Game on January 4, 2023 at 15:36, 5 players
1. 177 pts LongJump22
2. 69 pts sicilianc5
3. 69 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


5E 90 114 


4A 23 137 


B2 78 215 


A7 49 264 


3H 36 300 


A1 35 335 


2I 40 375 


C6 28 403 


11A 27 430 


F10 42 472 


O1 92 564 


L5 68 632 


K10 33 665 


1D 52 717 


8K 51 768 


J13 57 825 


15E 48 873 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
LongJump22 2 1:27 -696 177 1.7455 sicilianc5 0 1:37 -804 69
sicilianc5 0 1:37 -804 69 2.7236 Mycophot 0 2:15 -804 69
Mycophot 0 2:15 -804 69 3.7203 queen66 0 2:55 -804 69
queen66 0 2:55 -804 69 Group: intermediate
5. -
IIIIII1119 1 0:44 -849 24 1.6459 LongJump22 2 1:27 -696 177
Group: not rated
1. - IIIIII1119 1 0:44 -849 24
On 1st draw, PORING H4 24 --- PORE to gaze intently [v]
Other tops: PIROGI H4 24, PROIGN H4 24
Other moves: PIING H4 22, PINGO H4 22, PIROG H4 22, PIROGI H8 22, PORING H7 22
On 2nd draw, DROOP(I)ER 5E 90 --- DROOPY drooping [adj]
Other moves: DORPER(S) 3B 79, DROPPER(S) 4D 74, DROPPER(S) 4E 74, DROOP(I)ER 5F 70, PRODRO(M)E 5C 70
On 3rd draw, GLIME 4A 23 --- GLIME to glance slyly [v]
Other tops: GLUME 4A 23
Other moves: GEUM 4J 22, MEU G7 22, GEUM G7 21, EMIGRE L1 20, MEG 4K 20
On 4th draw, SOLDIERY B2 78 --- SOLDIERY the military profession [n]
Other moves: DERISORY L3 76, DORIES 3C 40, RIDLEYS B1 38, RIDLEY B1 36, GRYDES A4 33
On 5th draw, WEFT A7 49 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other tops: WAFT A7 49
Other moves: FANE A7 37, FEAT A7 37, FENT A7 37, WANE A7 37, WANT A7 37
On 6th draw, SHOORA 3H 36 --- SHOORA an Islamic consultative law-making body [n]
Other moves: POSHO 4H 34, OHIAS C2 33, OHOS 3B 32, SHOORA 4J 30, OHIA C2 29
On 7th draw, CADGE A1 35 --- CADGE to get by begging [v]
Other moves: AW 2I 31, AIRCREW L1 26, CADRE F2 26, WADE 2K 26, WADI 2K 26
On 8th draw, UNHELE 2I 40 --- UNHELE to disclose [v]
Other tops: UHLAN 2I 40, UNHEAL 2I 40
Other moves: AH 2I 31, EH 2I 31, UH 2I 31, HAUL G7 27, HEAL G7 27
On 9th draw, OYE C6 28 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other tops: NYE C6 28
Other moves: AYE 1M 26, AYU 1M 26, ONERY 6J 25, YA C7 25, YE C7 25
On 10th draw, SWOUN 11A 27 --- SWOUN to faint [v]
Other tops: STOWN 11A 27
Other moves: VOWS D8 25, VOW D8 24, STOWN D8 23, SWOUN D8 23, SNOUT 11A 21
On 11th draw, ZEIN F10 42 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: ZEE F10 41, WEIZE B11 34, WINZE B11 34, WIZEN B11 34, IONIZE C10 30
On 12th draw, A(S)OCIAL O1 92 --- ASOCIAL avoiding the company of others [adj] --- ASOCIAL one that avoids the company of others [n]
Other moves: (M)AIOLICA 12D 74, A(S)OCIAL 14E 73, (D)IACONAL 13A 70, G(U)AIACOL 9H 63, (M)AIOLICA 7F 62
On 13th draw, RETINULA L5 68 --- RETINULA a neural receptor of an arthropod's eye [n]
Other moves: ALUNITE N7 61, DOLENT 3A 26, ENTAIL 12B 25, DOTAL 3A 24, ALUNITE 13C 18
On 14th draw, GAMBIT K10 33 --- GAMBIT a type of chess opening [n] --- GAMBIT to sacrifice in order to gain [v]
Other tops: TAMING M8 33
Other moves: GAMBIT M10 31, BIMA K8 30, BATING N6 29, GAMB K10 29, MATING N6 29
MATING N6 29 LongJump22, queen66
BATING N6 29 sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 15th draw, BARFED 1D 52 --- BARF to vomit [v]
Other moves: F*RT*DFARTED 1D 49, F*RT*DFARTED M8 42, DRAFTEE 6G 40, DRAFTER 6G 40, FIBRED 14J 40
FIBRED 14J 40 LongJump22, sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66
On 16th draw, VITAS 8K 51 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: SAVATE M8 40, ITAS 8L 39, AVAST M9 36, AVIATES 14I 36, TAVAS 14B 36
VITAS 8K 51 LongJump22
On 17th draw, AXE J13 57 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX J13 54, XI J14 52, TAXITE M10 45, TAXITE 15G 42, TETTIX 15H 42
AXE J13 57 LongJump22
On 18th draw, QUINTET 15E 48 --- QUINTET a group of five [n]
Other moves: QI G7 44, QUIET 15G 42, QUINT 13C 30, QUINT D10 28, TINK I10 27
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