Game on April 7, 2023 at 22:38, 7 players
1. 440 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 386 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 198 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 5E 102 128
3. 3G 102 230
4. E5 78 308
5. F10 40 348
6. 15D 32 380
7. 8A 36 416
8. 14H 74 490
9. M8 78 568
10. 12K 52 620
11. 8K 33 653
12. 11J 33 686
13. O1 89 775
14. 12A 22 797
15. B10 40 837
16. 1H 80 917
17. 10H 65 982
18. A12 37 1019
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6818 GLOBEMAN 2 14:22 -579 440 1.7710 roocatcher 2 7:21 -821 198
2.6315 Papa_Sloth 0 15:34 -633 386 2.7366 sunshine12 1 7:40 -887 132
3.7710 roocatcher 2 7:21 -821 198 3.7363 Nibbler 1 1:11 -919 100
4.7366 sunshine12 1 7:40 -887 132 4.7288 FangTooth 1 2:43 -919 100
5.7363 Nibbler 1 1:11 -919 100 5.7498 bumpkin 0 1:50 -997 22
6.7288 FangTooth 1 2:43 -919 100 Group: intermediate
7.7498 bumpkin 0 1:50 -997 22 1.6818 GLOBEMAN 2 14:22 -579 440
2.6315 Papa_Sloth 0 15:34 -633 386
On 1st draw, WRONG H4 26 --- WRONG not according to what is right, proper, or correct [adj] --- WRONG to treat injuriously or unjustly [v]
Other tops: WRUNG H4 26
Other moves: GROWL H4 22, GROWN H4 22, WRONG H8 22, WRUNG H8 22, GROWL H8 20
On 2nd draw, CHERRIES 5E 102 --- CHERRY a fruit [n]
Other tops: CHERRIES 5D 102
Other moves: CHEERIOS 6B 71, INHERCES 7G 69, ENRICHES 7G 66, CHIRRES 5E 48, HERRIES 5E 40
On 3rd draw, FANJE(T)S 3G 102 --- FANJET a type of jet engine [n]
Other moves: FANJE(T)S 9B 77, JAF(A)S L1 44, JEF(E)S L1 44, JEF(F)S L1 44, JE(F)FS L1 44
JEANS L1 40 Papa_Sloth
On 4th draw, CAGE(L)IKE E5 78 --- CAGELIKE resembling a cage (an enclosure) [adj]
Other moves: AKE 4J 35, KAI(N)G 4K 35, (A)KA 4J 32, (A)KE 4J 32, AK(A) 4J 31
On 5th draw, FORGE F10 40 --- FORGE to fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes [v]
Other moves: FORB F10 38, FORE F10 36, FOE F10 35, FOR F10 35, GREEBO 2B 35
On 6th draw, AUDIT 15D 32 --- AUDIT to examine with intent to verify [v]
Other moves: DAINT 15F 29, DAUNT 15F 29, IDANT 15E 29, ADIT 15E 26, DANT 15F 26
DAUNT 15F 29 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, ALOWE 8A 36 --- ALOWE ablaze [adv]
Other tops: BOWNES 8A 36
Other moves: BOWNE 8A 33, BOWSE 8A 33, BAWLERS 12A 30, BLOWERS 12A 30, BOWLERS 12A 30
BAWLS I11 21 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, SPOILER 14H 74 --- SPOILER one that spoils [n]
Other tops: SLOPIER 14H 74
Other moves: SPOILERS L5 72, PELORIAS A2 61, POLARISE A5 61, PREAUDITS 15A 36, PREAUDIT 15A 33
On 9th draw, PROMISED M8 78 --- PROMISE to make a declaration of assurance [v]
Other moves: PRISMOID K8 76, PORISM O10 43, ODISM O11 40, PRISM O11 40, DIPSO O11 37
PISO O12 37 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, UMIAQ 12K 52 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: QUEME 14B 38, AMPLE 8K 36, AMPUL 8K 36, QUA N6 36, TEQUILA 12I 34
QUIM 12K 30 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, CAPED 8K 33 --- CAPE a sleeveless garment [adj] --- CAPE to keep a course [v]
Other tops: COPED 8K 33
Other moves: LOBATED B8 32, LOCATED B8 32, BEPAT 8K 30, CAPOT 8K 30, DEBAG 7A 29
COPED 8K 33 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
BOA N10 25 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, ANOMY 11J 33 --- ANOMY hopelessness caused by a breakdown of rules [n]
Other tops: NITRY 4K 33, RAINY 4K 33
Other moves: RHY F4 30, THY F4 30, YAM 11K 30, YOM 11K 30, ARIOT 4J 29
THY F4 30 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
AY 4J 21 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, REVOLTED O1 89 --- REVOLT to rise up against authority [v]
Other moves: OVERLATE A3 65, ELEVATOR A4 62, OVERLET C8 28, REVOTE 2B 27, VETO 4K 26
DEV 15M 23 Papa_Sloth
VO(T)ES L1 22 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12, bumpkin
On 14th draw, BUNTER 12A 22 --- BUNTER one that bunts [n]
Other tops: BETTER 12A 22, BUTTER 12A 22
Other moves: NEB 10H 21, NUB 10H 21, TUB 10H 21, BUTENE 14A 20, DEB 15M 20
TUB 10H 21 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
DEB 15M 20 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, VAULTY B10 40 --- VAULTY resembling an arched ceiling [adj]
Other moves: TAILYE 2B 39, BEVY A12 36, AVE 4J 32, AYE 4J 32, VAULT B10 32
BEVY A12 36 Papa_Sloth
BLAY A12 27 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 16th draw, DOUANIER 1H 80 --- DOUANIER a custom-house officer [n]
Other moves: BEAN A12 37, BEIN A12 37, NIDED 15K 31, AN A14 23, ANE 4J 23
BEAN A12 37 Papa_Sloth
NOD 10H 15 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, BIZ 10H 65 --- BIZ slang for business [n]
Other tops: BEZ 10H 65
Other moves: BEZ 7A 51, BIZE 2D 40, BEIN A12 37, BENZIL B3 37, BEZIL B4 36
BEZ 10H 65 Nibbler, FangTooth, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
ZEL B6 32 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, BEIN A12 37 --- BEIN comfortable [adj]
Other moves: DEX 15M 35, TITHE 2K 34, NIXE 2D 32, XI 2F 30, ETHE 2L 29
DEX 15M 35 GLOBEMAN, Papa_Sloth, Nibbler, sunshine12, FangTooth
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