Game on January 21, 2023 at 21:10, 13 players
1. 437 pts LongJump22
2. 247 pts Pacific
3. 228 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


8H 101 125 


N2 32 157 


K4 94 251 


13B 81 332 


12J 54 386 


O11 36 422 


B10 42 464 


O1 58 522 


12D 32 554 


I1 65 619 


A5 84 703 


J10 41 744 


H1 62 806 


3A 80 886 


2B 43 929 


4D 39 968 


3L 28 996 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 5 7:06 -559 437 1.8736 Pacific 4 5:44 -749 247
Pacific 4 5:44 -749 247 2.8630 Xuincunx 0 0:25 -963 33
moonmonkey 3 7:53 -768 228 3.8238 Octopus8 0 1:03 -963 33
sicilianc5 3 8:16 -782 214 4.8421 Cuincunx 0 1:23 -963 33
HollyIvy 3 8:50 -782 214 5.8471 Huincunx 0 1:43 -963 33
Xuincunx 0 0:25 -963 33 Group: advanced
Octopus8 0 1:03 -963 33 1.7289 moonmonkey 3 7:53 -768 228
Cuincunx 0 1:23 -963 33 2.7318 sicilianc5 3 8:16 -782 214
Huincunx 0 1:43 -963 33 3.7560 HollyIvy 3 8:50 -782 214
Javelin22 0 1:01 -967 29 Group: intermediate
ShotPut22 0 1:27 -967 29 1.6397 LongJump22 5 7:06 -559 437
Hammer22 0 1:26 -971 25 2.6713 Javelin22 0 1:01 -967 29
Discus22 0 1:47 -971 25 3.6782 ShotPut22 0 1:27 -967 29
4.6860 Hammer22 0 1:26 -971 25
5.6716 Discus22 0 1:47 -971 25
On 1st draw, TOOTH H8 24 --- TOOTH a hard, bonelike enamel-coated structure embedded in th jawbones [n] --- TOOTH to furnish with toothlike projections [v]
Other moves: TOOTH H4 18, TOOTH H5 16, TOOTH H6 16, TOOTH H7 16, HOLT H5 14
TOOTH H8 24 LongJump22, Pacific, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 2nd draw, TYPECA(S)T 8H 101 --- TYPECAST to cast in an acting role befitting one's own nature [v]
Other moves: TYPECA(S)T 8A 95, PATE(N)CY 13B 94, PATCHE(R)Y 12D 84, PETCHA(R)Y 12D 84, (S)CYPHATE 12D 84
PAYE(E) I7 30 LongJump22, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, (T)AUIWI(S) N2 32 --- TAUIWI (Maori) literally "foreign race", the non-Maori people of New Zealand [n]
Other moves: TOOTHI(E)R H8 30, W(H)AUR G9 29, WAIRUA(S) M7 28, RAWI(S)H 12C 22, WAIR(S)H 12C 22
TOOTHI(E)R H8 30 LongJump22, moonmonkey, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 4th draw, MUSTELID K4 94 --- MUSTELID a mammal of the weasel family [n]
Other moves: MIDCULTS L5 76, MIDST O1 36, DIMS O1 32, MILTS O1 32, MIDS O1 31
MUSTELID K4 94 LongJump22
On 5th draw, VERITAS 13B 81 --- VERITAS truth [n]
Other tops: TAIVERS 13B 81
Other moves: VASTIER 13F 71, VESTIARY I1 66, TRAVISES 6D 65, VERIST L1 38, VAIRS O1 35
TAIVERS 13B 81 LongJump22
VASTIER 13F 71 Pacific
On 6th draw, ISOLEX 12J 54 --- ISOLEX a line delineating a geographical region where a vocabulary item is used [n]
Other tops: XIS J10 54
Other moves: XI J10 53, SILEX 12K 52, SOREX 12K 52, OXALIS M6 44, LEX O1 40
XIS J10 54 Pacific
SOREX 12K 52 LongJump22, moonmonkey, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 7th draw, EXINE O11 36 --- EXINE the outer layer of certain spores [n]
Other tops: AXILE O11 36, EXILE O11 36
Other moves: ENIAC L4 28, UNALIVE B8 24, ALEVIN B10 22, ALIEN L1 22, ELAIN L1 22
EXINE O11 36 LongJump22, moonmonkey
EXILE O11 36 Pacific, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, WAIVED B10 42 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: WAIVE B10 38, IDEAED N10 32, WADE L1 32, WADI L1 32, WIDE L1 32
WAIVED B10 42 LongJump22, sicilianc5, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 9th draw, YOGH O1 58 --- YOGH a Middle English letter [n]
Other moves: YEAH O1 54, FOGY L1 44, AHOY A8 40, *F*YOFAY A8 40, YEAH A8 40
FOGY L1 44 moonmonkey
AHOY A8 40 LongJump22
On 10th draw, ALEPH 12D 32 --- ALEPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: LEIPOA A6 31, LEIPOA A5 29, APIOL A7 28, OLPAE A7 28, PAULIN 14J 28
PAIL J10 25 Hammer22, Discus22
AA 11B 2 LongJump22
On 11th draw, ORDINARY I1 65 --- ORDINARY of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events [adj] --- ORDINARY quite usual [adj] --- ORDINARY something that is ordinary [n] --- ORDINARY something quite usual [n]
Other tops: ORDINARS 6D 65
Other moves: INROAD A7 39, INROAD A6 29, DINAR L1 26, DRAIN L1 26, RADON A7 25
INROAD A6 29 Javelin22, ShotPut22
AL M11 2 LongJump22
On 12th draw, NONMEAT A5 84 --- NONMEAT not containing meat [adj]
Other moves: MONTANE C4 66, TEAM H1 45, MEAT H1 41, MOAT H1 41, MANENT L1 34
TA 6H 2 LongJump22
On 13th draw, KOINES J10 41 --- KOINE a type of dialect [n]
Other moves: KOINE J10 40, KENOS L1 38, KO H1 38, KOIS J10 37, KOI J10 36
IS J12 2 LongJump22
On 14th draw, JOE H1 62 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JA H1 56, JO H1 56, JOLE L1 46, JAROOL 1E 39, JAROOL 1F 39
JOE H1 62 Pacific
On 15th draw, REFIGURED 3A 80 --- REFIGURE to figure again [v]
Other moves: FIGURER C5 73, GRIEF B2 49, FIGURES 15D 45, FURRIES 15D 42, EF J1 37
On 16th draw, BEGAN 2B 43 --- BEGIN to start [v]
Other moves: EF J1 37, FACE L1 34, FAE B6 33, BEGAN L1 32, CAFE L1 32
FAE B6 33 Octopus8, Cuincunx, Huincunx
On 17th draw, FAB 4D 39 --- FAB excellent (FABBER, FABBEST) [adj] --- FAB something created or constructed [n]
Other moves: FUBAR L1 38, FAR 4D 33, FAVUS 15F 33, BARFS 15F 30, FLABS 15F 30
FAVUS 15F 33 Xuincunx
On 18th draw, QUAG 3L 28 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: CRUDS 15F 24, CURDS 15F 24, SUQ 15J 22, CUDS 15G 21, CURLS 15F 21
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