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Game on January 29, 2023 at 00:30, 5 players
1. 191 pts roocatcher
2. 123 pts sunshine12
3. 123 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aemnpst   H7    78    78   enstamp
 2. aemorvy   8B    67   145   overmany
 3. ?giinox  11A    80   225   gloxinia
 4. abiostu  13C    78   303   subtopia
 5. ?adfoot  14I    83   386   fatwood
 6. aeelrrs   B2    70   456   releasor
 7. aeopruz   A1    57   513   zupa
 8. aceenrw   C1    40   553   rewan
 9. cdefiin  15M    34   587   fie
10. ahinstu  15D    45   632   haints
11. ahinrrt   7F    32   664   ahent
12. bceiior  13M    31   695   obi
13. ceiknvw   6D    39   734   ewk
14. eiloqvy  A11    30   764   glove
15. ceiirtu   1C    30   794   recruit
16. dgloruy  12K    24   818   dry
17. degilno  10C    27   845   doge
18. eijlnqu   J2    37   882   queint
19. cdegijl   3I    48   930   juiced

Remaining tiles: gll

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7108 Fileroocatcher  1  6:52  -739  191     1.7108 roocatcher  1  6:52  -739  191 
  2.7324 Filesunshine12  1  2:10  -807  123     2.7324 sunshine12  1  2:10  -807  123 
  3.7153 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:55  -807  123     3.7153 GLOBEMAN    1  4:55  -807  123 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   1  1:56  -903   27            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:18  -915   15     1.  -  BadBoyBen   1  1:56  -903   27 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:18  -915   15 

On 1st draw, ENSTAMP H7 78 --- ENSTAMP to mark as with a stamp [v]
Other tops: ENSTAMP H6 78, TAPSMEN H2 78, TAPSMEN H8 78
Other moves: ENSTAMP H2 74, ENSTAMP H3 74, ENSTAMP H4 74, ENSTAMP H8 74, TAPSMEN H3 74

On 2nd draw, OVERMANY 8B 67 --- OVERMANY too many [adj]
Other moves: REVAMP 13C 32, MARVY G3 29, MARVY 11G 26, MARVY 12H 26, MEMORY 12H 26

On 3rd draw, G(L)OXINIA 11A 80 --- GLOXINIA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: NIXY I5 39, N(I)XY I5 38, OXY I6 38, (B)OXY I5 38, (C)OXY I5 38

On 4th draw, SUBTOPIA 13C 78 --- SUBTOPIA the suburbs of a city [n]
Other moves: BITO 12C 38, ABUT 12B 37, OBIS 12B 37, OBIT 12B 37, BIO 12C 34

On 5th draw, FAT(W)OOD 14I 83 --- FATWOOD wood used for kindling [n]
Other moves: ENSTAMP(E)D H7 39, FAGOT(E)D A9 36, FAGOT(T)O A9 33, FAGO(T)TO A9 33, DEFAT 7G 32

On 6th draw, RELEASOR B2 70 --- RELEASOR one who releases [n]
Other moves: ALTERERS 10F 68, RELEASOR M8 68, RELEASER D2 66, RELEASOR N8 60, LAREES 15D 27

On 7th draw, ZUPA A1 57 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other tops: PEAZE 7D 57
Other moves: ZOA 13M 51, ZEA 7G 50, AZO 13L 49, ZOEA A1 49, GAUZE A11 48

On 8th draw, REWAN C1 40 --- REWIN to win again [v]
Other tops: NEWER C1 40, RECANE C1 40
Other moves: ENRACED O8 39, EWER C2 38, WANE C3 37, WARE C3 37, WARN C3 37
WADE O12 36 roocatcher

On 9th draw, FIE 15M 34 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other moves: DEFINE 7G 33, DEIF 15F 33, REDFIN 1C 33, REFIND 1C 33, FENCED 7G 32
FINE 14B 22 roocatcher

On 10th draw, HAINTS 15D 45 --- HAINT (Southern US dialect) a ghost [n]
Other tops: HAUNTS 15D 45, HIATUS 15D 45, HUTIAS 15D 45
Other moves: GHAST A11 39, GHATS A11 39, GHAUT A11 39, ANGUISH A9 38, NASHI 15G 38
GHATS A11 39 roocatcher

On 11th draw, AHENT 7F 32 --- AHENT behind [adv]
Other moves: GARTH A11 30, GIRTH A11 30, GRITH A11 30, RHYTA I6 30, AHINT K10 29

On 12th draw, OBI 13M 31 --- OBI obeah [n] --- OBI to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: BIOTIC 10E 28, CORBIE 12J 27, GIBER A11 27, GRICE A11 27, RIBIER 1C 27
COB 6D 26 roocatcher

On 13th draw, EWK 6D 39 --- EWK to itch [v]
Other tops: GWINE A11 39
Other moves: ICK 6D 38, EIK 6D 36, INK 6D 36, NEK 6D 36, GIVEN A11 30

On 14th draw, GLOVE A11 30 --- GLOVE to furnish with gloves (hand coverings) [v]
Other moves: IVY 12K 28, QI 10E 28, VLY 12K 28, QI 14B 24, LEY 12K 22

On 15th draw, RECRUIT 1C 30 --- RECRUIT to engage for military service [v]
Other moves: RICIER 1C 27, ITS 9F 21, REC 12K 19, RUC 12K 19, TEC 12K 19

On 16th draw, DRY 12K 24 --- DRY a prohibitionist [n] --- DRY having no moisture [adj] --- DRY to remove the moisture from [v]
Other tops: DOY 12K 24, G*Y 12K 24, GUY 12K 24, YOD 10C 24
Other moves: LOY 12K 22, YUG 12K 22, DOG 10C 20, DOY 2H 20, GOD 10C 20
YOD 10C 24 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, DOGE 10C 27 --- DOGE the chief magistrate in the former republics of Venice and Genoa [n]
Other moves: DELI 10C 25, DELO 10C 25, DOLE 10C 25, EDS 9F 25, GOLE 10C 25
DOGE 10C 27 BadBoyBen
DOLE 10C 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DO 10C 15 chunk88

On 18th draw, QUEINT J2 37 --- QUEINT old-fashioned [adj]
Other moves: EQUID K8 30, JEU 11J 28, QI 11J 28, QUID K9 28, J*W E4 26
EQUID K8 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 19th draw, JUICED 3I 48 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: JUDGE 3I 44, JUICE 3I 44, JILGIE 5I 28, CUDGEL 3I 26, J*W E4 26
JUDGE 3I 44 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

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