Game on Mars 22, 2023 at 22:07, 5 players
1. 638 pts LongJump22
2. 503 pts xxxxxxx
3. 256 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 70 70
2. 15D 60 130
3. 14C 30 160
4. 13G 22 182
5. 8A 89 271
6. E2 80 351
7. 2B 42 393
8. 12G 27 420
9. 4A 60 480
10. 6B 66 546
11. H1 48 594
12. 7I 67 661
13. O4 39 700
14. M3 76 776
15. 1A 26 802
16. N9 34 836
17. L1 46 882
18. 10C 28 910
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6632 LongJump22 7 11:14 -272 638 1.7385 Mycophot 4 9:10 -654 256
2.6541 xxxxxxx 5 16:15 -407 503 2.7610 queen66 3 8:39 -657 253
3.7385 Mycophot 4 9:10 -654 256 3.7909 sicilianc5 3 6:41 -702 208
4.7610 queen66 3 8:39 -657 253 Group: intermediate
5.7909 sicilianc5 3 6:41 -702 208 1.6632 LongJump22 7 11:14 -272 638
2.6541 xxxxxxx 5 16:15 -407 503
On 1st draw, (S)LOGGER H8 70 --- SLOGGER one that slogs [n]
Other tops: GOG(G)LER H2 70, GOG(G)LER H4 70, GO(G)GLER H4 70, LOGGER(S) H2 70, LOGG(I)ER H2 70, (B)LOGGER H8 70, (B)OGGLER H2 70, (C)LOGGER H8 70, (D)OGGREL H2 70, (F)LOGGER H8 70, (G)OGGLER H2 70, (J)OGGLER H2 70, (T)OGGLER H2 70
Other moves: GOG(G)LER H3 68, GOG(G)LER H6 68, GOG(G)LER H7 68, GOG(G)LER H8 68, GO(G)GLER H3 68
LOGGER(S) H2 70 LongJump22
G(A)RGLE H4 18 xxxxxxx
On 2nd draw, BONDS 15D 60 --- BOND to join together [v]
Other tops: BOLDS 15D 60, BUDOS 15D 60, BUNDS 15D 60
Other moves: BLONDS 15C 57, BOLUS 15D 57, BONUS 15D 57, BOUNDS 15C 57, BOUNS 15D 57
BOLDS 15D 60 xxxxxxx, Mycophot
BONDS 15D 60 LongJump22, queen66, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, ROJI 14C 30 --- ROJI a Japanese garden design [n]
Other moves: JOLING 11C 28, JOLING 12C 28, ROJI 14H 27, JINGO 11E 26, JOIN I7 26
JOLING 12C 28 LongJump22, queen66, sicilianc5, Mycophot
JOIN I7 26 xxxxxxx
On 4th draw, REDSEAR 13G 22 --- REDSEAR brittle at red-heat [adj]
Other tops: REDEARS 13G 22
Other moves: ARED 13A 20, READ 13A 20, READERS 13G 20, REREADS 13G 20, DAES 13A 19
READERS 13G 20 xxxxxxx
RAD 13B 18 LongJump22
On 5th draw, HICATEE(S) 8A 89 --- HICATEE a freshwater tortoise [n]
Other moves: TEACHIE I4 75, HICATEES J6 73, HICATEE G3 72, TEACHIE G3 72, HICATEE G2 65
HICATEE(S) 8A 89 LongJump22
HATE 14J 34 xxxxxxx
On 6th draw, VIEWDATA E2 80 --- VIEWDATA a videotex [n]
Other moves: DEAW 12L 32, CADAVER C8 28, DEAW 7D 28, ADAW 12K 26, AWED 13A 26
VIED 13A 26 LongJump22, xxxxxxx
On 7th draw, (B)EVVY 2B 42 --- BEVVY an alcoholic drink [n] --- BEVVY to engage in a drinking session [v]
Other moves: GO(O)FY 12H 41, G(O)OFY 12H 41, FO(G)Y 12L 38, FO(X)Y 12L 38, FO(Z)Y 12L 38
GO(O)FY 12H 41 LongJump22
G(O)OFY 12H 41 Mycophot
FOY 13B 30 xxxxxxx
On 8th draw, AGOUTA 12G 27 --- AGOUTA a rare Haitian mammal that eats insects [n]
Other moves: TALEA 14J 24, UVAE D1 22, ALATE 12K 20, ALATE 1F 20, CLOUTER C8 20
ALATE 12K 20 LongJump22
ALATE 1F 20 sicilianc5, queen66
TAEL 14K 14 xxxxxxx
On 9th draw, ZINKED 4A 60 --- ZINC to coat with zinc (a metallic element) [v]
Other moves: ZINKES 4A 58, ZINKE 4A 56, ZINS 10B 49, AZUKI D8 47, KANZUS D7 46
ZINKED 4A 60 LongJump22, sicilianc5, queen66, Mycophot
KINDS 1F 39 xxxxxxx
On 10th draw, SOLDIERY 6B 66 --- SOLDIERY the military profession [n]
Other tops: SERIOUSLY J7 66
Other moves: LYRES 10A 32, OILERY 1F 32, OSIERY 1F 32, OYERS 10A 32, ROSY 10C 31
SOLDIERY 6B 66 LongJump22
OYERS 1F 29 xxxxxxx
On 11th draw, HAMPER H1 48 --- HAMPER to hinder [v]
Other moves: HEAPER H1 42, CHAMPER C8 40, HEMPEN 5G 40, MANEH 1F 37, CHEAPER C8 36
MANEH 1F 37 xxxxxxx
HEMP 14L 30 LongJump22
On 12th draw, AUCTION 7I 67 --- AUCTION to sell publicly to the highest bidder [v]
Other moves: AUCTION 2H 30, ACTIN 11K 25, ACTON 11K 25, AEONIC 5G 23, ATOC 13A 23
ATOC 13A 23 LongJump22
On 13th draw, WINNLE O4 39 --- WINNLE an appliance for winding yarn [n]
Other tops: WANNEL O4 39
Other moves: WINNA O4 36, AWE 6M 31, OWE 6M 31, OWE 8M 31, LAWINE O3 30
WANNEL O4 39 LongJump22, sicilianc5, queen66, Mycophot
WINNLE O4 39 xxxxxxx
On 14th draw, MULTIAGE M3 76 --- MULTIAGE including people of various ages [adj]
Other moves: EGMA I1 31, GAMUT 11J 31, ALME I1 29, GAME 11J 29, GAM 11J 27
GAME 11J 29 LongJump22
On 15th draw, BOP 1A 26 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other tops: BIEN L1 26, PEON L1 26, PION L1 26
Other moves: NEPIT 5G 24, BICEP K5 22, BONE L2 22, EBON L1 22, ENTOPIC K1 22
BOP 1A 26 xxxxxxx
TOP 1A 20 queen66
O(B) B1 1 LongJump22, sicilianc5
On 16th draw, IFF N9 34 --- IFF if and only if [conj]
Other tops: *FFEFF N9 34, OFF N9 34
Other moves: RAFFLE 9D 33, FIEF 13A 32, EFT N9 31, OFT N9 31, EF N9 30
IFF N9 34 LongJump22
OFT N9 31 xxxxxxx
FE N10 26 queen66
On 17th draw, ROUX L1 46 --- ROUX a mixture of butter and flour [n]
Other moves: NOX L2 42, REX L2 42, TEX L2 42, TUX L2 42, EX L3 40
ROUX L1 46 xxxxxxx
AE 2H 2 LongJump22
On 18th draw, QIS 10C 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NEIST 10B 25, NINES 10A 23, NITES 10A 23, SETON 10E 23, TINES 10A 23
QIS 10C 28 xxxxxxx, Mycophot
RE 1L 2 LongJump22
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