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Game on January 15, 2023 at 19:14, 9 players
1. 439 pts LongJump22
2. 231 pts sicilianc5
3. 231 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aehors   H8    76    76   earshot
 2. abcestt  15D    60   136   bates
 3. ilnoptu   8A    83   219   unpolite
 4. aehijuw  G12    42   261   ajee
 5. ?deinor   E4    82   343   inholder
 6. degilpy   D1    34   377   yelp
 7. adeqrtw   F2    37   414   qat
 8. deeituw   1A    33   447   dewy
 9. acdgisu   G1    31   478   cigs
10. eeiknst  13G    46   524   jokiest
11. bemnoru   1G    39   563   comber
12. eefnnoy  F10    41   604   fey
13. aegiorx   2A    39   643   ox
14. aaehltw   L8    32   675   wheals
15. egiinru   8J    27   702   unwire
16. aafinrt  14J    28   730   fa
17. agilnrt   O1    80   810   triangle
18. giinoor  15A    30   840   niobates
19. acemotu   K5    49   889   outname
20. acdinov   M3    33   922   conidia
21. dgiruvz   G6    46   968   ditz

Remaining tiles: gruvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6593 FileLongJump22  7  6:55  -529  439     1.8824 Pacific     4  6:19  -791  177 
  2.7387 Filesicilianc5  4  5:44  -737  231     2.8316 Buincunx    2  3:12  -904   64 
  3.7513 FileMycophot    4  7:47  -737  231     3.8176 Octopus8    1  1:26  -935   33 
  4.7473 Filequeen66     4  6:42  -747  221     4.8654 Cuincunx    1  1:01  -937   31 
  5.8824 FilePacific     4  6:19  -791  177     5.8143 Huincunx    1  1:49  -937   31 
  6.8316 FileBuincunx    2  3:12  -904   64            Group: advanced
  7.8176 FileOctopus8    1  1:26  -935   33     1.7387 sicilianc5  4  5:44  -737  231 
  8.8654 FileCuincunx    1  1:01  -937   31     2.7513 Mycophot    4  7:47  -737  231 
  9.8143 FileHuincunx    1  1:49  -937   31     3.7473 queen66     4  6:42  -747  221 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6593 LongJump22  7  6:55  -529  439 

On 1st draw, EARSHO(T) H8 76 --- EARSHOT the range within which sound can be heard [n]
Other tops: HAROSE(T) H4 76, HOARSE(N) H4 76, HOARSE(R) H4 76, HOA(R)SER H4 76, HOA(X)ERS H4 76, ORA(C)HES H8 76, ROA(C)HES H8 76, SHOA(L)ER H3 76, (C)HOREAS H3 76, (G)HERAOS H3 76
Other moves: AS(T)HORE H3 70, AS(T)HORE H4 70, AS(T)HORE H6 70, AS(T)HORE H7 70, AS(T)HORE H8 70
HOARSE H4 26 LongJump22, sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66

On 2nd draw, BATES 15D 60 --- BATE to reduce the force of [v]
Other tops: BATTS 15D 60, BEATS 15D 60, BETAS 15D 60, CATES 15D 60
Other moves: BETTAS 15C 57, SCEATT 15H 57, ST*CT* 15H 57, TACETS 15C 57, ABETS 15D 54
BATES 15D 60 LongJump22, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 3rd draw, UNPOLITE 8A 83 --- POLITE showing consideration for others [adj] --- UNPOLITE not polite [adj]
Other moves: UNSPOILT 11F 70, PULSION 11E 36, NIOBATES 15A 30, TOPI I11 24, OPTION 13H 22
OP G12 19 LongJump22, queen66

On 4th draw, AJEE G12 42 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: JEE G13 36, HEJAB D11 34, HIJAB D11 34, JEHU 7D 34, HAJI 14C 33
AJEE G12 42 LongJump22, sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66

On 5th draw, IN(H)OLDER E4 82 --- INHOLDER one that owns a tract of land within a national park [n]
Other tops: IN(F)OLDER E4 82
Other moves: UNIRO(N)ED A8 77, U(N)IRONED A8 77, INPO(U)RED C6 74, DIP(T)ERON C6 72, NEP(H)ROID C6 72
JOINDER 13G 32 LongJump22

On 6th draw, YELP D1 34 --- YELP to utter a sharp, shrill cry [v]
Other moves: GILPY 4D 30, YELD D1 30, DEY F10 29, YIPE D2 28, GILPEY 4D 26
YELP D1 34 LongJump22, queen66, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 7th draw, QAT F2 37 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: YAWED 1D 36, TAW I11 35, DEWY 1A 33, WADY 1A 33, AW I12 32
YAWED 1D 36 LongJump22, queen66, Pacific, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 8th draw, DEWY 1A 33 --- DEWY covered with dew [adj]
Other moves: DUTY 1A 24, PEEWIT C8 24, TEDY 1A 24, TIDY 1A 24, TIE I11 23
DEWY 1A 33 LongJump22, Pacific, queen66, sicilianc5, Mycophot, Octopus8, Buincunx

On 9th draw, CIGS G1 31 --- CIG a cigarette [n]
Other tops: CADIS 12A 31, CAIDS 12A 31, CIDS G1 31
Other moves: DIGS G1 30, GIDS G1 30, IGAD G2 30, AIDS G1 29, SIDA G1 29
CIGS G1 31 LongJump22, queen66, Cuincunx, Buincunx, Huincunx

On 10th draw, JOKIEST 13G 46 --- JOKEY amusing [adj] --- JOKY amusing [adj]
Other moves: KEENS 12A 37, KEETS 12A 37, KENTS 12A 37, KINES 12A 37, KITES 12A 37
JOKIEST 13G 46 LongJump22

On 11th draw, COMBER 1G 39 --- COMBER one that combs [n]
Other tops: CUMBER 1G 39
Other moves: BIOME F7 34, BOOMER D7 33, COMBE 1G 33, CROMB 1G 33, CRUMB 1G 33
CUMBER 1G 39 LongJump22

On 12th draw, FEY F10 41 --- FEY slightly mad [adj] --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other moves: EYNE 2I 38, EYE 2I 35, FEN F10 35, OYE 2I 35, NIEF F7 33
FEY F10 41 Pacific
OYE 2I 35 LongJump22

On 13th draw, OX 2A 39 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 2A 39, EX 2A 39
Other moves: IXORA C11 32, ORIXA C11 32, POXIER C8 32, OXER 2J 30, RAXING B4 30
OX 2A 39 Pacific

On 14th draw, WHEALS L8 32 --- WHEAL a welt [n]
Other tops: WHALES L8 32, WHATAS L8 32, WHEATS L8 32
Other moves: WHATA C11 30, THAW 14K 29, THEW 14K 29, EATH 12L 28, WEALTHS L7 28
A(H) 6D 1 LongJump22

On 15th draw, UNWIRE 8J 27 --- UNWIRE to take the wire from [v]
Other tops: GWINE 8K 27
Other moves: RUEING M6 25, WING 8L 24, PUERING C8 22, GIRNIE M3 21, GREIN M6 21
E(H) 6D 1 LongJump22

On 16th draw, FA 14J 28 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: FAENA K11 28
Other moves: FARINA C10 26, PARFAIT C8 26, FAE K11 24, FITNA C11 24, INFRA C11 24
FA 14J 28 Pacific
A(H) 6D 1 LongJump22

On 17th draw, TRIANGLE O1 80 --- TRIANGLE a polygon having three sides [n]
A(H) 6D 1 LongJump22

On 18th draw, NIOBATES 15A 30 --- NIOBATE a salt of niobium [n]
Other moves: GOOL 3A 25, NOIL 3A 22, ROIL 3A 22, ROGNON K5 21, PIROGI C8 20
O(H) 6D 1 LongJump22

On 19th draw, OUTNAME K5 49 --- OUTNAME to surpass in notoriety [v]
Other moves: COAL 3A 28, MOAT 14B 28, ONCET K7 27, ATOM 14B 26, PACTUM C8 26
A(H) 6D 1 LongJump22

On 20th draw, CONIDIA M3 33 --- CONIDIUM a fungus spore [n]
Other moves: INCAVI M3 30, NICAD 15K 30, COAL 3A 28, COIL 3A 28, DIVA D10 26

On 21th draw, DITZ G6 46 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: RITZ G6 45, ZING B6 34, RIZ D10 33, ZIN B6 32, DURZI B11 30

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