Game on April 5, 2023 at 23:50, 6 players
1. 226 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 44 pts roocatcher
3. 44 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 74 74
2. 11E 89 163
3. 10J 31 194
4. N7 74 268
5. O6 45 313
6. K4 80 393
7. L1 40 433
8. 1H 45 478
9. F8 93 571
10. 15F 95 666
11. M13 25 691
12. 14H 31 722
13. 2F 30 752
14. M1 29 781
15. 8A 27 808
16. L7 23 831
17. 5D 30 861
18. B2 76 937
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6828 GLOBEMAN 1 5:08 -711 226 1.7598 roocatcher 0 2:01 -893 44
2.7598 roocatcher 0 2:01 -893 44 2.7411 sunshine12 0 3:10 -893 44
3.7411 sunshine12 0 3:10 -893 44 3.7633 bumpkin 0 0:08 -910 27
4.7633 bumpkin 0 0:08 -910 27 4.7444 enzotiger 0 0:47 -910 27
5.7444 enzotiger 0 0:47 -910 27 5.7367 FangTooth 0 1:29 -910 27
6.7367 FangTooth 0 1:29 -910 27 Group: intermediate
1.6828 GLOBEMAN 1 5:08 -711 226
On 1st draw, PETIOLE H4 74 --- PETIOLE the stalk of a leaf [n]
Other moves: PETIOLE H2 70, PETIOLE H3 70, PETIOLE H6 70, PETIOLE H7 70, PETIOLE H8 70
POLITE H4 22 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 2nd draw, RO(A)DEOS 11E 89 --- ROADEO a competition for truck drivers [n]
Other tops: (F)ORDOES 11E 89
Other moves: ROOS(T)ED 11E 88, (F)OREDOES 5E 82, DOO(F)ERS 11H 75, DOO(Z)ERS 11H 75, DROO(M)ES 11H 75
SORED 11H 22 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 3rd draw, METAGE 10J 31 --- METAGE an official measurement of weight or contents [n]
Other moves: MATED 10J 30, METED 10J 30, TEAMED 10G 30, TEEMED 10G 30, DEGAME 10J 29
MEED 10F 27 bumpkin, enzotiger, FangTooth, GLOBEMAN
On 4th draw, DAGGERED N7 74 --- DAGGER to stab with a small knife [v]
Other tops: DAGGERED N8 74
On 5th draw, QAT O6 45 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QANAT 8K 45, QIS O6 45
Other moves: QI G7 44, STAY O5 39, NAY O6 36, QAT 8M 36, SAY O6 36
On 6th draw, WASHINESS K4 80 --- WASHINESS [n]
Other moves: SWAINISH 7C 67, SWAINISH 7E 66, HAW O13 35, SHWA G6 34, WAHINES 13I 34
On 7th draw, KETOL L1 40 --- KETOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: (B)ETOOK 10A 39, (R)ELOOK 10A 39, (R)ETOOK 10A 39, E(B)OOK 10B 38, KE(T)OL L1 38
On 8th draw, YAPOKS 1H 45 --- YAPOK the South American opossum [n]
Other moves: YAPOK 1H 42, KYBO 1L 39, OKAYS 1K 36, APAY M10 34, KAYO 1L 33
On 9th draw, CHRO(M)IZE F8 93 --- CHROMIZE to chrome [v]
Other moves: CHEZ 10C 71, CH(E)Z 10C 69, (C)HEZ 10C 68, C(H)EZ 10C 67, R(A)ZEE 10D 66
On 10th draw, EVADIBLE 15F 95 --- EVADE to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit [adj] --- EVADIBLE able to be evaded [adj]
Other moves: EVADIBLE 5A 78, BEDEVIL 15C 42, VIABLE 15A 42, BEDEVIL 15E 39, BELIVE 15A 36
On 11th draw, YAE M13 25 --- YAE (Scots) one [adj]
Other moves: SNARY 12K 24, SORRY 12K 24, NAY O13 23, NOY O13 23, RAY O13 23
On 12th draw, NEMA 14H 31 --- NEMA a kind of worm [n]
Other moves: MEGA 14H 29, AMENE 2H 26, GAUM J5 26, GEUM J5 26, MAUVEIN 13A 26
On 13th draw, BOUGE 2F 30 --- BOUGE to budge [v]
Other moves: BEGONE 2G 27, BEGO G5 25, NOB O13 25, UNBONE 2E 25, BEGO 2G 23
On 14th draw, SNAW M1 29 --- SNAW to snow [v]
Other tops: STAW M1 29
Other moves: SAINT M1 25, STINT M1 25, TWAIN 3C 25, WITAN 3C 25, AW 13H 23
On 15th draw, TOLUIC 8A 27 --- TOLUIC pertaining to any of four isomeric acids derived from toluene [adj]
Other moves: ULTION 3B 21, NOT O13 19, TON O13 19, OUT J6 16, UNIT G4 16
On 16th draw, IF L7 23 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: RIF 3E 23, RIF I5 23
Other moves: FIVER 5E 22, IF 3F 22, IF N3 21, FIVE 5E 20, IF I6 20
On 17th draw, JUICER 5D 30 --- JUICER a juice extractor [n]
Other moves: JUICE 5D 28, INJURE 5C 26, JUT 6F 26, CUTIN 3C 23, NITRIC E4 23
On 18th draw, FRUITION B2 76 --- FRUITION the accomplishment of something desired [n]
Other moves: FRITZ 14B 34, FUJI D3 28, FIRTH 9B 24, FIST 12I 24, FUST 12I 24
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