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Game on April 6, 2023 at 23:19, 6 players
1. 108 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 103 pts roocatcher
3. 97 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adnrtuy   H8    26    26   randy
 2. efiilrt   8A    86   112   flirtier
 3. bdoopsy   E5    56   168   postboy
 4. ggmoruw  F10    35   203   worm
 5. adeerru   5D    72   275   upreared
 6. aaglntx   4A    42   317   lanx
 7. ?eeikot   B8    72   389   lorikeet
 8. ?iilnoq   H1    42   431   quina
 9. aeegjtw   A1    42   473   jetlag
10. mnoortu   6J    29   502   mouton
11. aeehnst   L6    74   576   uneathes
12. eiopstv   3E    65   641   positive
13. adgiluw   O1    36   677   wauling
14. aabenoz   K8    59   736   ozaena
15. abeghis   M3    49   785   shite
16. acdeguv   L1    26   811   uvea
17. cdefilr  J10    37   848   cred
18. bdfgiil  C11    33   881   dif

Remaining tiles: bcgil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6811 FileGLOBEMAN    1  2:49  -773  108     1.7657 roocatcher  1  5:01  -778  103 
  2.7657 Fileroocatcher  1  5:01  -778  103     2.7426 sunshine12  1  4:24  -784   97 
  3.7426 Filesunshine12  1  4:24  -784   97     3.7310 FangTooth   0  3:12  -824   57 
  4.7310 FileFangTooth   0  3:12  -824   57     4.7590 bumpkin     0  1:44  -858   23 
  5.7590 Filebumpkin     0  1:44  -858   23     5.7572 enzotiger   0  0:45  -860   21 
  6.7572 Fileenzotiger   0  0:45  -860   21            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6811 GLOBEMAN    1  2:49  -773  108 

On 1st draw, RANDY H8 26 --- RANDY a rude person [n] --- RANDY lustful [adj]
Other tops: NURDY H8 26, TARDY H8 26
Other moves: AUNTY H8 24, RUNTY H8 24, UNARY H8 24, YURTA H4 24, DAYNT H4 22

On 2nd draw, FLIRTIER 8A 86 --- FLIRTY light-heartedly amorous [adj]
Other moves: FITLIER I3 71, FLINTIER 10E 65, FLIRTIER 8E 62, FIERILY 12B 26, FLYTIER 12F 26

On 3rd draw, POSTBOY E5 56 --- POSTBOY a boy who carries mail [n]
Other moves: SYBO 7F 37, POBOYS 7F 34, DOBY 7F 33, POBOY 7F 33, POTBOYS E6 28

On 4th draw, WORM F10 35 --- WORM to rid of worms (small, limbless invertebrates) [v]
Other moves: LUGWORM B8 34, GROW F3 33, MOW F4 33, W*G F10 33, ROW F4 31

On 5th draw, UPREARED 5D 72 --- UPREAR to upraise [v]
Other moves: REARED F1 24, REREAD F1 24, EARED F2 23, ERRED F2 23, RARED F2 23

On 6th draw, LANX 4A 42 --- LANX a platter [n]
Other moves: LAX 4B 38, TAX 4B 38, AX 4C 36, AX 7B 36, GALAX B6 33

On 7th draw, LO(R)IKEET B8 72 --- LORIKEET a small parrot [n]
Other moves: EKLO(G)ITE B6 63, KETO(N)E 4H 46, KETO(S)E 4H 46, KETO(L) 4H 44, TI(K)KA H1 39

On 8th draw, Q(U)INA H1 42 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other tops: QI(B)LA H1 42
Other moves: Q(U)ILL A1 39, Q(U)OLL A1 39, Q(U)AIL B2 30, AQ(U)ILON 9H 26, NIQA(B) B1 26

On 9th draw, JETLAG A1 42 --- JETLAG the disruption of body rhythms after a flight through several time zones [n]
Other moves: JEEL A1 33, AWE A13 31, EWE A13 31, JA 3B 31, TWA A13 31

On 10th draw, MOUTON 6J 29 --- MOUTON a sheepskin processed to resemble seal or beaver [n]
Other moves: MORON 6J 28, MOTOR 6J 28, MOUNT 6J 28, MOURN 6J 28, NORM C11 28

On 11th draw, UNEATHES L6 74 --- UNEATHES in a difficult manner [adv]
Other tops: (U)NEATHES 2H 74
Other moves: ETHANES O2 42, HENNAS O4 39, THANES O3 39, HANSE O4 36, HANTS O4 36

On 12th draw, POSITIVE 3E 65 --- POSITIVE a quantity greater than zero [n] --- POSITIVE a quantity greater that zero [n] --- POSITIVE certain [adj]
Other tops: POOVIEST N4 65, POOVIEST N5 65
Other moves: OVINES O3 39, PINTOES O4 36, PONTIES O4 36, STIVE 15A 36, STOVE 15A 36
OVINES O3 39 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 13th draw, WAULING O1 36 --- WAUL to cry like a cat [v] --- WAULING the act of crying like a cat [n]
Other moves: LAUDING O1 33, WAI A13 31, WAID M9 31, LANGUID O4 30, WAIL M9 29
WAI A13 31 roocatcher

On 14th draw, OZAENA K8 59 --- OZAENA a fetid discharge from the nostrils [n]
Other moves: AZO N1 53, ZOA N2 50, BEZ G7 48, ZEA K9 47, ZO N2 46
ZETA 10J 33 sunshine12

On 15th draw, SHITE M3 49 --- SHITE to evacuate the bowels [v]
Other moves: BASH M1 46, BISH M1 46, ASHET M2 44, GASH M1 44, AS 8N 42
HAE A13 31 sunshine12, FangTooth

On 16th draw, UVEA L1 26 --- UVEA a layer of the eye [n]
Other moves: COURD F2 25, AVOURE F1 23, DAE A13 23, AGEE L1 22, DHAL 4L 22
DAE A13 23 bumpkin
DAE C11 21 enzotiger

On 17th draw, CRED J10 37 --- CRED credibility [n]
Other moves: TRIFLED 15B 36, DIF C11 33, FID C11 31, FIER C11 31, FILE C11 31
FE A14 26 FangTooth

On 18th draw, DIF C11 33 --- DIF short for difference [n]
Other moves: FID C11 31, FIL C11 27, IF C12 26, FAB 9G 24, BI A14 22
DIF C11 33 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12

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