Game on January 27, 2023 at 11:36, 5 players
1. 128 pts LongJump22
2. 65 pts sicilianc5
3. 65 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


6H 34 60 


N2 51 111 


J6 73 184 


11E 90 274 


O1 38 312 


13C 88 400 


G6 38 438 


10C 32 470 


14J 48 518 


15L 47 565 


12J 28 593 


H11 42 635 


O8 30 665 


3I 30 695 


2H 31 726 


L3 22 748 


1L 27 775 


1G 39 814 


C3 74 888 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
LongJump22 1 4:01 -760 128 1.7851 sicilianc5 0 1:52 -823 65
sicilianc5 0 1:52 -823 65 2.7776 HollyIvy 0 2:32 -823 65
HollyIvy 0 2:32 -823 65 3.7696 moonmonkey 0 3:05 -823 65
moonmonkey 0 3:05 -823 65 Group: intermediate
5. -
IIIIII1119 1 1:45 -862 26 1.6626 LongJump22 1 4:01 -760 128
Group: not rated
1. - IIIIII1119 1 1:45 -862 26
On 1st draw, FERLIE H4 26 --- FERLIE a strange sight [n]
Other tops: FERULE H4 26, FLUIER H4 26, FUELER H4 26, RELIEF H7 26
Other moves: FIERE H4 24, FILER H4 24, FLEER H4 24, FLIER H4 24, FERLIE H3 20
On 2nd draw, ROQ(U)ET 6H 34 --- ROQUET to cause one's own ball to hit another in croquet [v]
Other moves: ROQ(U)E 6H 33, Q(U)OTED 5D 30, OTTE(R)ED 5E 28, Q(U)OTED 10C 28, TOQ(U)ET 5D 28
On 3rd draw, HEXES N2 51 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: HEXES 10D 41, AXES 10E 37, EXES 10E 37, SAXE 10H 37, SAX 10H 36
On 4th draw, QUAYSIDE J6 73 --- QUAYSIDE the area adjacent to a quay [n]
Other moves: DEXY 4L 38, DIXY 4L 38, AYE M2 36, SADI O1 36, SEXY 4L 36
On 5th draw, DELATING 11E 90 --- DELATE to accuse [v]
Other moves: DANEGELT 13G 76, DANEGELT L1 76, TANGLED 10B 74, DANEGELT L3 72, TANGLED G8 66
On 6th draw, PENI O1 38 --- PENI a penny [n]
Other moves: PONTIE M3 37, AVINE H11 36, AVION H11 36, NOPE M1 34, OPE M2 32
On 7th draw, OVERWISE 13C 88 --- OVERWISE too wise [adj]
Other moves: OVERWISE 13H 86, OVERWISE 5A 78, OVERWISE F4 68, OVERWISE 9A 66, SWIVE 14J 50
On 8th draw, CAMO G6 38 --- CAMO a camouflage pattern [n]
Other moves: CONIMA 10B 37, AMICI H11 36, MANIOC G1 36, ANOMIC 8J 33, CAM G6 33
On 9th draw, GOAF 10C 32 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: FAGGOT L8 30, FAGOTER L1 30, OAF 10D 30, OF 10E 29, FORAGE L1 28
On 10th draw, SWAMI 14J 48 --- SWAMI a Hindu religious teacher [n]
Other moves: SMALTI 14J 44, SWAIL 14J 44, SALMI 14J 42, SMALT 14J 42, SWAM 14J 35
On 11th draw, RI(T)Z 15L 47 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other tops: LU(T)Z 15L 47
Other moves: ZUL(U) 13L 45, Z(U)LU 13L 43, Z(E)L 13L 41, Z(O)L 13L 41, JIRG(A) L8 40
JIZ 12A 38 LongJump22, sicilianc5, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 12th draw, DAUTED 12J 28 --- DAUT to fondle [v]
Other moves: ADIEU H11 24, ADNATE 8J 24, TAD 13L 24, TANE 13L 23, TAXI 4L 22
TAD 13L 24 LongJump22
On 13th draw, AKITA H11 42 --- AKITA (Japanese) a large powerfully built breed of Japanese dog [n]
Other tops: ADVERT 8J 42
Other moves: DARKED O7 36, ARKED O8 30, RAKED O8 30, VADED O8 30, KERVED L2 28
DARKED O7 36 LongJump22
On 14th draw, UNTIDY O8 30 --- TIDY neat and orderly [adj] --- TIDY neat and orderly [adj] --- UNTIDY messy [adj] --- UNTIDY messy [adj] --- UNTIDY to make untidy [v] --- UNTIDY to make messy [v]
Other tops: ARTILY 8J 30, AUNTLY 8J 30
Other moves: NITERY L3 26, TILERY L3 26, UNFITLY 4F 26, FITLY 4H 22, FLUTY 4H 22
ARTILY 8J 30 LongJump22
On 15th draw, HALOGEN 3I 30 --- HALOGEN a non metallic element [n]
Other tops: HALOGEN L1 30, PLO(U)GH K3 30
Other moves: ALEPH L4 28, ANO(U)GH K3 26, HANG(U)P K2 26, P(U)GH K5 26, O(U)PH K5 25
On 16th draw, BOBA 2H 31 --- BOBA a skin disease, yaws [n]
Other moves: BROAD 2F 30, BOAB 2G 29, BOB 2H 28, BOB 4J 28, DOAB 2G 28
BAD 2J 27 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 17th draw, OUVERTE L3 22 --- OUVERTE open [adj]
Other moves: URP 1M 21, EEK 12F 20, OUVERT L3 20, VERMINATE 8D 19, NEE 4J 18
On 18th draw, PERP 1L 27 --- PERP a person who commits a crime [n]
Other moves: PREIF 4D 20, PRIEF 4D 20, DIP 14A 16, EIDE N9 16, TEIND M6 16
On 19th draw, JO 1G 39 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: COD 1G 37, CION 1F 36, ICON 1F 36, CON 1G 33, NOD 1G 31
On 20th draw, DROILING C3 74 --- DROIL to drudge [v]
Other moves: FON 4H 17, FOR 4H 17, IDE N10 13, INFO 4F 13, DOJO 1E 12
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