Game on November 5, 2022 at 20:46, 16 players
1. 273 pts LongJump22
2. 198 pts Pacific
3. 154 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 6C 72 102
3. K1 35 137
4. 1F 27 164
5. E3 70 234
6. 8A 39 273
7. 8H 77 350
8. 4A 44 394
9. 11E 100 494
10. 2F 34 528
11. 10J 53 581
12. A8 95 676
13. 4K 32 708
14. 7M 44 752
15. O1 33 785
16. H10 42 827
17. F11 35 862
18. 6N 27 889
19. B11 24 913
20. 3I 22 935
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.6566 LongJump22 5 5:54 -662 273 1.8008 Pacific 2 6:55 -737 198
2.8008 Pacific 2 6:55 -737 198 2.8597 Quincunx 1 1:00 -891 44
3.7433 sunshine12 2 4:31 -781 154 3.8324 Octopus8 1 1:19 -891 44
4.7506 roocatcher 1 3:28 -851 84 4.8593 Zuincunx 1 1:40 -891 44
5.7437 GLOBEMAN 1 4:58 -851 84 5.8346 Buincunx 1 0:44 -902 33
6.8597 Quincunx 1 1:00 -891 44 Group: advanced
7.8324 Octopus8 1 1:19 -891 44 1.7433 sunshine12 2 4:31 -781 154
8.8593 Zuincunx 1 1:40 -891 44 2.7506 roocatcher 1 3:28 -851 84
9.6179 Discus22 0 1:46 -893 42 3.7437 GLOBEMAN 1 4:58 -851 84
10.6954 lazy.lion 1 2:44 -896 39 4.7249 bumpkin 0 0:56 -903 32
11.8346 Buincunx 1 0:44 -902 33 5.7450 mousecat 0 1:59 -925 10
12.7249 bumpkin 0 0:56 -903 32 Group: intermediate
13.6518 Hammer22 0 1:10 -916 19 1.6566 LongJump22 5 5:54 -662 273
14.6746 Javelin22 0 1:29 -916 19 2.6179 Discus22 0 1:46 -893 42
15.6430 ShotPut22 0 1:47 -916 19 3.6954 lazy.lion 1 2:44 -896 39
16.7450 mousecat 0 1:59 -925 10 4.6518 Hammer22 0 1:10 -916 19
5.6746 Javelin22 0 1:29 -916 19
6.6430 ShotPut22 0 1:47 -916 19
On 1st draw, FETWA H4 30 --- FETWA a religious decree of death [n]
Other moves: JAW H6 26, JAW H7 26, JAW H8 26, J*WJEW H6 26, J*WJEW H7 26
On 2nd draw, DESYATIN 6C 72 --- DESYATIN a Russian measurement of land [n]
Other moves: DENAYS 9C 28, DENSIFY 4C 28, SNIDEY 9H 27, YEADS G5 27, DAISY 9E 26
On 3rd draw, GAMMAS K1 35 --- GAMMA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: MAGMAS K1 35
Other moves: OMEGAS 5F 32, AMMOS K2 31, MAMAS K2 31, AGMAS K2 29, GAMAS K2 29
GAMMAS K1 35 Pacific
On 4th draw, ANALOGS 1F 27 --- ANALOG something that bears a resemblance to something else [n]
Other tops: LAGUNAS 1I 27, LANUGOS 1G 27
Other moves: AGONAL 1J 24, ALANGS 1G 24, LANUGO 1G 24, LOAN L2 24, LONGAS 1H 24
On 5th draw, BOISERIE E3 70 --- BOISERIE wood paneling on a wall [n]
Other moves: OBOE J1 30, BEMIRE 3I 26, RIBA 2H 26, BEE 2F 25, BOI 2F 25
On 6th draw, ADVERB 8A 39 --- ADVERB a word used to modify the meaning of a verb, adjective, or other adverb [n]
Other moves: VAMPED 3I 36, PAVER 8A 33, BEAD D1 30, DABBED 3B 28, DAMPED 3I 28
On 7th draw, ALLANITE 8H 77 --- ALLANITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: ALLANITE A8 77
Other moves: TENAILLE 10D 62, ALLANITE A5 59, DIVALENT C6 28, SLAIN L1 26, SNAIL L1 26
On 8th draw, JUNCO 4A 44 --- JUNCO a small finch [n]
Other tops: JUM(B)LE 3I 44, JUNCO(S) 4A 44
Other moves: JE(A)N D1 43, JE(O)N D1 43, JU(N)CO 4A 42, J(U)NCO 4A 42, JEL(L)O 4A 38
J(O)E D4 37 Pacific
On 9th draw, SPU(R)I(A)E 11E 100 --- SPURIAE feathers of the bastard wing [n]
Other tops: SEPIU(M)(S) 11E 100, SI(R)UPE(D) 11E 100, SPI(C)U(L)E 11E 100, SPI(N)U(L)E 11E 100, SPUEI(N)(G) 11E 100, SPU(L)(Y)IE 11E 100, SPU(L)(Z)IE 11E 100, SPU(M)IE(R) 11E 100, SPU(N)(K)IE 11E 100, SUPI(N)E(S) 11E 100, SU(S)PI(R)E 11E 100, S(O)UPIE(R) 11E 100, S(T)IPU(L)E 11E 100
Other moves: (S)EPIU(M)S 11E 98, (S)UPI(N)ES 11E 98, (S)USPI(R)E 11E 98, EPUIS(E)(E) 11A 86, PUIS(N)E(S) 11B 86
SUPI(N)E(S) 11E 50 Pacific
On 10th draw, WENA 2F 34 --- WENA you (Zulu) [pron]
Other moves: WAD 2F 33, WED 2F 33, PAWED 10J 32, PAWNED 10J 31, WAE 2F 31
On 11th draw, FOREX 10J 53 --- FOREX short for foreign exchange [n]
Other moves: FOREX 12K 51, OXER 7L 42, VOMER 3I 38, FOX 9M 37, EX 7L 36
OXER 7L 42 LongJump22, Discus22
On 12th draw, AUTOPTIC A8 95 --- AUTOPTIC relating to an autopsy [adj]
Other moves: COMPT 3I 36, T(R)OPIC H10 30, CIT 9M 28, CUT 9M 28, PICOTITE M3 28
CUT 9M 28 sunshine12
PIT 7M 19 LongJump22, ShotPut22
PUT 7M 19 Hammer22, Javelin22
On 13th draw, MELIK 4K 32 --- MELIK the head of a village [n]
Other moves: EKE 7L 27, KEN 7M 27, KIN 7M 27, KIR 7M 27, (R)EINK H11 27
KEN 7M 27 LongJump22
TINKLER 13A 24 sunshine12
On 14th draw, QI 7M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: YIRK O1 33, YORK O1 33, NORK O1 24, OINK O1 24, RINK O1 24
QI 7M 44 LongJump22, Pacific, Quincunx, Octopus8, Zuincunx, sunshine12
On 15th draw, HOOK O1 33 --- HOOK to catch with a hook (a bent piece of metal) [v]
Other tops: HOOD B11 33
Other moves: HOOT B11 29, TOCHERED D2 28, DOOK O1 27, DORK O1 27, GOOK O1 27
HOOK O1 33 LongJump22, Buincunx, sunshine12
On 16th draw, D(R)YING H10 42 --- DRY to remove the moisture from [v] --- DRYING the act of drying [n]
Other moves: T(R)YING H10 39, (R)IDGY H11 30, ATONY 5K 29, (R)INDY H11 27, ONY 5M 25
D(R)YING H10 42 LongJump22
OY N1 25 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
YO 2N 10 mousecat
On 17th draw, PREZ F11 35 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other tops: PUTZ F11 35
Other moves: ZIT N6 32, PREZ 12A 30, PUTZ 12A 30, ZHO 2M 30, ZITHER 13G 29
PUTZ F11 35 LongJump22
ZIT N6 32 bumpkin, roocatcher, Pacific, GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, HO 6N 27 --- HO a prostitute -- usually taken to be offensive [n] --- HO to stop [v] --- HO used to express surprise [interj]
Other tops: HE 6N 27
Other moves: EH N1 25, ETH B13 25, GHI N2 25, HOME 3I 25, OH N1 25
HO 6N 27 LongJump22, GLOBEMAN
HE 6N 27 roocatcher
On 19th draw, ROED B11 24 --- ROED containing roe [adj]
Other moves: VUM 3I 22, EVE 7C 21, BED 3E 20, ZONED 14F 19, IODURET 13H 18
ED N1 17 lazy.lion
NU 14H 2 LongJump22
On 20th draw, VUM 3I 22 --- VUM to vow [v] --- VUM used to express surprise [interj]
Other moves: UG N1 17, RUG 11M 15, TUG 11M 15, ERUV M10 14, GUM 3I 14
VUM 3I 22 lazy.lion
NU 14H 2 LongJump22
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