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Game on November 27, 2022 at 16:41, 14 players
1. 234 pts LongJump22
2. 215 pts Pacific
3. 78 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ainort   H7    64    64   oration
 2. deentuw  10D    72   136   unwetted
 3. aegnort  13H    70   206   negatron
 4. aentuwy   M7    69   275   unwatery
 5. eilotux   N9    58   333   exo
 6. ?cdeeiu   E5    90   423   audience
 7. aaeprry   O6    55   478   prayer
 8. eijlrst   5I    90   568   jilters
 9. abdinoo   8A    30   598   bindi
10. cdehirv  12A    36   634   chived
11. afkmoqv   G7    37   671   moke
12. abeloqr  C11    32   703   qibla
13. eghimsv  15A    48   751   shavie
14. aiilpst   C1    72   823   tailspin
15. aefnouz   1A    78   901   futz
16. aeginoo   I7    26   927   gait
17. afgoors  14I    46   973   forays
18. aeglnoo   K2    61  1034   gallooned

Remaining tiles: emo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6620 FileLongJump22  2  5:42  -800  234     1.8326 Pacific     1  5:55  -819  215 
  2.8326 FilePacific     1  5:55  -819  215     2.8271 Octopus8    0  2:57  -962   72 
  3.7751 FileMycophot    1  1:22  -956   78     3.8588 Quincunx    0  4:15  -962   72 
  4.7870 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:39  -956   78     4.8062 Nibbler     0  2:22  -984   50 
  5.7785 Filequeen66     1  1:54  -956   78     5.8480 Cuincunx    0  0:12 -1014   20 
  6.8271 FileOctopus8    0  2:57  -962   72     6.8326 Zuincunx    0  1:42 -1014   20 
  7.8588 FileQuincunx    0  4:15  -962   72            Group: advanced
  8.8062 FileNibbler     0  2:22  -984   50     1.7751 Mycophot    1  1:22  -956   78 
  9.6830 FileHammer22    1  1:10  -986   48     2.7870 moonmonkey  1  1:39  -956   78 
 10.6687 FileDiscus22    1  1:32  -986   48     3.7785 queen66     1  1:54  -956   78 
 11.6937 FileShotPut22   1  1:53  -986   48            Group: intermediate
 12.6968 FileJavelin22   0  1:15  -992   42     1.6620 LongJump22  2  5:42  -800  234 
 13.8480 FileCuincunx    0  0:12 -1014   20     2.6830 Hammer22    1  1:10  -986   48 
 14.8326 FileZuincunx    0  1:42 -1014   20     3.6687 Discus22    1  1:32  -986   48 
                                             4.6937 ShotPut22   1  1:53  -986   48 
                                             5.6968 Javelin22   0  1:15  -992   42 

On 1st draw, (O)RATION H7 64 --- ORATION a formal speech [n]
Other tops: AROINT(S) H2 64, AROINT(S) H3 64, AROINT(S) H4 64, AROINT(S) H7 64, AROINT(S) H8 64, ATRO(P)IN H2 64, ATRO(P)IN H3 64, ATRO(P)IN H4 64, ATRO(P)IN H6 64, ATRO(P)IN H7 64, ORATIN(G) H2 64, ORATIN(G) H3 64, ORATIN(G) H4 64, ORATIN(G) H7 64, ORATIN(G) H8 64, ORATI(O)N H2 64, ORATI(O)N H3 64, ORATI(O)N H4 64, ORATI(O)N H6 64, ORATI(O)N H8 64, ORT(H)IAN H2 64, ORT(H)IAN H3 64, ORT(H)IAN H4 64, ORT(H)IAN H6 64, ORT(H)IAN H7 64, ORT(H)IAN H8 64, OTARIN(E) H2 64, OTARIN(E) H3 64, OTARIN(E) H4 64, OTARIN(E) H7 64, OTARIN(E) H8 64, RAINO(U)T H2 64, RAINO(U)T H3 64, RAINO(U)T H4 64, RAINO(U)T H6 64, RAINO(U)T H8 64, RATION(S) H2 64, RATION(S) H3 64, RATION(S) H4 64, RATION(S) H7 64, RATION(S) H8 64, ROATIN(G) H2 64, ROATIN(G) H3 64, ROATIN(G) H4 64, ROATIN(G) H7 64, ROATIN(G) H8 64, TA(B)ORIN H3 64, TA(B)ORIN H4 64, TA(B)ORIN H6 64, TA(B)ORIN H7 64, TA(B)ORIN H8 64, TOR(M)INA H2 64, TOR(M)INA H3 64, TOR(M)INA H4 64, TOR(M)INA H6 64, TOR(M)INA H7 64, TOR(M)INA H8 64, TRIA(X)ON H2 64, TRIA(X)ON H3 64, TRIA(X)ON H4 64, TRIA(X)ON H6 64, TRIA(X)ON H7 64, (C)AROTIN H2 64, (C)AROTIN H3 64, (C)AROTIN H6 64, (C)AROTIN H7 64, (C)AROTIN H8 64, (C)ORTINA H2 64, (C)ORTINA H3 64, (C)ORTINA H6 64, (C)ORTINA H7 64, (C)ORTINA H8 64, (D)IATRON H2 64, (D)IATRON H3 64, (D)IATRON H6 64, (D)IATRON H7 64, (D)IATRON H8 64, (J)ANITOR H2 64, (J)ANITOR H3 64, (J)ANITOR H6 64, (J)ANITOR H7 64, (J)ANITOR H8 64, (O)RATION H2 64, (O)RATION H3 64, (O)RATION H6 64, (O)RATION H8 64, (W)AITRON H2 64, (W)AITRON H3 64, (W)AITRON H6 64, (W)AITRON H7 64, (W)AITRON H8 64
Other moves: AROINT(S) H5 62, AROINT(S) H6 62, ATRO(P)IN H5 62, ATRO(P)IN H8 62, ORATIN(G) H5 62

On 2nd draw, UNWETTED 10D 72 --- UNWETTED not wetted [adj] --- WET to impregnate with liquid [adj]
Other moves: UNWETTED 10C 68, DETINUE 11E 32, NEWED I7 32, ENDEW I5 30, NEWED G5 30
TWINED 11F 20 Pacific

On 3rd draw, NEGATRON 13H 70 --- NEGATRON an electron [n]
Other tops: NEGATRON 13A 70
Other moves: NEGATRON E3 68, NEGATOR I1 63, REGNANT E5 32, TORNADE K5 32, NORTENA E5 28

On 4th draw, UNWATERY M7 69 --- UNWATERY not watery [adj]
Other moves: UNWATERY 8B 68, TAWNEY O10 48, WANEY O11 36, WANTY O11 36, WENNY O11 36

On 5th draw, EXO N9 58 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX N9 55, OX N9 55, XI N10 52, LINUX 8K 39, LINUX O11 39
EXO N9 58 Pacific

On 6th draw, (A)UDIENCE E5 90 --- AUDIENCE a group of listeners or spectators [n]
Other moves: (R)EINDUCE E7 70, DECURIE(S) 8D 62, (P)EDICURE 8B 62, CUD(G)ERIE 8C 61, CUI(T)ERED 8C 61
CIDE(R) O7 40 Pacific

On 7th draw, PRAYER O6 55 --- PRAYER a devout petition to a deity [n]
Other moves: PAYER O7 52, PRYER O7 52, PYE O8 43, APERY O5 39, PARRY O5 39
PAYER O7 52 Pacific

On 8th draw, JILTERS 5I 90 --- JILTER one that jilts [n]
Other moves: JILTERS 14B 89, JILTERS G1 68, JILTERS I1 68, JETES G7 44, JESTER 12A 42

On 9th draw, BINDI 8A 30 --- BINDI a dot worn on the forehead by women in India [n]
Other moves: BOYO 14K 28, ABODE G6 26, ADO 6I 26, ADOBE G6 26, BAND D12 26

On 10th draw, CHIVED 12A 36 --- CHIVE to knife [v]
Other moves: DICH D12 34, HIVED D1 34, CHIVE D1 33, HECTOR 11J 33, CHIVE 12A 32

On 11th draw, MOKE G7 37 --- MOKE a donkey [n]
Other tops: KAME G7 37, MAKE G7 37
Other moves: ATOK L12 35, OF 6I 35, FA 6J 28, KHAF B11 28, MAYO 14K 28
OF 6I 35 LongJump22

On 12th draw, QIBLA C11 32 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other tops: BOHEA B10 32
Other moves: BAYE 14K 28, JOBE I5 28, ACERB A11 27, ABET I7 26, ABHOR B10 24
JOBE I5 28 LongJump22

On 13th draw, SHAVIE 15A 48 --- SHAVIE a trick or prank [n]
Other moves: SHAVE 15A 45, MICHES A10 39, SHAME 15A 39, CHIV A12 36, SHAM 15A 36
SHAVIE 15A 48 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
SHAVE 15A 45 Pacific

On 14th draw, TAILSPIN C1 72 --- TAILSPIN the spiral descent of a stalled airplane [n] --- TAILSPIN to spin headlong down toward earth [v]
Other moves: PASTIL 14F 42, PISTIL 14F 42, APTS 14E 31, PAST 14F 31, PAST I7 30
PASTIL 14F 42 LongJump22, Javelin22

On 15th draw, FUTZ 1A 78 --- FUTZ to spend time aimlessly [v]
Other moves: ZOEA B2 54, AZO B1 50, ZOA B2 50, ZONATE L1 50, ZA I7 47
FUTZ 1A 78 LongJump22, Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66

On 16th draw, GAIT I7 26 --- GAIT to train a horse to move in a particular way [v]
Other tops: GEIT I7 26
Other moves: IGNARO N1 24, NAOI 2B 23, ONIE 6I 23, AGE F5 22, GENRO N2 22
FUTZING 1A 20 Octopus8
ANI 6I 20 Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 17th draw, FORAYS 14I 46 --- FORAY to raid [v]
Other moves: FAS 14F 34, POUFS 6C 29, FA 6J 28, FAGOTS L1 28, OF 14E 28
FAS 14F 34 Nibbler
FA 6J 28 Octopus8, Quincunx
IFS J5 20 Cuincunx
(A)R 5E 1 LongJump22

On 18th draw, GALLOONED K2 61 --- GALLOONED [adj]
Other moves: GAOL 2B 27, AGEE 12J 24, GENRO N2 22, NEGRO N2 22, ALEE 12J 21
AGEE 12J 24 Octopus8, Quincunx
LEG F4 16 Nibbler
LA K5 2 LongJump22

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