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Game on Mars 17, 2023 at 01:11, 5 players
1. 420 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 372 pts sunshine12
3. 361 pts xxxxxxx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. alnrtuv   H4    24    24   vaunt
 2. ?fiilry   3G    92   116   fairily
 3. cennotu   L1    20   136   culet
 4. ehhiosu   1H    42   178   sheuch
 5. efinost   8B    62   240   fistnote
 6. ddeiqrs   1H    51   291   sheuched
 7. ?eioqrt   D1   102   393   quoiters
 8. bcemost   J6    33   426   besom
 9. enoorty  10G    71   497   noometry
10. adegrwx  11D    43   540   dewax
11. egiorst   O1    83   623   digestor
12. aeiilno  12G    28   651   eolian
13. acilnpr  12A    32   683   pical
14. aadegkn  B10    42   725   kainga
15. abeiiow  A14    27   752   ab
16. deimorw   K3    31   783   idiom
17. aegilrv   C2    24   807   glair
18. adeenru  C12    28   835   cued
19. aenprvz   B5    35   870   zarf

Remaining tiles: ejnpvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7177 FileGLOBEMAN    2 14:50  -450  420     1.7177 GLOBEMAN    2 14:50  -450  420 
  2.7157 Filesunshine12  1 13:53  -498  372     2.7157 sunshine12  1 13:53  -498  372 
  3.  -  Filexxxxxxx     1 13:01  -509  361            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:50  -840   30     1.  -  xxxxxxx     1 13:01  -509  361 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:46  -844   26     2.  -  chunk88     0  1:50  -840   30 
                                             3.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:46  -844   26 

On 1st draw, VAUNT H4 24 --- VAUNT to brag [v]
Other tops: VAULT H4 24
Other moves: VAULT H8 18, VAUNT H8 18, VAULT H5 16, VAULT H6 16, VAULT H7 16

On 2nd draw, F(A)IRILY 3G 92 --- FAIRILY in a fairylike manner [adv]
Other moves: FI(E)RILY 9B 76, F(A)IRILY 9B 75, FRUI(T)ILY 6F 71, INFIR(M)LY 7G 69, FR(U)ITILY 8D 67
FRI(L)LY 9C 28 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 3rd draw, CULET L1 20 --- CULET a piece of armour for the lower back [n]
Other moves: NOUN 4K 19, NOUT 4K 19, TENNO 2K 19, TENON 2K 19, TOUN 4K 19

On 4th draw, SHEUCH 1H 42 --- SHEUCH sheugh [n] --- SHEUCH to plant temporarily [v]
Other moves: OUCHES 1J 33, ECHOS 1K 30, ICHES 1K 30, OCHES 1K 30, CHIS 1L 27

On 5th draw, FISTNOTE 8B 62 --- FISTNOTE a part of a text to which attention is drawn by an index mark [n]
Other tops: FISTNOTE 8E 62
Other moves: UNIFIES K1 31, SOFTIE 2B 27, FEINTS 9C 23, FEST 6J 23, FIENTS 9C 23
FEINTS 9C 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, xxxxxxx

On 6th draw, SHEUCHED 1H 51 --- SHEUCH to plant temporarily [v]
Other moves: QIS 7C 47, QI 7C 44, QIS J6 44, QIS 6J 40, QI 2F 36
QIS 7C 47 xxxxxxx, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 7th draw, Q(U)OITERS D1 102 --- QUOITER one who plays quoits [n]
Other moves: Q(U)ITTER E5 60, Q(U)ITTOR E5 60, ROQ(U)E 7A 52, TOQ(U)E 7A 52, QI(S) 7C 45
QI(S) 7C 45 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, xxxxxxx

On 8th draw, BESOM J6 33 --- BESOM a broom [n] --- BESOM to sweep [v]
Other moves: BESOM 6J 29, MOBE C2 29, MOBS C2 29, BESOT J6 27, COSET J6 27
SOME J8 24 sunshine12, xxxxxxx

On 9th draw, NOOMETRY 10G 71 --- NOOMETRY mind-measurement [n]
Other moves: TRYE I5 28, TOEY C3 27, TYNE E2 26, RYE I6 25, EYEN I8 24
EYER I8 24 xxxxxxx, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 10th draw, DEWAX 11D 43 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: REWAX 11D 41, DEX E4 38, REWAXED K9 38, WAXED 11D 37, WEXED K9 37
DEWAX 11D 43 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, xxxxxxx

On 11th draw, DIGESTOR O1 83 --- DIGESTOR an apparatus which softens substances [n]
Other tops: GOITERS 12G 83, GOITRES 12G 83, GORIEST 12G 83
Other moves: OXTERS H10 42, GOIEST 12G 31, GOITER 12G 31, GOITRE 12G 31, GOSTER 12G 31
DEWAXES 11D 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
GORES 12G 22 xxxxxxx

On 12th draw, EOLIAN 12G 28 --- EOLIAN pertaining to the wind [adj]
Other moves: LENO 12E 26, AEON 12D 24, ALOE 12D 24, ENOL 12F 24, ALINE 12B 23
LENO 12E 26 xxxxxxx, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 13th draw, PICAL 12A 32 --- PICAL resembling a pica [adj]
Other moves: CAPI 12A 28, CYPRIAN N9 28, PICA 12A 28, PILAR 12A 28, PLAIN 12A 28
PILAR 12A 28 sunshine12, xxxxxxx

On 14th draw, KAINGA B10 42 --- KAINGA a Maori village [n]
Other moves: KAING B10 40, KAED C3 37, APEAK A11 33, KAE C3 30, KNEED 7G 30
PEAK A12 30 xxxxxxx, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, chunk88

On 15th draw, AB A14 27 --- AB an abdominal muscle [n]
Other moves: BOWIE 13K 26, WAE C3 26, WAI C3 26, WOE C3 26, OBIA C3 24
WAB 15A 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 16th draw, IDIOM K3 31 --- IDIOM a mode of expression peculiar to a language [n]
Other moves: MODER C2 30, MODER E2 30, COED C12 28, MOWED 13K 28, IDEM C3 27
WOE C3 26 BadBoyBen, xxxxxxx

On 17th draw, GLAIR C2 24 --- GLAIR to coat with egg white [v]
Other moves: GAVEL 13K 23, GAIR C3 22, GLIA C3 22, REGAVE K9 22, VAG(U)ER 2A 22
GAVEL 13K 23 xxxxxxx

On 18th draw, CUED C12 28 --- CUE to give a signal to an actor [v]
Other moves: DEANERY N4 26, ARG(U)ED 2A 22, DAE E4 21, DAN E4 21, DAUNER 13J 21

On 19th draw, ZARF B5 35 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other moves: NAZE 13K 30, RAZE 13K 30, ZA B5 30, ZANY N7 29, RAP B4 28

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