Game on December 16, 2022 at 20:25, 7 players
1. 155 pts Pacific
2. 103 pts LongJump22
3. 32 pts Hammer22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. ![a](./l/a1.png)
H8 26 26 ![y](./l/y1.png)
2. ![d](./l/d1.png)
I9 80 106 ![m](./l/m1.png)
3. ![a](./l/a1.png)
15I 48 154 ![t](./l/t1.png)
4. ![a](./l/a1.png)
N10 38 192 ![f](./l/f1.png)
5. ![a](./l/a1.png)
O7 56 248 ![j](./l/j1.png)
6. ![a](./l/a1.png)
13C 74 322 ![s](./l/s1.png)
7. ![a](./l/a1.png)
L8 78 400 ![c](./l/c1.png)
8. ![f](./l/f1.png)
12A 39 439 ![g](./l/g1.png)
9. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
A8 140 579 ![r](./l/r1.png)
10. ![a](./l/a1.png)
G3 74 653 ![l](./l/l1.png)
11. ![a](./l/a1.png)
K9 32 685 ![p](./l/p1.png)
12. ![a](./l/a1.png)
F6 33 718 ![b](./l/b1.png)
13. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
4F 80 798 ![d](./l/d1.png)
14. ![e](./l/e1.png)
2F 33 831 ![k](./l/k1.png)
15. ![a](./l/a1.png)
1K 38 869 ![a](./l/a1.png)
16. ![b](./l/b1.png)
3L 43 912 ![z](./l/z1.png)
17. ![i](./l/i1.png)
5I 28 940 ![i](./l/i1.png)
18. ![a](./l/a1.png)
3C 36 976 ![q](./l/q1.png)
Remaining tiles: ![i](./l/i1.png)
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Pacific 1 4:17 -821 155 1.8227 Pacific 1 4:17 -821 155
LongJump22 2 3:28 -873 103 Group: intermediate
Hammer22 0 0:42 -944 32 1.6508 LongJump22 2 3:28 -873 103
Discus22 0 1:01 -944 32 2.6511 Hammer22 0 0:42 -944 32
5. -
Javelin22 0 1:23 -944 32 3.6830 Discus22 0 1:01 -944 32
ShotPut22 0 1:40 -944 32 4.6441 ShotPut22 0 1:40 -944 32
HighJump22 0 0:26 -949 27 5.6403 HighJump22 0 0:26 -949 27
Group: not rated
1. - Javelin22 0 1:23 -944 32
On 1st draw, YEX H8 26 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other tops: YEX H6 26, YEX H7 26
Other moves: YARER H4 24, EAUX H5 22, EAUX H6 22, EAUX H7 22, EAUX H8 22
On 2nd draw, MILDEST I9 80 --- MILD gentle in temper and disposition [adj]
Other tops: MISTLED I9 80
Other moves: MISTLED I3 76, DEMIST I7 35, DEMITS I7 35, DEMIT I7 34, EMITS I8 31
On 3rd draw, THEGNLY 15I 48 --- THEGN a king's companion in Anglo-Saxon England [adj] --- THEGNLY pertaining to a thegn [adj]
Other tops: EATHLY 15G 48
Other moves: HAGLET 15D 42, LENGTHY 15E 42, SHALEY 14I 40, ALENGTH 15D 36, ETHYL 15H 36
LENGTHY 15E 42 Pacific
On 4th draw, FECIAL N10 38 --- FECIAL a priest of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: JAXIE 10F 37, FINJAN M10 32, JANE J6 32, FIANCEE 13C 30, FACIEND 12C 28
JAXIE 10F 37 Pacific
On 5th draw, JAWED O7 56 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JAW G7 42, JADE O7 41, JEAT O8 40, JAXIE 10F 37, JAWED M7 36
JEAT O8 40 Pacific
On 6th draw, SHARNIER 13C 74 --- SHARNY dungy [adj]
Other moves: SHH J13 32, SIRRAH G4 31, SINH G6 29, NAH G7 28, RAH G7 28
On 7th draw, CATERING L8 78 --- CATER to provide food and service for [v]
Other tops: CREATING L8 78
Other moves: REACTING L8 74, CARINATE E8 70, CRANIATE E8 70, CERATIN G2 66, CERTAIN G2 66
On 8th draw, GROUF 12A 39 --- GROUF the face [n]
Other moves: GROUP 12A 36, POUF 12B 35, PROF G6 31, UFO 12D 29, NOUP 12B 28
On 9th draw, RET(A)GGED A8 140 --- RETAG to tag again [v]
Other moves: RET(A)GGED A7 80, DETERG(E)R B5 65, DET(E)RGER B5 65, D(E)TERGE J3 65, DETERG(E) J3 64
On 10th draw, LEVATOR G3 74 --- LEVATOR a muscle that raises an organ or part [n]
Other moves: OVERFAT E8 26, VEXIL 10F 25, LEVELED 11I 22, LEVERED 11I 22, LOVERED 11I 22
On 11th draw, PEPO K9 32 --- PEPO a fruit having a fleshy interior and a hard rind [n]
Other tops: PAPE K9 32
Other moves: PAT F6 29, PET F6 29, PAP K9 28, PEP K9 28, EPOPT 2G 26
On 12th draw, BAM F6 33 --- BAM to strike with a dull resounding noise [v]
Other tops: BUM F6 33
Other moves: VAW F2 24, MAWR B9 23, BA F6 22, MA F6 22, MU F6 22
On 13th draw, DEVONIA(N) 4F 80 --- DEVONIAN relating to a type of rock formed in the fourth period of the Palaeozoic era. [adj]
Other tops: DEVO(N)IAN 4F 80
Other moves: NO(N)VALID 3B 76, (N)ONVALID 3B 76, NA(E)VOID 2E 74, VINDAL(O)O 3B 74, VINDALO(O) 3B 72
On 14th draw, KELSON 2F 33 --- KELSON a beam in a ship [n]
Other moves: KENOS 2F 32, SLOKEN 2C 31, LOKES 2D 30, SNOKE 2C 30, SOKEN 2D 30
On 15th draw, AWETO 1K 38 --- AWETO a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: QAT E5 32, WATE 5I 27, WETA 5I 27, WOOT 5I 27, TOWEL 3C 24
QAT E5 32 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 16th draw, ZOBU 3L 43 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZOS 3L 37, ZO 3L 35, ZOS E5 32, ZO E5 27, ZOBOS C9 26
ZOBU 3L 43 LongJump22
ZO E5 27 HighJump22
On 17th draw, IONS 5I 28 --- ION an electrically charged atom [n]
Other moves: ONS 5J 24, UNS 5J 24, OS 5K 20, SON 5L 17, SOU 5L 17
IONS 5I 28 LongJump22
On 18th draw, QUAIL 3C 36 --- QUAIL to cower [v]
Other moves: QAT E5 32, DIQUAT 15A 17, AI 1H 14, TUFA E10 14, QUAT 7D 13
QUAIL 3C 36 Pacific
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