Game on April 2, 2023 at 00:55, 6 players
1. 261 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 260 pts roocatcher
3. 208 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 26 26
2. 6E 23 49
3. 5F 26 75
4. E4 28 103
5. D1 42 145
6. 11E 48 193
7. 1A 42 235
8. 10J 56 291
9. 12J 32 323
10. O8 131 454
11. 14J 34 488
12. 15H 49 537
13. 12A 30 567
14. M4 72 639
15. A9 36 675
16. 10F 67 742
17. 2A 41 783
18. 2F 32 815
19. L1 30 845
20. 1K 36 881
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6964 GLOBEMAN 4 5:41 -620 261 1.7252 roocatcher 4 9:29 -621 260
2.7252 roocatcher 4 9:29 -621 260 2.7245 sunshine12 2 6:09 -673 208
3.7245 sunshine12 2 6:09 -673 208 3.7574 bumpkin 0 8:05 -684 197
4.7574 bumpkin 0 8:05 -684 197 4.7350 mousecat 0 6:57 -694 187
5.7350 mousecat 0 6:57 -694 187 5.7345 FangTooth 2 6:16 -710 171
6.7345 FangTooth 2 6:16 -710 171 Group: intermediate
1.6964 GLOBEMAN 4 5:41 -620 261
On 1st draw, RAMPED H7 26 --- RAMP to slope from one level to another [v]
Other tops: DAMPER H4 26, GRAMP H8 26, PARGED H4 26
Other moves: AMPED H8 24, DAMPER H3 24, DAMPER H7 24, DAMPER H8 24, GRAMP H4 24
On 2nd draw, DENTIN 6E 23 --- DENTIN the hard substance forming the body of a tooth [n]
Other tops: INTEND 6F 23
Other moves: DITE 6F 21, EDIT 6E 21, INDENT 6C 21, TIDE 6H 21, TINNED 6H 21
On 3rd draw, WIS 5F 26 --- WIS to know -- WIS and WIST are the only accepted forms of this verb; it cannot be conjugated further [v] --- WIST to know [v]
Other tops: WAS 5F 26, WOS 5F 26
Other moves: SWAG K3 25, SWIG K3 25, WAGS K4 25, WIGS K4 25, W*GSWOGS K4 25
On 4th draw, EIDOLA E4 28 --- EIDOLON a phantom [n]
Other tops: IDEATA E5 28
Other moves: IDEAL E5 26, IDOLA E5 26, TIDAL E4 26, AIDE E4 24, IDEA E5 24
On 5th draw, KEEF D1 42 --- KEEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: SKEEF 4C 36, FAKE D1 34, KEEF 4D 34, FAKES K2 32, FAKES K3 32
On 6th draw, ROSEBAY 11E 48 --- ROSEBAY an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BARKY 1A 42, BOSKY 1A 42, BRAKY 1A 42, BUSKY 1A 42, KYBOS 1D 42
BARKY 1A 42 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 7th draw, WANKIER 1A 42 --- WANKY contemptible [adj]
Other tops: W*NK*DWANKED 1A 42, WARKED 1A 42, WINKED 1A 42
Other moves: DRAWL 8A 39, KAWED 1D 39, WANKER 1A 39, WINKER 1A 39, DAWK 1A 36
WANKIER 1A 42 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 8th draw, J(A)M 10J 56 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: J(O)LE 10J 55, J(O)LT 10J 55, J(O)E 10J 54, J(O)L 10J 54, J(O)T 10J 54
J(A)M 10J 56 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 9th draw, GENTOO 12J 32 --- GENTOO a Falkland Island penguin [n]
Other moves: GENOA 12J 28, TANGLE 8A 27, DOGE 12H 26, GEAN 12J 26, GEAT 12J 26
GAP 10F 19 mousecat, bumpkin
On 10th draw, TE(M)PORAL O8 131 --- TEMPORAL a bone of the skull [n]
Other tops: PETRO(S)AL O8 131, PET(I)OLAR O8 131, PE(C)TORAL O8 131
Other moves: EP(I)LATOR O6 77, LA(K)EPORT O7 77, PLET(H)ORA O7 77, PREAL(L)OT O6 77, PREA(L)LOT O6 77
PAP 10F 25 bumpkin, mousecat
On 11th draw, BOSHTA 14J 34 --- BOSHTA very good [adj]
Other tops: BOETS 2B 34, SOUTH N6 34
Other moves: BOTH M10 32, HOP 10F 31, HUP 10F 31, HUSOS G9 31, OBOES 2A 31
HOP 10F 31 mousecat, bumpkin, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, QUID 15H 49 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QUOD 15H 49
Other moves: QUID N6 39, QUOIN J2 34, QUOD 7C 31, QUINO G3 28, RORID 15G 25
QUID 15H 49 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 13th draw, VOICE 12A 30 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other tops: EVINCE K1 30, NOVICE K1 30
Other moves: AEONIC B1 28, COVEN K3 28, VOICE K2 28, NEVEL 8A 27, NOVEL 8A 27
VOICE 12A 30 FangTooth
On 14th draw, DATURAS M4 72 --- DATURA a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: DATURAS N2 72
Other moves: DUETS 2B 30, SARDS G11 25, AVAST A11 24, DATALS 8A 24, DURALS 8A 24
ADOS F9 22 FangTooth
DOST F10 20 mousecat
On 15th draw, CORVINE A9 36 --- CORVINE pertaining or belonging to the crow family of birds [adj]
Other tops: CORVINA A9 36
Other moves: CAVERN A10 33, CAVIER A10 33, INCAVE A8 33, INCAVO A8 33, NOVICE A10 33
NOVICE A10 33 mousecat, sunshine12, bumpkin
On 16th draw, ZAP 10F 67 --- ZAP to kill or destroy instantaneously [v]
Other tops: ZEP 10F 67
Other moves: GLAZEN L2 53, GLAZE L2 49, GAZE L3 47, LAZE L3 45, NAZE L3 45
ZAP 10F 67 FangTooth
ZEAL N2 31 bumpkin, mousecat
On 17th draw, EX 2A 41 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: EAUX L4 41, OX 2A 41
Other moves: ULEX N2 34, AX B14 31, EX B14 31, OX B14 31, AXEL K4 30
OX 2A 41 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 18th draw, FEH 2F 32 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: VUGH K4 31, FEG 2F 30, HUGE L1 30, FEH L3 29, FEU 2F 29
HE 2F 28 sunshine12
On 19th draw, YOGI L1 30 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other tops: VAGI L1 30, VIGA L1 30, YAGI L1 30, YOGA L1 30, YUGA L1 30
Other moves: VAGI 3G 29, VIGA 3G 29, VAG 3G 28, VIG 3G 28, VAU 3G 26
VIG 3G 28 mousecat, bumpkin, FangTooth
On 20th draw, VYING 1K 36 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v] --- VYING an act of vying [n]
Other moves: VAGI K4 32, VIGA K4 32, VIOLA 2J 32, LAYING 1J 30, VAG K4 30
LAYING 1J 30 bumpkin, roocatcher
YANG 1L 24 FangTooth
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