Game on April 2, 2023 at 06:22, 7 players
1. 373 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 345 pts roocatcher
3. 318 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 24 24
2. 8H 92 116
3. 10A 64 180
4. D6 54 234
5. C1 82 316
6. A4 92 408
7. 13B 55 463
8. H8 45 508
9. 9G 47 555
10. 1C 30 585
11. 7G 39 624
12. E5 41 665
13. 2A 42 707
14. K3 74 781
15. 3I 56 837
16. 12G 70 907
17. N2 37 944
18. 14A 35 979
19. 4I 33 1012
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6955 GLOBEMAN 2 11:13 -639 373 1.7358 roocatcher 1 10:08 -667 345
2.7358 roocatcher 1 10:08 -667 345 2.7285 sunshine12 2 10:03 -694 318
3.7285 sunshine12 2 10:03 -694 318 3.7261 mousecat 2 10:05 -748 264
4.7261 mousecat 2 10:05 -748 264 4.7356 FangTooth 0 7:23 -800 212
5.7356 FangTooth 0 7:23 -800 212 5.7886 SQUAW1 2 4:38 -863 149
6.7886 SQUAW1 2 4:38 -863 149 6.7520 bumpkin 1 2:34 -948 64
7.7520 bumpkin 1 2:34 -948 64 Group: intermediate
1.6955 GLOBEMAN 2 11:13 -639 373
On 1st draw, CONIC H8 24 --- CONIC a geometric curve [n]
Other tops: CINCT H4 24, CONIC H4 24
Other moves: CINCT H8 20, DICOT H4 20, ONTIC H8 20, TONIC H8 20, CINCT H5 18
On 2nd draw, CELIB(A)TE 8H 92 --- CELIBATE one who lives a life of celibacy [n]
Other moves: CITE(A)BLE 8H 83, CELIB(A)TE 12H 74, CITE(A)BLE 12H 74, BETI(T)LE 7E 69, BE(T)ITLE 7E 69
On 3rd draw, GUARDIAN 10A 64 --- GUARDIAN one that guards [n]
Other moves: GAID 7F 24, GID 7G 24, GRID 7F 24, GUID 7F 24, ARID 7F 23
On 4th draw, HEXAR(C)H D6 54 --- HEXARCH having six vascular strands [adj]
Other moves: HEXAD(E) 7I 51, HEXAD(S) 7I 51, HOX 9G 51, H(E)XADE 7I 51, HEXAD 7I 50
On 5th draw, FEEDLOT C1 82 --- FEEDLOT a plot of land in which livestock is fattened [n]
Other moves: FEEDLOT E1 79, FLEXED 8A 51, FLEXO 8A 45, FLEX 8A 42, FODGEL A7 36
FLEXED 8A 51 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 6th draw, RAMPINGS A4 92 --- RAMPING dishonest share trading [n]
Other moves: FIRMANS 1C 39, PARSING A4 39, RAMPING A4 39, ASPIRIN K5 36, FIRMAN 1C 36
FIRMANS 1C 39 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 7th draw, JOYED 13B 55 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JOEY 13A 51, DEEJAY 2A 50, JAY 13B 49, JOY 13B 49, DEFY 1A 45
JAY 7M 44 roocatcher, sunshine12, FangTooth
On 8th draw, CONICITY H8 45 --- CONICITY the state of being conical [n]
Other moves: YATE D1 44, YETI D1 44, FAINTY 1C 39, CONICINE H8 36, NIFTY 1A 36
FAINTY 1C 39 FangTooth, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 9th draw, ZOS 9G 47 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZEE 7M 46, ZAS G9 45, ZOS 14A 44, ZA 9C 42, ZA C9 42
ZEE 7M 46 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 10th draw, FORANE 1C 30 --- FORANE foreign [adj]
Other tops: FAINER 1C 30, FIORIN 1C 30, INFARE 1A 30
Other moves: INFER 1A 27, INFRA 1A 27, AERO D1 26, EAN 14A 26, EAR 14A 26
FAINER 1C 30 sunshine12, bumpkin, mousecat
On 11th draw, VIM 7G 39 --- VIM energy [n]
Other moves: NIM 7G 33, NIP 7G 33, TIP 7G 33, PIT 7G 29, PTUI B2 29
MUNT 2F 26 mousecat, sunshine12, FangTooth
On 12th draw, BOGIED E5 41 --- BOGIE to swim [v]
Other tops: BODIED E5 41
Other moves: DOB 14A 34, GOB 14A 34, BOD 14A 33, BODGIE 2F 33, BETID 2F 32
DOB 14A 34 FangTooth, mousecat
GOB 14A 34 bumpkin
On 13th draw, STEWED 2A 42 --- STEW to cook by boiling slowly [v]
Other moves: AWNIEST K5 40, NEWED 2B 40, SEWED 2B 40, TEWED 2B 40, WANIEST K5 40
DAW 14A 37 mousecat, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, FangTooth
On 14th draw, ARGUFIES K3 74 --- ARGUFY to argue stubbornly [v]
Other moves: FAE 14A 32, FAR 14A 32, FAS 14A 32, SAFER 7K 30, FA 14A 28
FAR 14A 32 FangTooth, sunshine12, mousecat
On 15th draw, QUAKE 3I 56 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other moves: QUALE 3I 48, QUATE 3I 48, QUOTE 6J 36, TOQUET 14H 35, TOQUET N8 35
QUAKE 3I 56 mousecat, SQUAW1
On 16th draw, OCTANTAL 12G 70 --- OCTANT an eighth of a circle [adj] --- OCTANTAL relating to an octant [adj]
Other moves: RATAL 4K 26, RATAN 4K 26, ROTAL 4K 26, ROTAN 4K 26, TAN 14A 26
RANT 4K 22 mousecat, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 17th draw, PRUNE N2 37 --- PRUNE to cut off branches or parts from [v]
Other tops: ARPEN N2 37
Other moves: UNREAL N1 35, PAREU N1 33, PARLE N1 33, UPRAN N1 33, UREAL N2 33
RAP 14A 32 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12, SQUAW1
On 18th draw, LOW 14A 35 --- LOW having relatively little upward extension [adj] --- LOW to utter the sound characteristic of cattle [v]
Other tops: LAW 14A 35, NAW 14A 35, NOW 14A 35
Other moves: AW 14B 33, INRO 4I 33, OW 14B 33, WAI 14A 32, WAN 14A 32
NOW 14A 35 sunshine12, SQUAW1, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
OW C13 5 mousecat
On 19th draw, INRO 4I 33 --- INRO a Japanese ornamental container [n]
Other moves: VALOR N10 32, VOLAR N10 32, ENVOI 3C 25, AR 15A 22, OR 15A 22
AR 15A 22 mousecat
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