Game on February 28, 2023 at 10:53, 7 players
1. 531 pts Chelsea
2. 338 pts LongJump22
3. 128 pts Chris19
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 30 30 


10F 68 98 


L8 22 120 


F8 66 186 


15F 45 231 


14J 54 285 


O11 47 332 


8J 24 356 


E2 78 434 


N6 43 477 


8A 39 516 


13I 33 549 


D1 35 584 


C6 98 682 


O4 31 713 


D11 34 747 


14B 32 779 


B2 33 812 


A1 38 850 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 6 13:50 -319 531 1.7536 Chelsea 6 13:50 -319 531
LongJump22 2 10:46 -512 338 Group: intermediate
Chris19 0 10:05 -722 128 1.6811 LongJump22 2 10:46 -512 338
ShotPut22 0 0:58 -807 43 2.6604 ShotPut22 0 0:58 -807 43
Hammer22 0 1:09 -809 41 3.6798 Hammer22 0 1:09 -809 41
Discus22 0 1:29 -809 41 4.6890 Discus22 0 1:29 -809 41
Javelin22 0 1:48 -809 41 5.6580 Javelin22 0 1:48 -809 41
Group: not rated
1.2757 Chris19 0 10:05 -722 128
On 1st draw, FLIN(C)H H7 30 --- FLINCH to shrink back involuntarily [v]
Other tops: FLIN(C)H H4 30
Other moves: FIL(C)H H4 28, FIL(C)H H8 28, FIL(T)H H4 28, FIL(T)H H8 28, FIN(C)H H4 28
FOHN(S) H4 28 LongJump22
HOLIN(G) H4 24 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, RINGBAR(K) 10F 68 --- RINGBARK to make an encircling cut through the bark of [v]
Other moves: BARR(E)ING 10B 66, B(E)RRIGAN 10A 64, BARRING(S) 10C 62, FLIN(C)HI(N)G H7 42, BRA(C)I(N)G 11E 32
BARRING(S) 10C 62 LongJump22
FLIN(C)HI(N)G H7 42 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, PAROLE L8 22 --- PAROLE to release from prison before completion of the imposed sentence [v]
Other tops: HOOPLA 12H 22
Other moves: ALEPH 12D 20, LOOPIER L4 20, PAREO L8 20, PARLE L8 20, PAROL L8 20
PAROLE L8 22 LongJump22, Chelsea
On 4th draw, STRAVAGE F8 66 --- STRAVAGE to stroll [v]
Other moves: VESTA 14J 41, SAVAGE N10 37, SAVATE N10 35, STAVE N10 33, VEGAS N6 32
VESTA 14J 41 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22
PAVE 8L 27 Chelsea
On 5th draw, EXUDED 15F 45 --- EXUDE to ooze forth [v]
Other moves: EXO 11J 42, REDUX 14J 40, EXUDE 15F 39, PREX 8L 39, REDUX 15E 39
EXUDED 15F 45 LongJump22
EXO 11J 42 Chelsea
On 6th draw, MOSEY 14J 54 --- MOSEY to saunter [v]
Other tops: MISTY 14J 54
Other moves: MESTO 14J 48, MOSTE 14J 48, G*Y*MGOYIM 14F 44, OYES 14I 43, STYMES 8A 42
OYES 14I 43 Chelsea, ShotPut22, LongJump22
On 7th draw, TWIST O11 47 --- TWIST to combine by winding together [v]
Other moves: WEST O12 44, WISE O12 44, WIST O12 44, MISE O12 38, MIST O12 38
MEW 15M 33 Chelsea
TWITES N5 32 LongJump22
On 8th draw, REPENT 8J 24 --- REPENT to feel remorse or self-reproach for a past action [v]
Other tops: ARPENT 8J 24, EUPNEA 8J 24, NEPETA 8J 24, REPEAT 8J 24, REPUTE 8J 24
Other moves: ENRAGE 14B 23, RAUNGE 14B 23, TERAI 13K 23, AENEUS 8A 21, ANTRES 8A 21
REPEAT 8J 24 Chelsea
ETEN 13J 21 LongJump22
On 9th draw, DIPHONE E2 78 --- DIPHONE a shorthand sign for a diphthong [n]
Other moves: DIPHONE G1 73, DIPHONE I1 73, EPHODS 8A 39, PENED 13I 37, PHEONS 8A 36
PHONES 8A 36 LongJump22, Chelsea
On 10th draw, JINNS N6 43 --- JINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JANES N6 43, JANNS N6 43
Other moves: JASIES 8A 42, AESCES 8A 33, JEST 9C 33, NIECES 8A 33, SAICES 8A 33
JANES N6 43 Chelsea
AI 3D 2 LongJump22
On 11th draw, CRAMES 8A 39 --- CRAME a booth for selling goods [n]
Other tops: AMICES 8A 39, CRIMES 8A 39, CROMES 8A 39
Other moves: MIAOU D1 38, CAMO D1 37, MOC D3 33, MACRO D8 32, MICRA D8 32
CROMES 8A 39 Chelsea
RIP 4C 10 Chris19
AI 3D 2 LongJump22
On 12th draw, BELEE 13I 33 --- BELEE to put on the lee side [v]
Other moves: OBOE D2 32, BOLO D1 31, BOOL D3 31, LOBO D1 29, BOO D3 27
BOLO D1 31 Chelsea
BOIL 3C 12 Chris19
RE B8 2 LongJump22
On 13th draw, RAKU D1 35 --- RAKU a form of Japanese glazed pottery [n]
Other moves: KUE D3 33, RIVAGE 14B 29, KEN 7C 27, EUREKA K5 26, KEAVIE K3 26
MAUVER D8 22 Chelsea
RAKI B8 18 Chris19
AI 3D 2 LongJump22
On 14th draw, FRANCIZE C6 98 --- FRANCIZE to force to adopt French customs and language [v]
Other moves: ZINKIER 3A 42, FRIZER B3 38, FRIZER B7 38, FRIZER J3 38, FRIZE B7 37
FRIZER B7 38 Chelsea
FIR B6 14 Chris19
On 15th draw, QUA O4 31 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUOAD 2A 30, AQUIVER J2 29, AE D12 28, OE D12 28, QUAD 2B 28
QUA O4 31 Chelsea
QUAD 2B 28 Chris19
On 16th draw, NOTA D11 34 --- NOTUM a part of the thorax of an insect [n]
Other tops: ANTI D12 34
Other moves: NAT D11 32, NOT D11 32, OAT D11 32, TAN D11 32, TON D11 32
NOTA D11 34 Chelsea
TAD 2C 4 Chris19
On 17th draw, ODA 14B 32 --- ODA a room in a harem [n]
Other moves: DA 14C 27, FRANCIZED C6 27, DOOLIE B1 25, DEIL 15A 24, DIEL 15A 24
FRANCIZED C6 27 Chris19
On 18th draw, WOOLIER B2 33 --- WOOLY resembling wool [adj]
Other tops: WOLVE B2 33
Other moves: OW F5 31, WOOLIE B1 29, WOX G13 29, OLIVE B2 27, OVOLI B2 27
WADE 2C 10 Chris19
On 19th draw, YOGI A1 38 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other tops: YAGI A1 38
Other moves: TAIG A1 33, AY F5 31, GAY A1 31, G*YGOY A1 31, OY F5 31
GO 4A 5 Chris19
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