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Game on Mars 16, 2023 at 23:43, 5 players
1. 229 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 129 pts sunshine12
3. 129 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegorry   H4    26    26   yager
 2. agilmst   9H    72    98   stigmal
 3. adiloot   8A    80   178   idolator
 4. ?adeeeh   B1    82   260   beheaded
 5. defknuw   E5    60   320   unwaked
 6. efiinrt   C7    79   399   notifier
 7. abjnosu   8M    47   446   jab
 8. aeginor   1A   131   577   aborigen
 9. ?aeessu  15C    83   660   seasure
10. acehnos   K5    52   712   changes
11. fiortwz   4A    46   758   zero
12. abeiorw   3B    35   793   howbe
13. denoprv  14I    84   877   provend
14. acimnot  11G    62   939   monastic
15. ioprtvy   F5    39   978   pyot
16. ilqrtuv  B10    67  1045   qi
17. filrtuv   I5    24  1069   rif
18. illtuvx  12F    39  1108   tux

Remaining tiles: illtuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7186 FileGLOBEMAN    1  8:58  -879  229     1.7186 GLOBEMAN    1  8:58  -879  229 
  2.7143 Filesunshine12  1  3:56  -979  129     2.7143 sunshine12  1  3:56  -979  129 
  3.7393 Fileroocatcher  1  6:17  -979  129     3.7393 roocatcher  1  6:17  -979  129 
  4.  -  Filexxxxxxx     0  4:48  -998  110            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:19 -1062   46     1.  -  xxxxxxx     0  4:48  -998  110 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:19 -1062   46 

On 1st draw, YAGER H4 26 --- YAGER a German army marksman [n]
Other tops: GOARY H8 26
Other moves: GRAYER H4 24, ROARY H8 24, YARER H4 24, GAYER H4 22, GOARY H4 22

On 2nd draw, STIGMAL 9H 72 --- STIGMA a mark of disgrace [adj] --- STIGMAL pertaining to a stigma [adj]
Other moves: GAMILY 4C 24, MALIS I3 24, MYALIST 4G 24, TAMIS I3 24, AGISM 9E 22

On 3rd draw, IDOLATOR 8A 80 --- IDOLATOR one that worships idols [n]
Other moves: DIOTA 10J 32, OOIDAL 10J 29, ODAL 8L 28, DIAL 10J 25, DIOL 10J 25

On 4th draw, (B)EHEADED B1 82 --- BEHEAD to cut off the head of [v]
Other moves: EYE(S)HADE 4G 78, (B)EHEADED B3 68, (R)EHEATED F3 67, AHE(A)D 8K 53, (A)HEAD 8K 53

On 5th draw, UNWAKED E5 60 --- UNWAKED not woken [adj]
Other tops: UNFAKED 5E 60, UNFAKED E5 60, UNWAKED 5E 60
Other moves: KEF 8M 38, FEND C2 36, EWK A3 34, FEW 8M 34, FLUNKED N8 34

On 6th draw, NOTIFIER C7 79 --- NOTIFIER one that notifies [n]
Other moves: FLINTIER N8 76, FAINTIER 5G 72, FAINTIER M8 72, FIRIE C2 38, RIFTE C2 38

On 7th draw, JAB 8M 47 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: JUS 15A 42, BANJO A2 39, JEAN 4A 38, JEANS 7G 38, JEON 4A 38

On 8th draw, A(B)ORIGEN 1A 131 --- ABORIGEN an aborigine (a native of a country) [n]
Other moves: GERANIOL D1 83, ORANGIER 14B 76, LARINE D8 35, ERING C1 30, ORANG C1 30

On 9th draw, SEASU(R)E 15C 83 --- SEASURE a convulsion [n]
Other tops: SAU(T)EES 15C 83, (R)ESEAUS 15A 83
Other moves: ES(C)UAGES K4 82, ERASU(R)ES 14B 68, SUR(C)EASE 14A 68, U(N)EASES 2F 68, U(N)EASES 2H 68

On 10th draw, CHANGES K5 52 --- CHANGE to make different [v]
Other moves: CASH D10 39, HANCES F10 37, HOSE B10 37, LACES D8 37, HANSES F10 35

On 11th draw, ZERO 4A 46 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: HOWZIT 3B 44, FRIZ 12A 40, FIZ F10 39, WHIZ 3A 38, IF 10M 37
ZERO 4A 46 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 12th draw, HOWBE 3B 35 --- HOWBE yet [conj]
Other moves: JAWARI M8 32, BEAR B10 31, BOAR B10 31, HOWRE 3B 31, BOWIE I3 30
WEB 10M 28 sunshine12, roocatcher, xxxxxxx

On 13th draw, PROVEND 14I 84 --- PROVEND provisions [n]
Other moves: PEDRO B10 52, DEEP 10J 34, JARPED M8 32, PROVED 14I 32, PEON B10 31
PED 10M 25 sunshine12, roocatcher, xxxxxxx

On 14th draw, MONASTIC 11G 62 --- MONASTIC a monk [n]
Other moves: MANICS F10 35, AMIDO O11 33, CAROTIN 14A 32, TAMIN F8 32, TIMON F8 32
CADI O12 30 xxxxxxx, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 15th draw, PYOT F5 39 --- PYOT a magpie [n]
Other moves: PIOY B10 37, PITY B10 37, RYOT F5 35, YO 15N 29, PIT B10 28
TIDY O12 27 xxxxxxx

On 16th draw, QI B10 67 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIT 12A 46, QI 10B 31, EQUAL 7H 24, QUIVER 10A 22, TUI 15M 22
QUIT 12A 46 chunk88, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, RIF I5 24 --- RIF to dismiss from employment [v]
Other moves: FUR 12H 23, RIF 12F 23, IF 12G 22, TUI 15M 22, FLUVIAL N3 21

On 18th draw, TUX 12F 39 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other tops: LUX 12F 39, TIX 12F 39
Other moves: XU 12H 36, LUX 14E 27, TIX 14E 27, TUX 14E 27, VEX M13 26

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