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Game on October 9, 2022 at 16:45, 2 players
1. 215 pts shanice
2. 125 pts Pacific

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ademsy   H8    82    82   samoyed
 2. cfilnor   9B    68   150   fornical
 3. adfiltt   8A    34   184   fila
 4. aeekoru  12C    26   210   euroky
 5. gnooprt  11B    26   236   troop
 6. agosttu  15B   116   352   tautogs
 7. ceiistt  14H    84   436   dictiest
 8. adeinsv   O8   167   603   deviants
 9. ehilntu  14E    28   631   eh
10. ?adinrw   K7    72   703   handwrit
11. adgiitv  13A    26   729   avid
12. egjnopu   L4    34   763   jupon
13. aeegnoo   M4    29   792   agene
14. abeglor   N1    26   818   grab
15. ehilnrx   1H    36   854   herling
16. belotyz   2F    47   901   zlote
17. aeeimox   3C    37   938   moxa
18. beiquwy   4A    66  1004   quey

Remaining tiles: beeiw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6984 Fileshanice     1  9:49  -789  215     1.7739 Pacific     2  4:01  -879  125 
  2.7739 FilePacific     2  4:01  -879  125            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6984 shanice     1  9:49  -789  215 

On 1st draw, SAM(O)YED H8 82 --- SAMOYED any of a Siberian breed of medium-sized white or cream-colored sled dogs [n]
Other tops: DAYSME(N) H2 82, S(O)MEDAY H6 82
Other moves: DAYSME(N) H8 80, SAM(O)YED H2 80, S(O)MEDAY H2 80, DAYSME(N) H4 78, SAM(O)YED H6 78

On 2nd draw, FORNICAL 9B 68 --- FORNICAL pertaining to a fornix [adj] --- FORNIX an arched anatomical structure [adj]
Other moves: COINFER 13C 34, CONIFER 13C 34, CORNFLY 12B 30, CORNIFY 12B 30, FOIN G9 30

On 3rd draw, FILA 8A 34 --- FILUM a threadlike anatomical structure [n]
Other moves: FID 8A 29, DITA 8A 28, FLATTED 13C 28, FLITTED 13C 28, DAFTLY 12C 26
FILA 8A 34 Pacific

On 4th draw, EUROKY 12C 26 --- EUROKY the ability of an organism to live under variable conditions [n]
Other moves: KARO G11 25, KORA G11 25, KORE G11 25, OKRA G11 25, KAURY 12D 24

On 5th draw, TROOP 11B 26 --- TROOP to move or gather in crowds [v]
Other moves: PONGO 11A 25, TROGON 11A 25, NOOP 11C 24, POON 11C 24, POOT 11C 24

On 6th draw, TAUTOGS 15B 116 --- TAUTOG a marine fish [n]
Other moves: GOATS 15D 63, GOUTS 15D 63, GUTTAS 15C 63, OUTGAS 15C 63, TATOUS 15C 60

On 7th draw, DICTIEST 14H 84 --- DICTY snobbish [adj]
Other moves: (O)STEITIC 11H 68, DICIEST 14H 32, CESTI 13B 31, CITES 13B 31, SECT 13A 25

On 8th draw, DEVIANTS O8 167 --- DEVIANT one who deviates from the norm [n]
Other moves: DEVIANTS K8 74, ANDVILES I4 73, AVIDNESS N7 66, AVIDNESS N8 64, DAVITS O10 42

On 9th draw, EH 14E 28 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other tops: THEN 13L 28, THIN 13L 28, UH 14E 28
Other moves: INTEL 13B 27, ETH 13K 26, ETH 13A 24, HEN 13M 24, HIN 13M 24
EH 14E 28 Pacific
UH 14E 28 shanice

On 10th draw, (H)ANDWRIT K7 72 --- HANDWRIT written by hand [adj]
Other moves: W(A)RDIAN N3 69, WARDI(A)N N3 68, (B)AWD 13A 30, (D)AWD 13A 30, (G)AWD 13A 30
WIN 13M 24 shanice

On 11th draw, AVID 13A 26 --- AVID eager [adj]
Other tops: DIV 13A 26
Other moves: DATIVE M9 24, DAVIT L4 24, TAV 13A 24, VID 13B 24, VIGIA L4 24
GIVED M11 20 shanice

On 12th draw, JUPON L4 34 --- JUPON a tunic [n]
Other moves: JEON N6 32, JOE J6 29, JOE N6 29, JUN J6 29, GJU J5 28
JOE N6 29 Pacific
JO J6 26 shanice

On 13th draw, AGENE M4 29 --- AGENE a chemical compound used in bleaching flour [n]
Other tops: AGONE M4 29
Other moves: AGONE M2 27, AGEE M4 25, AGEN M4 25, AGON M4 25, GANE M3 25
GONE M3 25 shanice

On 14th draw, GRAB N1 26 --- GRAB to grasp suddenly [v]
Other tops: GARB N1 26, GLOB N1 26
Other moves: BERG N1 25, BLAG N1 25, BLOG N1 25, BRAG N1 25, BROG N1 25
GAB N2 24 shanice

On 15th draw, HERLING 1H 36 --- HERLING a young sea-trout [n]
Other moves: EX 13H 34, XI I13 34, HE N6 32, HEXER M11 30, HINGE 1K 30
XI I13 34 Pacific, shanice

On 16th draw, ZLOTE 2F 47 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: TOLZEY M10 36, BEZOAR D4 34, BEZEL M11 32, OYEZ M12 32, OYEZ 7D 29

On 17th draw, MOXA 3C 37 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: MAXI 3H 36, MAX 3H 35, EX 13H 34, XI I13 34, AIM 3F 28
XI I13 34 shanice

On 18th draw, QUEY 4A 66 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: QUEY 2A 41, QUEY M12 32, WE N6 32, WEY 4B 32, YEW 4B 32

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