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Game on Mars 22, 2023 at 04:27, 6 players
1. 226 pts fatcat
2. 212 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 117 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadfkrs   H8    28    28   darafs
 2. adeirty   G7    31    59   rayed
 3. ?eegpuv   I9    32    91   page
 4. deeimnn   6B    28   119   meined
 5. abehilt   5B    39   158   habit
 6. eeginpz  12H    40   198   feezing
 7. celnstu   L8    64   262   cutlines
 8. behmotu  15E    95   357   bemouths
 9. aaortuw  K11    42   399   azoth
10. aaeilnu   8J    24   423   nuclei
11. aioorst   J2    71   494   orations
12. acdnnru   B1    28   522   drachm
13. ?aeenov   3G    74   596   overname
14. egilruw  N10    38   634   wigger
15. aiklstu   O1    50   684   lisk
16. aioptwx   N1    40   724   axe
17. fioqrtw   3A    38   762   waqf
18. ilnortu  13A    68   830   torulins
19. eioopvy   H1    33   863   vivo

Remaining tiles: ejopy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6560 Filefatcat      3  6:11  -637  226     1.7132 GLOBEMAN    2  6:41  -651  212 
  2.7132 FileGLOBEMAN    2  6:41  -651  212     2.7060 sunshine12  2  3:10  -746  117 
  3.7060 Filesunshine12  2  3:10  -746  117     3.7206 roocatcher  1  3:31  -763  100 
  4.7206 Fileroocatcher  1  3:31  -763  100     4.7078 lazy.lion   0  0:50  -830   33 
  5.7078 Filelazy.lion   0  0:50  -830   33            Group: intermediate
  6.6541 Filexxxxxxx     0  1:24  -830   33     1.6560 fatcat      3  6:11  -637  226 
                                             2.6541 xxxxxxx     0  1:24  -830   33 

On 1st draw, DARAFS H8 28 --- DARAF an electrical inverse unit of capacitance [n]
Other tops: FARADS H4 28, KARAS H4 28
Other moves: DARAF H8 26, FARAD H4 26, FARDS H4 26, DARAFS H4 24, DARKS H4 24

On 2nd draw, RAYED G7 31 --- RAY to emit rays (narrow beams of light) [v]
Other tops: RAYED I7 31
Other moves: YATE G9 29, YETI G9 29, DERAYS 13C 28, AIERY I8 27, DERAT I9 26

On 3rd draw, P(A)GE I9 32 --- PAGE to summon by calling out the name of [v]
Other moves: G(A)PE I9 30, PE(K)E I9 30, PE(L)E I9 30, PE(N)E I9 30, P(R)EE I9 30

On 4th draw, MEINED 6B 28 --- MEIN to lament [v]
Other moves: DEEM 6G 24, DENIMS 13C 24, NEMNED 6B 24, EMENDS 13C 22, FENMEN 12H 22

On 5th draw, HABIT 5B 39 --- HABIT to clothe or dress [v]
Other moves: BATHE 5A 35, HABLE 5A 34, BHAT 5C 33, BLAH 5C 33, LATHE 5A 31

On 6th draw, FEEZING 12H 40 --- FEEZE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: PEIZES 13C 36, ZEP J12 35, ZIP J12 35, FEEZE 12H 34, ZIG J12 32

On 7th draw, CUTLINES L8 64 --- CUTLINE a caption [n]
Other moves: LUTZES K9 30, CUZ K10 28, LUTZ K9 26, L*Z K10 24, LUZ K10 24

On 8th draw, BEMOUTHS 15E 95 --- BEMOUTH to mouth about [v]
Other moves: BEMOUTHS 13A 88, BEMOUTH M2 87, THUMBS 15G 39, HOB 4C 37, HONE 13J 34

On 9th draw, AZOTH K11 42 --- AZOTH mercury [n]
Other moves: TAWA 14D 36, AWA 14E 35, AROW 14C 32, TROW 14C 32, RAW 14D 31

On 10th draw, NUCLEI 8J 24 --- NUCLEUS an essential part of a cell [n]
Other tops: AECIAL 8J 24, ANCILE 8J 24, EUCAIN 8J 24, LACUNA 8J 24, LACUNE 8J 24, UNCIAE 8J 24, UNCIAL 8J 24
Other moves: LAUAN 14B 22, ULNAE 14B 22, LINGUAE N9 20, UNAGILE N9 20, ALANE 14C 19

On 11th draw, ORATIONS J2 71 --- ORATION a formal speech [n]
Other moves: ROTOS 4A 36, ROTO 4A 31, TORAS 4C 29, SORA 4C 27, TORA 4C 27

On 12th draw, DRACHM B1 28 --- DRACHM a unit of weight [n]
Other moves: DURANCE N2 24, NANDU K4 23, UNBIND D3 22, CAD 14D 21, CAAED C3 20
CARD 4I 14 fatcat

On 13th draw, OVERNA(M)E 3G 74 --- OVERNAME to repeat the names of [v]
Other tops: OVERNEA(R) 3G 74, OVERNEA(T) 3G 74
Other moves: OVEN(W)ARE 3D 62, DAVENE(D) 1B 42, DOVENE(D) 1B 42, OVA(T)E 4D 35, VEGAN N10 34
GAVE N12 16 fatcat

On 14th draw, WIGGER N10 38 --- WIGGER (derogatory) a white youth who adopts black youth culture [n]
Other tops: WIGGLE N10 38
Other moves: WIVER H1 36, WIVE H1 33, GIVER H1 30, WE 14F 30, WIEL 4L 29
WIVE H1 33 fatcat

On 15th draw, LISK O1 50 --- LISK the groin [n]
Other tops: LUSK O1 50, TASK O1 50, TUSK O1 50
Other moves: ADUKIS 1A 48, ADUKI 1A 45, KIVAS H1 39, AUK A1 38, KIST O1 38
TUSK O1 50 fatcat
TASK O1 50 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 16th draw, AXE N1 40 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: XI 4L 37, ADOPT 1A 33, PAW 14D 33, PIVOT H1 33, POW 14D 33
AXE N1 40 sunshine12, fatcat, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 17th draw, WAQF 3A 38 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other tops: WAQF L2 38
Other moves: FROW 14C 35, FAQIR 3A 34, FAQIR L2 34, WOF 14D 34, QI 2F 33
WAQF 3A 38 fatcat
QI 2F 33 roocatcher, lazy.lion, xxxxxxx, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, TORULINS 13A 68 --- TORULIN a vitamin in yeast [n]
Other moves: DILUTOR 1B 27, LIVOR H1 27, RIVO H1 24, TURION 14A 24, ULTION 14A 24
LIVOR H1 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
NOR 14D 13 fatcat

On 19th draw, VIVO H1 33 --- VIVO lively [adj]
Other tops: VIVE H1 33
Other moves: PEAVY L1 32, YEP 12D 32, YEP 14B 32, OYE 12C 26, OYE 14A 26
OY 12C 22 fatcat

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