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Game on January 12, 2023 at 17:36, 10 players
1. 104 pts LongJump22
2. 37 pts Pacific
3. 16 pts Cuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ainotw   H4    76    76   waitron
 2. ?eiostv  11E    96   172   torsive
 3. adfkotu  10F    39   211   kond
 4. aegorru  12A    25   236   arguer
 5. adehlnr   A6    86   322   anhedral
 6. deefist   8H    95   417   resifted
 7. aefnnpr   B2    28   445   frape
 8. abijlsx   G9    43   488   jors
 9. aeinnot   O1    80   568   anointed
10. abgmotu   2J    34   602   bogman
11. adinosz   C7    60   662   dozings
12. beenovw   A1    34   696   ween
13. aglmoqt   1G    32   728   gloam
14. aehirtu   5E    40   768   hetaira
15. bceiilr   3J    35   803   brie
16. elloqtu  12K    32   835   toque
17. ailvxyy   6D    56   891   lax
18. ciluuvy   4D    37   928   icy
19. cilpuvy  13L    47   975   yip

Remaining tiles: cluuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6391 FileLongJump22  0  1:58  -871  104     1.8863 Pacific     0  0:31  -938   37 
  2.8863 FilePacific     0  0:31  -938   37     2.8747 Cuincunx    0  0:45  -959   16 
  3.8747 FileCuincunx    0  0:45  -959   16     3.8143 Huincunx    0  1:03  -959   16 
  4.8143 FileHuincunx    0  1:03  -959   16     4.8506 Quincunx    0  1:33  -962   13 
  5.6629 FileHammer22    0  0:28  -962   13     5.8714 Buincunx    0  1:50  -962   13 
  6.6521 FileJavelin22   0  0:44  -962   13            Group: intermediate
  7.6594 FileDiscus22    0  1:03  -962   13     1.6391 LongJump22  0  1:58  -871  104 
  8.6515 FileShotPut22   0  1:17  -962   13     2.6629 Hammer22    0  0:28  -962   13 
  9.8506 FileQuincunx    0  1:33  -962   13     3.6521 Javelin22   0  0:44  -962   13 
 10.8714 FileBuincunx    0  1:50  -962   13     4.6594 Discus22    0  1:03  -962   13 
                                             5.6515 ShotPut22   0  1:17  -962   13 

On 1st draw, WAIT(R)ON H4 76 --- WAITRON a server in a restaurant [n]
Other moves: WAIT(R)ON H2 70, WAIT(R)ON H3 70, WAIT(R)ON H6 70, WAIT(R)ON H7 70, WAIT(R)ON H5 68

On 2nd draw, TO(R)SIVE 11E 96 --- TORSIVE twisted [adj]
Other moves: O(B)VIATES 5D 90, STOVAI(N)E 5D 90, VIO(L)ATES 5D 90, VOTA(R)IES 5E 90, SE(R)VITO(R) 8A 89

On 3rd draw, KOND 10F 39 --- KON to know [v]
Other moves: DOUK 10C 37, KANT 10F 37, KUNA 10F 37, DAK 10D 36, KOFTA 12A 36
KANT 10F 37 Pacific

On 4th draw, ARGUER 12A 25 --- ARGUER one that argues [n]
Other moves: GROVE J8 23, ROVER J9 22, AUGER 12B 21, GARE 12D 21, GORA 12D 21

On 5th draw, ANHEDRAL A6 86 --- ANHEDRAL superficially non-crystalline [adj]
Other moves: ANHEDRAL 5B 74, ANHEDRAL 5H 74, REHANDLE K4 74, HARDLINE 6C 68, HARDEN B10 36

On 6th draw, (R)ESIFTED 8H 95 --- RESIFT to sift again [v]
Other moves: DEIFEST 13E 75, SAFETIED 5G 74, FETIDEST 7F 65, DEFASTE 5E 44, FISTED B1 35

On 7th draw, FRAPE B2 28 --- FRAPE (Dial.) tightly bound [adj]
Other moves: FRAPE 12K 27, FANNER B1 26, FANNER 13E 25, FAP 13E 25, FRENA B2 24

On 8th draw, JO(R)S G9 43 --- JOR a part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other moves: JABS 4A 42, SALIX 12K 42, JAILS 4A 40, JAIL 4A 38, JAXIES N4 36

On 9th draw, ANOINTED O1 80 --- ANOINT to apply oil to as a sacred rite [v]
Other moves: INTONATE M2 70, INTONATE M6 70, ENATIONS J1 62, ANTINODE O2 60, INTO 13C 27

On 10th draw, BOGMAN 2J 34 --- BOGMAN the body of a man preserved in peat [n]
Other moves: BOAT A1 31, BOUT A1 31, MOAT A1 31, AMBO N2 30, BOMA N1 30

On 11th draw, DOZINGS C7 60 --- DOZING the act of napping [n]
Other moves: DIAZOS 1F 54, ZONDAS 1F 54, ZINGS C9 50, AZIDO 1F 49, DIAZO 1F 49

On 12th draw, WEEN A1 34 --- WEEN to suppose [v]
Other moves: EBON D7 32, WON D8 32, BEEN A1 31, ENOW 1H 30, WOVEN D4 30

On 13th draw, GLOAM 1G 32 --- GLOAM gloaming [n]
Other tops: GLOAM D4 32
Other moves: LOMA D6 30, MAGOT 1G 30, GLAM 1H 29, GLOM 1H 29, OGAM 1H 29

On 14th draw, HETAIRA 5E 40 --- HETAIRA a Greek courtesan [n]
Other moves: HAT D8 32, HA D8 29, AHI C3 28, AIRTH 12K 26, EARTH 12K 26

On 15th draw, BRIE 3J 35 --- BRIE the eyebrow [n]
Other moves: BAILIE N1 24, EMBLIC M1 24, LIE 3K 22, RELIC 12K 22, TERBIC M8 22

On 16th draw, TOQUE 12K 32 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other tops: TOQUET M8 32
Other moves: OVULE J10 24, SLOVE J8 22, STOVE J8 22, ETUI 4L 21, EUOI 4L 21

On 17th draw, LAX 6D 56 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other moves: AX 6E 55, XI 13L 49, VEXIL O11 45, LAX D6 38, AX D7 37
XI 13L 49 LongJump22
OXY L12 13 Hammer22, Javelin22, Discus22, ShotPut22, Quincunx, Buincunx

On 18th draw, ICY 4D 37 --- ICY covered with ice [adj]
Other moves: VEILY O11 33, QI M12 22, EVIL O12 21, RICY B12 21, CULEX F2 20
EVIL O12 21 LongJump22
YU 2F 16 Cuincunx, Huincunx

On 19th draw, YIP 13L 47 --- YIP to utter a short, sudden cry [v]
Other moves: PI 13L 34, VEILY O11 33, QUIP M12 30, PULI 4L 29, EPIC O12 24
PI 13L 34 LongJump22

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