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Game on Mars 31, 2023 at 14:43, 9 players
1. 468 pts LongJump22
2. 165 pts Pacific
3. 88 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abdiot   H4    74    74   bandito
 2. dfiinpr   9D    71   145   driftpin
 3. ?ahijoq   8A    49   194   haji
 4. aeeghor   8K    26   220   agree
 5. ceosttw   K5    36   256   octanes
 6. aklorrt  L11    30   286   troak
 7. aeerstt  14G    70   356   stearate
 8. egimoor  15D    37   393   gooier
 9. ?delorv   A8    95   488   holdover
10. aegiilm  12A    74   562   oligemia
11. aabdesu  O11    39   601   abuse
12. acfimny   L1    39   640   fancy
13. himnotw   2J    42   682   whamo
14. aeeilnx   1L    48   730   falx
15. deiopuu  11C    36   766   ouped
16. einqtvw   I3    25   791   qi
17. elnstuz   5E    40   831   zetas
18. ilnnuvy   N8    23   854   envy
19. eilnnuu   J2    22   876   win
20. elnnuuw  M12    24   900   ewt

Remaining tiles: lnnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6704 FileLongJump22  6 12:27  -432  468     1.8973 Pacific     1  4:31  -735  165 
  2.8973 FilePacific     1  4:31  -735  165     2.8278 Quincunx    1  0:37  -861   39 
  3.7404 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:03  -812   88     3.8694 Zuincunx    1  1:03  -861   39 
  4.7511 Filequeen66     1  3:05  -812   88     4.8848 Cuincunx    1  1:30  -861   39 
  5.7654 FileMycophot    1  1:20  -827   73     5.8273 Fuincunx    1  1:57  -861   39 
  6.8278 FileQuincunx    1  0:37  -861   39            Group: advanced
  7.8694 FileZuincunx    1  1:03  -861   39     1.7404 moonmonkey  1  3:03  -812   88 
  8.8848 FileCuincunx    1  1:30  -861   39     2.7511 queen66     1  3:05  -812   88 
  9.8273 FileFuincunx    1  1:57  -861   39     3.7654 Mycophot    1  1:20  -827   73 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6704 LongJump22  6 12:27  -432  468 

On 1st draw, BA(N)DITO H4 74 --- BANDITO a bandit [n]
Other tops: BIODAT(A) H4 74, BIOD(A)TA H4 74, TAB(L)OID H2 74
Other moves: TAB(L)OID H6 72, BA(N)DITO H3 70, BA(N)DITO H6 70, BA(N)DITO H7 70, BA(N)DITO H8 70
TAB(L)OID H2 74 LongJump22
TAB(L)OID H2 24 Mycophot

On 2nd draw, DRIFTPIN 9D 71 --- DRIFTPIN a metal pin for securing timbers [n]
Other moves: BIFID 4H 22, FIORD 10F 21, FROND 10F 21, FRIAND 5E 20, PINDARI 5D 20
DRIFTPIN 9D 71 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, HAJI 8A 49 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: H(A)JI 8A 46, QA(D)I 8A 43, Q(U)AI 8A 43, (S)HOJI L9 42, HAJ(I) 8A 41
HAJI 8A 49 LongJump22, Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66

On 4th draw, AGREE 8K 26 --- AGREE to have the same opinion [v]
Other tops: BEGORAH 4H 26, GHERAO I2 26
Other moves: BEEGAH 4H 24, BHAGEE 4H 24, HAGRIDE D4 24, HEROE I3 24, EAGER 8K 23

On 5th draw, OCTANES K5 36 --- OCTANE a liquid hydrocarbon [n]
Other tops: OCTANTS K5 36
Other moves: SOWCE 11H 30, COWS 11E 28, SCOW 11H 28, OCTETS 11C 26, TOWSE 11E 26
OCTANES K5 36 LongJump22

On 6th draw, TROAK L11 30 --- TROAK to exchange [v]
Other tops: TAROK L11 30
Other moves: TROIKA F6 22, KOALA B6 21, KRAAL B6 21, KRAIT F6 21, TRAIK F6 21

On 7th draw, STEARATE 14G 70 --- STEARATE a chemical salt [n]
Other tops: TREATERS M2 70
TREATERS M2 70 LongJump22

On 8th draw, GOOIER 15D 37 --- GOOEY sticky or viscid [adj]
Other moves: GROOM 15E 36, ROOMIE 15C 35, GOOIER 15E 33, MOIRE 15F 33, GOORIE 15C 32

On 9th draw, H(O)LDOVER A8 95 --- HOLDOVER something left over [n]
Other moves: HOLD(O)VER A8 92, OVERL(A)DE O1 86, OVER(I)DLE O1 86, EV(I)LDOER N2 80, OVER(I)DLE N1 80
H(O)LDOVER A8 95 LongJump22
(P)RELOVED O6 62 Pacific

On 10th draw, OLIGEMIA 12A 74 --- OLIGEMIA loss of blood after haemorrhage [n]
Other moves: EMAILI(N)G 6B 64, KAME 15L 36, KAMI 15L 36, KALE 15L 28, KALI 15L 28
EMAILI(N)G 6B 64 Pacific, LongJump22

On 11th draw, ABUSE O11 39 --- ABUSE to use wrongly or improperly [v]
Other tops: ABASE O11 39
Other moves: BASE O12 36, SABED 11C 36, BUDAS 11C 35, BAAED 11C 34, DEBUD 11A 33
ABASE O11 39 Quincunx, Zuincunx, Cuincunx, Fuincunx
ABUSE O11 39 Pacific
A(N) 6G 1 LongJump22

On 12th draw, FANCY L1 39 --- FANCY ornamental [adj] --- FANCY to take a liking to [v]
Other moves: MINCY L1 35, YAM 11E 34, MAY 11C 33, INFAMY I1 30, FIN 13C 27
I(N) 6G 1 LongJump22

On 13th draw, WHAMO 2J 42 --- WHAMO whammo [interj]
Other moves: WHO 11E 37, HOM 11E 34, MHO 11E 33, HIANT 2J 32, MIAOW 2J 32
(N)O 6H 1 LongJump22

On 14th draw, FALX 1L 48 --- FALX a sickle-shaped structure [n]
Other tops: FAIX 1L 48
Other moves: NIXE 13C 42, XENIA 1F 41, NIXE 3L 39, NIX 3L 37, NIX 13C 36
NIXE 3L 39 queen66, moonmonkey
I(N) 6G 1 LongJump22

On 15th draw, OUPED 11C 36 --- OUP to bind with thread [v]
Other moves: DUPE 11C 32, PUDU 11C 31, PED 11E 27, POD 11E 27, PUD 11E 27
(N)E 6H 1 LongJump22

On 16th draw, QI I3 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EWT M12 24, NITE 3L 21, VEIN 3I 21, NIT 3L 19, IT 10E 18
I(N) 6G 1 LongJump22

On 17th draw, ZETAS 5E 40 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZEAS B6 34, ZEES N6 33, ZEA B6 32, ZEE N6 32, SENZA 5D 28
E(N) 6G 1 LongJump22

On 18th draw, ENVY N8 23 --- ENVY to covet others' possessions,looks etc. [v]
Other moves: WIN J2 22, LINENY N5 19, LINNEY F1 19, VIZY E3 19, LEVY F4 18
EN O8 2 LongJump22

On 19th draw, WIN J2 22 --- WIN to winnow [v] --- WIN to be victorious [v]
Other moves: EUOI 13J 16, ENNUI 14A 15, AMU M1 14, NU 3L 14, ULZIE E3 14

On 20th draw, EWT M12 24 --- EWT a small salamander [n]
Other moves: WE 13E 18, WEAN B6 16, ENEW F3 15, AMU M1 14, EWE F5 14

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