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Game on January 27, 2023 at 13:10, 9 players
1. 188 pts Pacific
2. 129 pts LongJump22
3. 72 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ciinors   H2    74    74   incisor
 2. ??adflo   5E    90   164   manifold
 3. aersttu   M5    70   234   stature
 4. abdinos  10H    71   305   inboards
 5. aegklty  O10    42   347   stalky
 6. cegiilm  14J    40   387   melick
 7. aeginos  15D    81   468   agonise
 8. enorrvw   7C    70   538   overworn
 9. aeemopt  13D    68   606   metopae
10. ehhnrtu  12A    42   648   heth
11. adegopw  11H    35   683   deaw
12. denorux   8K    60   743   oxter
13. abeinqt   4B    37   780   niqab
14. aeioptu  A10    33   813   ophite
15. aeglruz   4J    43   856   zea
16. delnuvy   3H    42   898   nudely
17. fginuuv  B10    31   929   fie
18. ggijruv   8A    35   964   gju

Remaining tiles: ginruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8697 FilePacific     2  6:29  -776  188     1.8697 Pacific     2  6:29  -776  188 
  2.6641 FileLongJump22  0  4:03  -835  129            Group: advanced
  3.7439 Filequeen66     0  2:52  -892   72     1.7439 queen66     0  2:52  -892   72 
  4.6834 FileHammer22    0  0:41  -928   36     2.7606 Mycophot    0  1:13  -928   36 
  5.6749 FileDiscus22    0  1:00  -928   36     3.7696 moonmonkey  0  1:29  -928   36 
  6.7606 FileMycophot    0  1:13  -928   36            Group: intermediate
  7.6791 FileJavelin22   0  1:21  -928   36     1.6641 LongJump22  0  4:03  -835  129 
  8.7696 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:29  -928   36     2.6834 Hammer22    0  0:41  -928   36 
  9.6893 FileShotPut22   0  1:39  -928   36     3.6749 Discus22    0  1:00  -928   36 
                                             4.6791 Javelin22   0  1:21  -928   36 
                                             5.6893 ShotPut22   0  1:39  -928   36 

On 1st draw, INCISOR H2 74 --- INCISOR a cutting tooth [n]
Other moves: INCISOR H3 70, INCISOR H4 70, INCISOR H6 70, INCISOR H7 70, INCISOR H8 70

On 2nd draw, (M)A(N)IFOLD 5E 90 --- MANIFOLD to make several copies of [v]
Other tops: FOLIA(G)(E)D 5E 90, FOLIA(T)(E)D 5E 90, FO(R)(B)IDAL 5D 90, F(U)(C)OIDAL 5D 90
Other moves: D(E)FLA(T)OR 8A 83, (F)ANFOLD(S) 3F 80, FOL(K)(L)AND 3B 76, FO(L)(K)LAND 3B 76, FO(R)(E)LAND 3B 76

On 3rd draw, STATURE M5 70 --- STATURE the natural height of a human or animal body [n]
Other tops: ASTUTER 9G 70, ASTUTER M4 70
Other moves: STATURE 9H 69, STATURES 6A 68, LUSTRATE K5 66, (M)ATUREST E5 64, OUTRATES J5 62
STATURE M5 70 Pacific

On 4th draw, INBOARDS 10H 71 --- INBOARD a type of boat motor [n]

On 5th draw, STALKY O10 42 --- STALKY long and slender [adj]
Other moves: KAYLES O5 39, GASKET O8 36, KYATS O6 36, KYLES O6 36, KYTES O6 36

On 6th draw, MELICK 14J 40 --- MELICK a grass related to fescue [n]
Other moves: METIC 8K 30, SEMI 6H 29, CLIMES 6C 28, GAMIC L9 27, GLIMES 6C 27

On 7th draw, AGONISE 15D 81 --- AGONISE to suffer agony [v]
Other moves: AGONIES 15E 80, AGONIES 12G 78, ANGINOSE 3G 74, GANOINES 3C 72, GANOINES 3F 72

On 8th draw, OVERWORN 7C 70 --- OVERWEAR to wear out [v]
Other moves: SEW 6H 32, VOWED L1 32, VROW 6C 32, VOW 6D 31, OWES 6E 30

On 9th draw, METOPAE 13D 68 --- METOPE a space between two triglyphs [n]
Other moves: COMAE 4H 35, POMACE 4D 35, ETAPE 14C 30, MAP 14D 30, PAM 14D 30

On 10th draw, HETH 12A 42 --- HETH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: HUNH 12A 42
Other moves: HUNTER 12G 38, HEH 12B 32, HEH 8A 32, HUH 12B 32, HUH 8A 32

On 11th draw, DEAW 11H 35 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other moves: GAWPED 4A 34, SAW 6H 34, SEW 6H 34, SOW 6H 34, APTED 8K 33

On 12th draw, OXTER 8K 60 --- OXTER the armpit [n] --- OXTER to take under the arm [v]
Other moves: DETOX 8K 42, DEX 8A 42, DUX 8A 42, NOX 8A 39, REX 8A 39
OXTER 8K 60 Pacific

On 13th draw, NIQAB 4B 37 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: ANTAGONISE 15A 33, QI 6B 33, BAITH A8 30, BEATH A8 30, QADI L3 30
QADI L3 30 Pacific

On 14th draw, OPHITE A10 33 --- OPHITE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: HAPU A12 27, HEAP A12 27, HEPT A12 27, HIPT A12 27, HOPE A12 27
HEAP A12 27 LongJump22

On 15th draw, ZEA 4J 43 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: GAZED L1 36, ZAIRE 2F 36, ZAG 3A 34, ZERO J2 33, LAZED L1 32
ZAIRE 2F 36 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22, queen66

On 16th draw, NUDELY 3H 42 --- NUDE being without clothing or covering [adv] --- NUDELY in a nude manner [adv]
Other moves: YEED B10 36, DUNNY B2 34, VLY 8A 32, DEY 3J 30, VLY B8 30
YEED B10 36 LongJump22, queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
DEY B8 28 Pacific

On 17th draw, FIE B10 31 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other moves: GIF B8 28, GIF 8A 26, IF B9 26, GULF L12 24, FIG 2M 22

On 18th draw, GJU 8A 35 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: BAJRI F4 30, JIG 3A 30, JUG 3A 30, JUBA F2 29, JIG C3 22
JIG 3A 30 LongJump22

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