL(A)GE 8D 59, T(R)EAGUE 5E 28, GE(S)TE 10F 20, GUTT(A)E G3 20, EGE(S)T 10E 18
GU(S)T 10F 17 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, WEED 4K 30 --- WEED to remove weeds (undesirable plants) [v]
Other tops: DEAW 4K 30
Other moves: WATERED M3 28, WAURED N1 28, WEARED N1 28, WAUR 4K 27, WEAR 4K 27
WEED 4K 30 roocatcher
On 4th draw, STARRED O5 83 --- STAR to shine as a star (a natural luminous body visible in the sky) [v]
Other moves: DARTERS 10B 74, DARTRES 10B 74, STARRED 10H 74, RETARDS 10B 72, TRADERS 10B 72
STARRED O5 33 roocatcher
STARED O5 30 Chelsea
On 5th draw, FOLIA N10 48 --- FOLIUM a thin layer [n]
Other tops: FATAL N10 48
Other moves: ALOFT 3I 36, LOAF N7 34, ALF 3K 33, AFT 6M 32, LOFT 3J 32
FATAL N10 48 roocatcher, Chelsea
On 6th draw, UNBORE 15J 42 --- UNBEAR to free from the pressure of a rein [v]
Other moves: BIRO 15L 36, BORE 15L 36, BORN 15L 36, BURN 15L 36, INORB 3I 35
UNBORE 15J 42 roocatcher, sunshine12
OBI O13 21 Chelsea
On 7th draw, AZO M13 39 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: AZAN 14L 30, ZOA 3I 28, ZONAL 12J 28, ANNO 3K 27, ZAG I3 27
AZO M13 39 Chelsea
ZETA M3 26 roocatcher, Pacific
On 8th draw, TORPID 3J 41 --- TORPID a racing boat [n]
Other moves: OPTIC 3K 39, DROPT 3I 37, DORP 3J 33, PROD 3L 29, PIC 3M 28
DROPT 3I 37 roocatcher
POD 3M 26 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ENATION 14D 65 --- ENATION an outgrowth from the surface of an organ [n]
Other moves: ENATION G8 64, ENATION G9 62, NEGATION 7F 62, ATTUNE J2 19, AZAN 14L 19
NA 2N 17 roocatcher
TA 2N 17 sunshine12
TI 2N 17 Pacific
On 10th draw, MATH 15A 48 --- MATH mathematics [n]
Other tops: MOTH 15A 48
Other moves: OATH 15A 42, THAIM H11 42, ATOM 15A 34, TOOM 15A 34, HOMA 15A 33
MATH 15A 48 Chelsea, sunshine12, roocatcher
MOTH 15A 48 Pacific
On 11th draw, KAIN H12 39 --- KAIN a tax paid in produce or livestock [n]
Other moves: NABK 13F 36, BACK L10 31, BOCK L10 31, CABIN H11 30, COBIA H11 30
KAIN H12 39 Chelsea, Pacific, roocatcher
On 12th draw, OMEGA I8 26 --- OMEGA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: MEGA I9 23, MANO I9 22, MENO I9 22, MONA I9 22, NAAM 13F 22
NAAM 13F 22 roocatcher
On 13th draw, OF(F)ENDS L7 81 --- OFFEND to commit a violation [v]
Other moves: ENFO(L)DS L7 75, FOND(L)ES L7 75, FOND(U)ES L7 75, ENFO(L)DS 2D 74, FONDES(T) L7 74
DOF J8 37 Chelsea
FOE J10 37 roocatcher, sunshine12
DOF J10 31 Pacific
On 14th draw, LINSEY 10E 29 --- LINSEY a coarse fabric [n]
Other tops: VINY 13A 29
Other moves: SYLVIA B10 28, IVY 13B 27, VLY 13B 27, VULNS E11 26, UNIS J9 25
Y*D O1YID O1 21 sunshine12, Pacific, roocatcher
On 15th draw, BRICOLE E5 44 --- BRICOLE a cushion shot in billiards [n]
Other tops: CIBOULE E5 44
Other moves: URCEOLI E5 36, CRIB 13C 28, COURIE 13A 26, BE 2N 25, BI 2N 25
BO 2N 25 roocatcher
BE 2N 25 Pacific
On 16th draw, CAULS 12A 32 --- CAUL a fetal membrane [n]
Other moves: ULVAS 12A 30, VACS 12B 30, QUA D3 28, VASCULA B9 28, AQUA B12 26
QUA D3 28 roocatcher
AQUA B12 26 Pacific
On 17th draw, VROUW C9 30 --- VROUW a Dutch woman [n]
Other tops: ROQUE C9 30
Other moves: WE 2N 29, WO 2N 29, VIREO D1 28, VOIDEE N1 28, WE M7 23
WE 2N 29 Pacific, Chelsea
WED O1 21 roocatcher
On 18th draw, HEY M7 39 --- HEY to dance a country dance [v] --- HEY used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HYE M7 33, HE 2N 29, HI 2N 29, HEY 2I 25, YEH 2I 25
HEY M7 39 Chelsea
HI 2N 29 roocatcher
Y*D O1YID O1 21 Suincunx
HOX 7K 21 Pacific
On 19th draw, JUD O1 33 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: VID O1 21, JA B11 18, JA B14 18, JO 11B 18, OX 9E 18
JUD O1 33 LongJump22, Hammer22, Chelsea, Javelin22, roocatcher, ShotPut22, HighJump22, Discus22
JA B14 18 Pacific
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