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Game on November 16, 2022 at 07:40, 2 players
1. 273 pts Chelsea
2. 255 pts babsbedi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abehow   H2    86    86   bowhead
 2. ?iistuz   6B    88   174   tuilzies
 3. bdegotv   I3    27   201   doest
 4. aegiruv   5H    26   227   heavier
 5. adnossv   9E    26   253   sovs
 6. aaenrty   N1    34   287   artery
 7. aefinpr   O1    52   339   neif
 8. eiopsuy   8A    49   388   pioyes
 9. iklmnor   C8    32   420   omikron
10. aefghqt  10B    31   451   qi
11. aeiopru  11A    33   484   pikau
12. efglmnu   O6    35   519   engulf
13. adelorw  A11    36   555   pawed
14. acdegru   L1    28   583   cadgier
15. ahijlnt   2D    33   616   hijab
16. aelnorx   1A    54   670   relax
17. aeelntu  12C    20   690   rental
18. bdegior  13G    91   781   bodgier
19. lmnootu  12K    22   803   moon

Remaining tiles: clnttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7453 FileChelsea     2  9:06  -530  273     1.7453 Chelsea     2  9:06  -530  273 
  2.6793 Filebabsbedi    1 11:20  -548  255            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6793 babsbedi    1 11:20  -548  255 

On 1st draw, BOWHEA(D) H2 86 --- BOWHEAD an arctic whale [n]
Other moves: BOWHEA(D) H4 84, BOWHEA(D) H3 80, BOWHEA(D) H7 80, BOWHEA(D) H8 80, BOWHEA(D) H5 78

On 2nd draw, TUI(L)ZIES 6B 88 --- TUILZIE to struggle [v]
Other moves: SUBITIZ(E) 2F 72, SU(B)ITIZE 6A 70, UTI(L)IZES 6B 70, U(N)ITIZES 6B 70, ZOISIT(E) 3G 52

On 3rd draw, DOEST I3 27 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other moves: HOTBED 5H 26, HOVED 5H 26, BOGIED D3 24, OBE I2 24, VOGUED C3 24

On 4th draw, HEAVIER 5H 26 --- HEAVY having much weight [adj]
Other tops: VAG J2 26, VEG J2 26
Other moves: UVAE J1 25, HEAVER 5H 24, VAE J2 24, HEAVE 5H 22, HEVEA 5H 22

On 5th draw, SOVS 9E 26 --- SOV sovereign [n]
Other tops: SAVS 9E 26
Other moves: VASA J2 25, NOVAS 9D 24, SOVRANS N2 24, VIANDS L4 24, AVOS 9E 23

On 6th draw, ARTERY N1 34 --- ARTERY a vessel that carries blood away from the heart [n]
Other moves: ENTRY N2 32, RETRY N2 32, TARRY N2 32, TEARY N2 32, TERRY N2 32

On 7th draw, NEIF O1 52 --- NEIF the fist or hand [n]
Other tops: REIF O1 52
Other moves: PERFIN 8A 49, FRAPE 8A 41, FIREPAN 1I 39, FRAP 1L 39, PREIF 10B 39

On 8th draw, PIOYES 8A 49 --- PIOYE a home-made firework [n]
Other moves: PIOYE 8A 44, POYSE 8A 35, SEPOY 10B 35, UPSEY O6 35, ESPY O6 32

On 9th draw, OMIKRON C8 32 --- OMIKRON a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: KIRIMON L4 32, MIRKILY D2 32
Other moves: MORKIN L1 30, OINK O6 29, KILIM L4 28, KIRIMON L2 28, MIKRON L4 26

On 10th draw, QI 10B 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FAH G1 28, KHAF 11C 28, FAE D10 27, EATH O6 26, FIGHT L4 26
QI 10B 31 babsbedi, Chelsea

On 11th draw, PIKAU 11A 33 --- PIKAU (Maori) a rucksack [n]
Other tops: PIKER 11A 33
Other moves: UNRIPE 14B 28, UNROPE 14B 28, OPERA O6 26, UNRIP 14B 26, APER O6 23
OPERA O6 26 Chelsea
APER O6 23 babsbedi

On 12th draw, ENGULF O6 35 --- ENGULF to swallow up completely [v]
Other moves: FLEMING L1 34, FLUMING L1 34, FULMINE L1 32, REGNUM 12C 31, FUELING L1 30
FLEMING L1 34 babsbedi
PLUME A11 30 Chelsea

On 13th draw, PAWED A11 36 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other moves: ENDOW 14B 34, PAWER A11 33, POWER A11 33, POWRE A11 33, PROWL A11 33
PAWED A11 36 Chelsea
PROWL A11 33 babsbedi

On 14th draw, CADGIER L1 28 --- CADGY cheerful [adj]
Other moves: REGARD 12C 27, CARDIE L1 24, GAUCIER L1 24, GRICED L3 24, RAGDE 5A 24
CAD G1 19 Chelsea
CUDGE(L) E1 18 babsbedi

On 15th draw, HIJAB 2D 33 --- HIJAB a head covering worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: JA J2 29, HAJ D13 28, HAJI D3 28, JAB 2F 28, JIB 2F 28
JA J2 29 babsbedi, Chelsea

On 16th draw, RELAX 1A 54 --- RELAX to make less tense or rigid [v]
Other moves: NOXAL 1A 47, AXLE 1A 42, AXLE 5B 37, AXE J1 30, AXON 3B 29
AXE J1 30 babsbedi
SOX F8 26 Chelsea

On 17th draw, RENTAL 12C 20 --- RENTAL an amount paid or collected as rent [n]
Other tops: RATEEN 12C 20, RETUNE 12C 20
Other moves: ANODE 3F 19, ALOD 3F 18, LEAVE K2 18, ANTE 5B 16, LAITY D4 16
EATEN N11 15 Chelsea
ELAN N11 13 babsbedi

On 18th draw, BODGIER 13G 91 --- BODGIE useless or fraudulent [adj]
Other moves: BEGIRD 11G 26, BODGER 13G 24, BODGIE 13G 24, BOGIED 13G 24, GLOBE H11 24
BODGIER 13G 41 Chelsea
GLOBE H11 24 babsbedi

On 19th draw, MOON 12K 22 --- MOON to wander about listlessly [v]
Other tops: MOOL 12K 22, MOOT 12K 22
Other moves: LOOM 12K 20, MOL 12L 20, MON 12L 20, MOO 12K 20, MOO 12L 20
MOO 12L 20 Chelsea, babsbedi

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