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Game on February 7, 2023 at 22:18, 9 players
1. 594 pts LongJump22
2. 240 pts Pacific
3. 237 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeggrtz   H4    34    34   graze
 2. ?aioorv   8A    83   117   ovariole
 3. ?aaddst   I6    86   203   dastard
 4. efhlrsu   E3    78   281   flushier
 5. eghiort   F6    43   324   hooter
 6. abcddee  H10    42   366   beaded
 7. aaelnpw   D1    31   397   paean
 8. cimnoot  14H    78   475   emoticon
 9. eiiknot  O12    39   514   kine
10. aeglopv  J10    32   546   paolo
11. eelnrst   K4    72   618   relents
12. cfiqsuy   1A    48   666   quips
13. eirtuwx   1A    57   723   quipster
14. aenoowy   8K    36   759   noway
15. ginntuw   C7    32   791   wanting
16. beinouy   4J    30   821   briony
17. eefilmu   O1    36   857   fumy
18. cegiilu   N2    38   895   genic
19. eiijlvx  12A    52   947   jinx

Remaining tiles: eiluv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6496 FileLongJump22  6  9:29  -353  594     1.8988 Pacific     2  7:52  -707  240 
  2.8988 FilePacific     2  7:52  -707  240     2.8746 Zuincunx    0  0:41  -911   36 
  3.7442 Filesicilianc5  3  9:46  -710  237     3.8573 Cuincunx    0  1:04  -911   36 
  4.7460 FileMycophot    2  8:33  -720  227     4.8169 Vuincunx    0  1:29  -911   36 
  5.7709 Filequeen66     2 10:49  -720  227     5.8171 Wuincunx    0  1:56  -911   36 
  6.8746 FileZuincunx    0  0:41  -911   36            Group: advanced
  7.8573 FileCuincunx    0  1:04  -911   36     1.7442 sicilianc5  3  9:46  -710  237 
  8.8169 FileVuincunx    0  1:29  -911   36     2.7460 Mycophot    2  8:33  -720  227 
  9.8171 FileWuincunx    0  1:56  -911   36     3.7709 queen66     2 10:49  -720  227 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6496 LongJump22  6  9:29  -353  594 

On 1st draw, GRAZE H4 34 --- GRAZE to feed on growing grass [v]
Other tops: GAZER H4 34
Other moves: GAZER H8 32, GRAZE H8 32, GAZER H5 30, GAZER H6 30, GAZER H7 30
GRAZE H4 34 LongJump22, sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66

On 2nd draw, OVARIO(L)E 8A 83 --- OVARIOLE one of the tubes of which the ovaries of most insects are composed [n]
Other moves: VIA(T)OR 9C 29, (M)OORVA 9E 29, ARVO 9G 28, ARVO(S) 9G 28, ORVA(L) 9G 28
ARVO 9G 28 LongJump22, Mycophot, sicilianc5, queen66

On 3rd draw, DASTA(R)D I6 86 --- DASTARD a base coward [n]
Other tops: DADAIST(S) E4 86, DADAI(S)TS E4 86
Other moves: DADA(I)ST 9F 82, DASTA(R)D 9F 81, DADA(I)ST 9H 77, DASTA(R)D 9H 76, STADDA(S) 9H 76
DASTA(R)D 9H 76 LongJump22
ADDS 9G 28 sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66

On 4th draw, FLUSHIER E3 78 --- FLUSHY red-complexioned [adj]
Other moves: FLUSHER 13F 75, SHELF 13I 34, AFRESH C8 32, FEHS 7C 32, HEADFULS 6F 31
FLUSHER 13F 75 LongJump22, Pacific
SHELF 13I 34 sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66

On 5th draw, HOOTER F6 43 --- HOOTER one that hoots [n]
Other moves: EIGHT H11 35, HOOT F6 35, THIO F5 35, HEIR J10 32, HOO F6 32
HOOTER F6 43 LongJump22, sicilianc5

On 6th draw, BEADED H10 42 --- BEAD to adorn with round balls of glass, wood or plastic [v]
Other moves: BEADED J10 32, ABED H12 28, ACED H12 28, BEDAD J2 28, CEDED J2 28
BEADED H10 42 LongJump22, Mycophot, queen66, sicilianc5

On 7th draw, PAEAN D1 31 --- PAEAN a song of joy [n]
Other moves: APE J9 28, PAWA G12 28, PLEA D1 27, PAWNED 13C 26, PA J10 25
APE J9 28 LongJump22, Mycophot, queen66, sicilianc5

On 8th draw, EMOTICON 14H 78 --- EMOTICON a group of keyboard characters used to suggest a facial expression or an emotion [n]
Other moves: COMPOT 1A 36, COMPO 1A 33, COMPT 1A 33, TOMPION 1A 33, COMP 1A 30
COMPT 1A 33 LongJump22, Mycophot, queen66

On 9th draw, KINE O12 39 --- KINE a type of television tube [n]
Other tops: KENO O12 39, KENT O12 39, KINO O12 39
Other moves: INKPOT 1A 36, KINETIN O8 36, PINKIE 1D 36, KAINITE C7 34, KINONE O10 33
PINKIE 1D 36 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Cuincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 10th draw, PAOLO J10 32 --- PAOLO an obsolete papal coin [n]
Other moves: GALOP J3 30, GLOP J4 29, APE J9 28, OPE J9 28, LOP J5 27
PAOLO J10 32 LongJump22

On 11th draw, RELENTS K4 72 --- RELENT to soften and become less severe [v]
Other moves: ALTERNES C8 68, ENTRESOL A2 59, PELTERS 1D 27, PENSTER 1D 27, PENTELS 1D 27
RELENTS K4 72 LongJump22

On 12th draw, QUIPS 1A 48 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other moves: QUIP 1A 45, SQUIRE 10A 35, QIS 12D 34, QUIRE 10B 34, CUIFS 12B 30
QUIPS 1A 48 LongJump22, Pacific

On 13th draw, QUIPSTER 1A 57 --- QUIPSTER one who makes witty remarks [n]
Other moves: REFIX 3C 46, EXIT L4 39, NIXER 8K 39, WEX L3 39, REX L3 33
WEX L3 39 LongJump22
NIXER 8K 39 Pacific

On 14th draw, NOWAY 8K 36 --- NOWAY in no way [adv]
Other moves: YOWE L1 32, WAVEY B6 30, YAWNED 13C 28, WANE L1 26, RENAY 4K 24
LO 6K 2 LongJump22

On 15th draw, WANTING C7 32 --- WANT to have a desire for [v] --- WANTING something lacking [n]
Other moves: AWNING C8 28, UNWIND 13C 22, WINK 12L 22, INN C1 20, TWIG L12 20
EN 5K 2 LongJump22

On 16th draw, BRIONY 4J 30 --- BRIONY a climbing plant [n]
Other moves: YOB D12 29, YONI D12 29, ONY D10 28, REBUY 4K 28, BEEFY 3B 26
BONEY 12A 26 Pacific
EN 5K 2 LongJump22

On 17th draw, FUMY O1 36 --- FUMY producing or full of fumes [adj]
Other moves: FLEY O1 30, LIEF 3L 30, ILEUM B10 29, ELMY O1 27, LIMY O1 27
OU M4 2 LongJump22

On 18th draw, GENIC N2 38 --- GENIC pertaining to genes [adj]
Other moves: GENII N2 26, GLIM 3L 23, GLUM 3L 23, GECK 12L 22, GUCK 12L 22

On 19th draw, JINX 12A 52 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: VEXIL L11 32, JIBE J2 31, JEFE 3C 28, JIB J2 28, EX 9M 25
JINX 12A 52 Pacific

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