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Game on November 6, 2022 at 08:09, 6 players
1. 297 pts roocatcher
2. 255 pts fatcat
3. 243 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adghioy   H4    32    32   hyoid
 2. aeiiprr   8A    86   118   prairied
 3. dfinors   I3    32   150   fiord
 4. ?aoorty   A8    89   239   potatory
 5. aaeegnt   E4    86   325   tagareen
 6. aegoost  14A    76   401   rootages
 7. aegiprx  15G    42   443   xi
 8. eeknstw   J2    48   491   weeks
 9. deilnsu   C5    61   552   unsailed
10. aaeehlp  13E    36   588   pah
11. ?bejlmu   D1    46   634   jube
12. celnosu  11E    70   704   nucleons
13. aeimnru   L5    72   776   aneurism
14. ?afinqt   8K    48   824   quoif
15. beilmnt   1A    39   863   benj
16. agmortv   2A    28   891   amour
17. deiltvw  10J    31   922   weid
18. acilttv  15E    25   947   taxitic

Remaining tiles: gllntvvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7501 Fileroocatcher  4 10:18  -650  297     1.7501 roocatcher  4 10:18  -650  297 
  2.6609 Filefatcat      1 10:30  -692  255     2.7427 sunshine12  3  8:58  -704  243 
  3.7427 Filesunshine12  3  8:58  -704  243     3.7429 GLOBEMAN    3  6:27  -737  210 
  4.7429 FileGLOBEMAN    3  6:27  -737  210     4.7249 bumpkin     3  7:02  -761  186 
  5.7249 Filebumpkin     3  7:02  -761  186     5.7450 mousecat    2  3:45  -818  129 
  6.7450 Filemousecat    2  3:45  -818  129            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6609 fatcat      1 10:30  -692  255 

On 1st draw, HYOID H4 32 --- HYOID a bone of the tongue [n]
Other tops: HOAGY H4 32, HOAGY H8 32
Other moves: HYOID H8 28, HOAGY H5 24, HOAGY H6 24, HOAGY H7 24, HYOID H5 24

On 2nd draw, PRAIRIED 8A 86 --- PRAIRIED having prairie land [adj]
Other moves: PERRADII 8C 62, RAPIER I1 23, HARPER 4H 22, PAIRER G7 22, PRAYER 5E 22

On 3rd draw, FIORD I3 32 --- FIORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n]
Other moves: INSOFAR C3 30, SNIDER G4 27, SONDER G4 27, ODS 9F 26, ORF I5 26

On 4th draw, PO(T)ATORY A8 89 --- POTATORY pertaining to drinking [adj]
Other moves: POTA(T)ORY A8 86, ROTA(T)ORY B8 74, RO(G)ATORY B2 74, RO(T)ATORY B2 74, (M)ORATORY B2 74
YEAR G7 23 sunshine12

On 5th draw, TAGAREEN E4 86 --- TAGAREEN (English dialect) a scrap dealer's store [n]
Other moves: TAGAREEN B4 72, AGENE B10 30, ETNA J3 28, GAEN J2 26, TANAGER B2 24
AGENE B10 30 sunshine12, roocatcher

On 6th draw, ROOTAGES 14A 76 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other moves: GAES J2 26, GATS J2 26, GETS J2 26, GEATS J1 25, GOATS J1 25
GETS J2 26 roocatcher

On 7th draw, XI 15G 42 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: APEX 13F 36, EXPIRE 10E 33, PAX 13G 32, PIX 13G 32, AXE J1 31
XI 15G 42 roocatcher

On 8th draw, WEEKS J2 48 --- WEEK a period of seven days [n]
Other moves: KEENS J2 43, TWEENS J1 41, WEEK J2 40, WEENS J2 40, WEEST J2 40
WEEKS J2 48 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 9th draw, UNSAILED C5 61 --- UNSAILED unnavigated [adj]
Other moves: LENDS K1 53, LEUDS K1 53, ENDS K2 51, EDS K3 44, UDS K3 44
WINED 2J 18 fatcat

On 10th draw, PAH 13E 36 --- PAH a Maori settlement [n] --- PAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: ALPHA 13F 34, AAH 13E 32, LAH 13E 32, HAP F10 31, HEP F10 31
PAH 13E 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
WHELP 2J 26 fatcat

On 11th draw, JUBE D1 46 --- JUBE a platform in a church [n]
Other moves: J(I)BE D1 44, J(O)BE D1 44, J(U)BE D1 44, JUB(A) D1 42, JUB(E) D1 42
JUMB(O) B1 31 roocatcher, sunshine12
ME F10 22 fatcat

On 12th draw, NUCLEONS 11E 70 --- NUCLEON a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: LOUSE K1 50, JOUNCE 1D 45, JUNCOS 1D 45, JUCOS 1D 42, JUNCO 1D 42
JONES 1D 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
JOLES 1D 36 fatcat

On 13th draw, ANEURISM L5 72 --- ANEURISM dilatation of an artery [n]
Other moves: JUMAR 1D 42, MAINER 10J 30, MAIRE 10J 29, MAURI 10J 29, AMIE 10I 28
MAINER 10J 30 bumpkin
MAIN 10J 26 fatcat
MEAN 10J 26 mousecat

On 14th draw, QU(O)IF 8K 48 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other tops: QUAF(F) 8K 48, QUA(F)F 8K 48, QUIF(F) 8K 48, QUI(F)F 8K 48
Other moves: FANJ(E)T 1A 45, FINJA(N) 1A 45, FI(N)JAN 1A 45, QUANT 8K 42, QUINA 8K 42
QU(O)IF 8K 48 bumpkin, mousecat, roocatcher
QUIF(F) 8K 48 fatcat

On 15th draw, BENJ 1A 39 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: MEINT 10J 27, BITUMEN 2A 26, WIMBLE 2J 26, BEIN 10J 24, MEIN 10J 24
BENJ 1A 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, bumpkin
BONE J10 12 fatcat

On 16th draw, AMOUR 2A 28 --- AMOUR a love affair [n]
Other moves: MOIRA 10J 27, ARM 10H 25, MOORVA J10 25, MAIR 10J 24, MAXI 15E 24
MOIT 10J 24 bumpkin
MAIR 10J 24 mousecat
AM 2A 20 fatcat

On 17th draw, WEID 10J 31 --- WEID a sudden illness [n]
Other moves: LEWD K1 30, WEIL 10J 30, WEIRD 9I 30, TWIRED 9I 28, VEXIL 15E 27
WEID 10J 31 mousecat, bumpkin
VIEW M2 25 fatcat

On 18th draw, TAXITIC 15E 25 --- TAXITE a volcanic rock [adj] --- TAXITIC pertaining to taxite [adj]
Other moves: CAVIL M1 22, CLAVI M1 22, FECIAL 3I 22, VET G7 22, VLEI G6 21
VET G7 22 fatcat
ACT M12 14 bumpkin

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