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Game on April 7, 2023 at 01:38, 6 players
1. 201 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 174 pts roocatcher
3. 164 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?fiinor   H4    76    76   fibroin
 2. aeiknsw  11H    88   164   swankie
 3. deegilo   K6    60   224   eloigned
 4. aadefrt   O7    51   275   afeard
 5. aeoorty   N9    33   308   tyee
 6. ceelrsx   L1    34   342   excels
 7. ehioptt   J6    39   381   hept
 8. agiortt   7A    61   442   grattoir
 9. adiorty  12J    35   477   dey
10. aeehior   2J    46   523   hexer
11. ?ilortw   F6    70   593   toilworn
12. aemstvz   1D   148   741   zemstva
13. aabilns   O1    37   778   isba
14. adglnor   C3    74   852   largando
15. acimnou   A1    45   897   coaming
16. abepuuv   B7    27   924   reap
17. ijnnoqu  E11    43   967   join
18. boquuuv  13C    28   995   quino

Remaining tiles: bnuuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6823 FileGLOBEMAN    2  8:06  -794  201     1.7741 roocatcher  2  6:00  -821  174 
  2.7741 Fileroocatcher  2  6:00  -821  174     2.7416 sunshine12  1  6:36  -831  164 
  3.7416 Filesunshine12  1  6:36  -831  164     3.7261 FangTooth   2  7:31  -846  149 
  4.7261 FileFangTooth   2  7:31  -846  149     4.7572 enzotiger   0  1:01  -962   33 
  5.7572 Fileenzotiger   0  1:01  -962   33     5.7498 bumpkin     0  1:50  -974   21 
  6.7498 Filebumpkin     0  1:50  -974   21            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6823 GLOBEMAN    2  8:06  -794  201 

On 1st draw, FI(B)ROIN H4 76 --- FIBROIN an insoluble protein [n]
Other tops: FIORIN(S) H4 76
Other moves: FIORIN(S) H2 70, FIORIN(S) H3 70, FIORIN(S) H7 70, FIORIN(S) H8 70, FI(B)ROIN H3 70

On 2nd draw, SWANKIE 11H 88 --- SWANKIE one who shows off [n]
Other moves: SWANKIER 7A 67, ASKEW G7 36, KNAWES 11C 36, WAKENS 11C 36, EWK G7 35

On 3rd draw, ELOIGNED K6 60 --- ELOIGN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other tops: LEGIONED K6 60
Other moves: GEODE 12J 36, DOGLIKE L6 30, GODLIKE L6 30, EIDE 12K 29, IDEE 12L 29

On 4th draw, AFEARD O7 51 --- AFEARD afraid [adj]
Other moves: DAFTAR O6 45, DAFTER O6 45, DEAFER 12J 44, FADER O7 42, AFEAR O7 39

On 5th draw, TYEE N9 33 --- TYEE a food fish [n]
Other moves: OTARY J2 31, ROOTY J2 31, TEARY J2 31, YEAR N10 31, YET J6 31

On 6th draw, EXCELS L1 34 --- EXCEL to surpass others [v]
Other moves: CEDERS 13I 32, FLEXES 4H 32, EXCEL L2 30, EXCISE 5E 30, EXECS L2 30

On 7th draw, HEPT J6 39 --- HEPT heaped (Spenser) [adj]
Other moves: EPITHET 1G 36, HEP J6 36, KHET L11 35, PITHOI M10 34, TOPHE J3 34

On 8th draw, GRATTOIR 7A 61 --- GRATTOIR a scraper [n]
Other moves: TEATED 12J 30, TAXOR 2J 28, KRAIT L11 27, OKRA L10 26, OKTA L10 26

On 9th draw, DEY 12J 35 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other moves: RIDGY A4 33, GORDITA A7 30, GRODY A7 30, ODEA 12I 30, DIKA L9 29
DEY 12J 35 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 10th draw, HEXER 2J 46 --- HEXER one that hexes [n]
Other moves: HOAGIE A4 42, HIREAGE A2 36, HOAXER 2I 36, GHERAO A7 33, HIRAGE A3 33
AH 6E 28 roocatcher

On 11th draw, TOILWOR(N) F6 70 --- TOILWORN worn down by toil [adj]
Other tops: TOILWOR(N) F2 70
Other moves: TOILW(O)RN 10A 62, T(O)ILWORN 10A 62, TROWI(N)G A1 42, WRIG(H)T A4 39, O(U)TWRIT E5 36
GLOW(E)R A7 30 roocatcher

On 12th draw, ZEMSTVA 1D 148 --- ZEMSTVO an elective council in czarist Russia [n]
Other moves: MAZES 1F 53, SMAZE 1F 53, ZEAS E11 51, MAZE 1G 50, ZEMSTVA D3 50
MAZES 1F 53 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 13th draw, ISBA O1 37 --- ISBA a Russian log hut [n]
Other moves: BANCS 3I 36, ABASING A1 33, ABLINGS A2 33, BAAINGS A2 33, BANGS A4 33
BLAGS A4 33 sunshine12

On 14th draw, LARGANDO C3 74 --- LARGANDO becoming gradually slower -- used as a musical direction [adj]
Other tops: LARGANDO C6 74
Other moves: DRAGON A4 30, GOLDARN A7 30, ZONDA D1 30, GONAD 2A 28, ZONAL D1 28
GRAND A7 21 FangTooth, bumpkin

On 15th draw, COAMING A1 45 --- COAMING a raised border [n]
Other tops: CAUMING A1 45
Other moves: GNOMIC A7 42, MANIOC B10 42, MUONIC B10 42, MACON B10 40, MANIC B10 40
MANGO A4 33 enzotiger, FangTooth

On 16th draw, REAP B7 27 --- REAP to cut for harvest [v]
Other moves: APE E10 25, PAVE B10 25, APE B9 24, BAPU B10 24, DEV 13K 24
PEBA B10 24 FangTooth, sunshine12

On 17th draw, JOIN E11 43 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: JUNIOR 12A 42, JO E11 38, QUOIT E3 30, QUIT E4 28, QUI(N)O 13C 28
JOIN E11 43 FangTooth
QUOI(N) 13B 26 sunshine12

On 18th draw, QUI(N)O 13C 28 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QUOI(N) 13B 26, QUI(N) 13C 24, DUB 13K 22, QUA 7M 22, SUQ G1 22
QUI(N)O 13C 28 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12, FangTooth

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