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Game on February 6, 2023 at 22:25, 11 players
1. 546 pts LongJump22
2. 329 pts Pacific
3. 281 pts Javelin22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. befgipt   H8    32    32   begift
 2. aaeiors   I8    23    55   arise
 3. adeilmo   J2    75   130   melodia
 4. ?bceert   4E    78   208   bracelet
 5. acoopsw  13C    39   247   cowpats
 6. deiipuz   H8    45   292   begifted
 7. aelotuw  15A    89   381   outlawed
 8. eforrtv  11E    40   421   revisor
 9. ?aadhiu  10B    35   456   dadah
10. aiilotu  12F    22   478   life
11. eiinort   B3    61   539   retinoid
12. ahinptx   8A    66   605   hoax
13. adeimnu   2H    76   681   unmaimed
14. agiosuz   1F    48   729   zig
15. aefntuy   1L    45   774   tufa
16. egknost  L11    39   813   snoek
17. elnnosu   3L    32   845   nuns
18. gijlopy  15J    60   905   jokily
19. egnorvy   A1    47   952   goey

Remaining tiles: npqrtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6500 FileLongJump22  5  8:28  -406  546     1.8960 Pacific     3 11:13  -623  329 
  2.8960 FilePacific     3 11:13  -623  329     2.8746 Zuincunx    0  1:08  -913   39 
  3.6764 FileJavelin22   2 12:49  -671  281     3.8557 Cuincunx    0  1:31  -913   39 
  4.7466 FileMycophot    2 11:40  -679  273     4.8169 Vuincunx    0  1:54  -913   39 
  5.7419 Filesicilianc5  2  9:12  -712  240     5.8171 Wuincunx    0  0:56  -930   22 
  6.6617 FileShotPut22   1  6:40  -729  223            Group: advanced
  7.7721 Filequeen66     1  6:15  -731  221     1.7466 Mycophot    2 11:40  -679  273 
  8.8746 FileZuincunx    0  1:08  -913   39     2.7419 sicilianc5  2  9:12  -712  240 
  9.8557 FileCuincunx    0  1:31  -913   39     3.7721 queen66     1  6:15  -731  221 
 10.8169 FileVuincunx    0  1:54  -913   39            Group: intermediate
 11.8171 FileWuincunx    0  0:56  -930   22     1.6500 LongJump22  5  8:28  -406  546 
                                             2.6764 Javelin22   2 12:49  -671  281 
                                             3.6617 ShotPut22   1  6:40  -729  223 

On 1st draw, BEGIFT H8 32 --- BEGIFT to present with gifts [v]
Other moves: BEGIFT H4 30, BEFIT H4 26, BEGIFT H3 26, BEGIFT H7 26, BEGIFT H5 24
BEGIFT H8 32 LongJump22, sicilianc5, Pacific, Mycophot, Javelin22

On 2nd draw, ARISE I8 23 --- ARISE to come up [v]
Other tops: AROSE I8 23
Other moves: AESIR 14F 22, ARAISE 14D 21, ARIOSE 14D 21, AEROS 14D 20, AREAS 14D 20
OSIER 14G 20 LongJump22, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 3rd draw, MELODIA J2 75 --- MELODIA a type of organ stop [n]
Other moves: MELODIA G2 67, BEGIFTED H8 45, DAMOISEL 11D 44, DOMAL J10 34, LOAMED J5 34
MELODIA J2 75 LongJump22
MELODIA J2 25 Javelin22, Mycophot, sicilianc5

On 4th draw, BR(A)CELET 4E 78 --- BRACELET a wrist ornament [n]
Other moves: B(A)CTERISE 11B 74, T(U)BERCLE 4D 74, REOB(J)ECT 5H 72, BEGIFTE(D) H8 39, B(O)REE J10 34
BET(S) K5 28 LongJump22

On 5th draw, COWPATS 13C 39 --- COWPAT a dropping of cow dung [n]
Other tops: POWS J10 39
Other moves: POW J10 38, SWOOP 3C 38, SCOOP 3C 36, COWPS 14D 33, POS J10 32
POWS M1 30 LongJump22
CAWS M1 30 sicilianc5, ShotPut22
WAPS M1 30 Mycophot, Javelin22
COWS M1 30 queen66

On 6th draw, BEGIFTED H8 45 --- BEGIFT to present with gifts [v]
Other moves: ZIPPED F10 42, PIZE 5B 38, PRIZED F3 38, PRIZE F3 36, PREZ F3 35
PIZE 5B 38 LongJump22, ShotPut22, queen66, Mycophot, sicilianc5

On 7th draw, OUTLAWED 15A 89 --- OUTLAW to prohibit [v]
Other moves: OUTLAWED 6C 64, ALEW K2 30, AWETO I2 30, TEWEL 3I 28, TEWEL I1 27
WO 12D 25 LongJump22, ShotPut22, queen66, Javelin22

On 8th draw, REVISOR 11E 40 --- REVISOR one who revises [n]
Other moves: FOE J10 38, FOR J10 38, FERER 3I 37, OFFERER 12F 35, FORCER H1 33
FORCER H1 33 LongJump22, queen66, ShotPut22, Pacific, Javelin22, Mycophot

On 9th draw, DA(D)AH 10B 35 --- DADAH (Australian slang) illegal drugs [n]
Other tops: DA(W)AH 10B 35
Other moves: AAHED K1 33, DA(T)CHA H1 33, AHED K2 31, (A)AHED K1 31, (D)ADAH 10B 31
DAH 10D 30 Pacific
DOH J10 29 LongJump22, ShotPut22, queen66, Javelin22, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 10th draw, LIFE 12F 22 --- LIFE the quality that distinguishes animals and plants from inanimate matter [n]
Other moves: AIOLI 5A 18, ALE 14F 18, ATE 14F 18, ATOC H1 18, AUE 14F 18
ATE 14F 18 LongJump22

On 11th draw, RETINOID B3 61 --- RETINOID a compound analogous to vitamin A [n]
Other tops: RETINOID 6C 61
Other moves: TERCIO H1 24, TINIER 5B 23, TONIER 5B 23, NERITE 3I 21, RETINE 3I 21
RETINOID B3 61 LongJump22

On 12th draw, HOAX 8A 66 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: HEX K3 49, HOX 5I 49, PATIN A4 49, HIPT A6 48, TOXIN 5I 46
HOAX 8A 66 LongJump22, ShotPut22, queen66, Javelin22, sicilianc5, Mycophot, Pacific

On 13th draw, UNMAIMED 2H 76 --- UNMAIMED not maimed [adj]
Other moves: UNMAIMED 2E 65, IDEM A1 39, AMENED K2 36, MEDIAE 3I 36, MEDIAN 3I 36
IDEM A1 39 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Cuincunx, Vuincunx

On 14th draw, ZIG 1F 48 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other tops: ZAG 1F 48
Other moves: ZOA 14A 44, ZOA 1G 44, AZO 1F 42, ADZ O1 39, ZO 1G 39
ZAG 1F 48 LongJump22
ZO 1G 39 Pacific
ZEA 4A 22 Wuincunx
UR K10 2 Javelin22

On 15th draw, TUFA 1L 45 --- TUFA a porous limestone [n]
Other moves: ENUF A1 44, AYE 1M 36, ENFANT 7A 36, FAYNE L9 36, YUFT L11 34
EA N2 2 LongJump22, Javelin22
AE N1 2 ShotPut22

On 16th draw, SNOEK L11 39 --- SNOEK the barracouta [n]
Other tops: STONK L11 39
Other moves: KNOTS A1 37, SNOEK I1 33, KNOT A1 32, SKEN A1 32, SKEO A1 32
KNOTS A1 37 Pacific, Javelin22
(A)T G4 1 LongJump22

On 17th draw, NUNS 3L 32 --- NUN a woman belonging to a religious order [n]
Other tops: LUES 3L 32
Other moves: NUN 3L 26, NUS 3L 26, UNS 3M 26, LOUNS A1 25, NEONS A1 25
(A)E G4 1 LongJump22

On 18th draw, JOKILY 15J 60 --- JOKEY amusing [adv] --- JOKILY amusing [adv]
Other moves: PIOY A1 50, PLOY A1 50, KOJI 15L 45, POKILY 15J 45, GLOP A1 39
KOJI 15L 45 Pacific

On 19th draw, GOEY A1 47 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other tops: GREY A1 47
Other moves: YGOE A1 32, OYER 5D 31, GOEY 5D 30, YGO 14A 30, EYEN K4 29
GREY A1 47 Pacific

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