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Game on April 8, 2023 at 03:54, 6 players
1. 236 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 233 pts roocatcher
3. 196 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaehoty   H7    20    20   ayah
 2. eilnrst   8A    86   106   tinselry
 3. agijort   6F    42   148   jirga
 4. degistu  11E    98   246   giusted
 5. ?acelnp   A1    86   332   planchet
 6. aelnqvw  10J    34   366   wave
 7. ?einosz   2A   122   488   lionizes
 8. ceiorsu   N6    76   564   scourie
 9. aeglmno   C6    78   642   mangonel
10. eiilmrt   1G    90   732   miltier
11. eiooptw  B10    38   770   wipe
12. aehnnqt  O11    47   817   thane
13. adkoort  D12    39   856   atok
14. benooot   3C    45   901   beton
15. adfoqru   8L    72   973   quod
16. effiory  15A    57  1030   offkey
17. abdiorx  10E    53  1083   ax
18. bdiorrv  14F    34  1117   bovid

Remaining tiles: dorru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6776 FileGLOBEMAN    3  4:29  -881  236     1.7596 roocatcher  3  6:29  -884  233 
  2.7596 Fileroocatcher  3  6:29  -884  233     2.7278 sunshine12  3  3:47  -921  196 
  3.7278 Filesunshine12  3  3:47  -921  196     3.7427 bumpkin     1  4:21  -959  158 
  4.7427 Filebumpkin     1  4:21  -959  158     4.7368 FangTooth   1  2:25 -1019   98 
  5.7368 FileFangTooth   1  2:25 -1019   98     5.7615 enzotiger   0  3:15 -1046   71 
  6.7615 Fileenzotiger   0  3:15 -1046   71            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6776 GLOBEMAN    3  4:29  -881  236 

On 1st draw, AYAH H7 20 --- AYAH a native maid or nurse in India [n]
Other tops: AHOY H5 20, AHOY H6 20, AHOY H7 20, AHOY H8 20, AYAH H5 20, AYAH H6 20, AYAH H8 20, HOYA H5 20, HOYA H6 20, HOYA H7 20, HOYA H8 20, HYTE H5 20, HYTE H6 20, HYTE H7 20, HYTE H8 20, THEY H5 20, THEY H6 20, THEY H7 20, THEY H8 20, YEAH H5 20, YEAH H6 20, YEAH H7 20, YEAH H8 20
Other moves: HAY H6 18, HAY H7 18, HAY H8 18, HEY H6 18, HEY H7 18

On 2nd draw, TINSELRY 8A 86 --- TINSELRY tawdry material [n]
Other moves: LINTERS 11B 75, SLINTER 11H 75, SNIRTLE 11H 75, SLINTER 6B 72, SNIRTLE 6E 72

On 3rd draw, JIRGA 6F 42 --- JIRGA a council of tribal headmen in Afghanistan [n]
Other moves: ROJI 6H 38, JAR 6F 37, JOR 6F 37, RAJ 6H 37, HIJRA 10H 31

On 4th draw, GIUSTED 11E 98 --- GIUST to joust [v]
Other moves: GIUSTED K3 82, DUGITES 11B 80, DUNGIEST C6 76, GIUSTED I9 72, GAUDIEST J5 62

On 5th draw, PLANC(H)ET A1 86 --- PLANCHET a flat piece of metal for stamping into a coin [n]
Other moves: ENCLA(S)P K1 83, CAPEL(A)NS D1 78, CAPEL(I)NS D1 78, CLAPNE(T)S D1 78, CLEAN(U)PS D1 78

On 6th draw, WAVE 10J 34 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other tops: WANLE 10J 34
Other moves: HAW 10H 32, HEW 10H 32, QI F10 31, WALE 10J 31, WANE 10J 31

On 7th draw, L(I)ONIZES 2A 122 --- LIONIZE to treat or regard as a celebrity [v]
Other tops: LION(I)ZES 2A 122
Other moves: (B)ENZOINS C6 104, OZ(O)NISE N5 100, (B)IZONES N4 100, (O)ZONISE N5 100, (S)OZINES N4 100

On 8th draw, SCOURIE N6 76 --- SCOURIE a young gull [n]
Other tops: COURIES N4 76
Other moves: COURIES N7 74, NOURICES 4A 72, NOURICES C8 72, ROUNCIES C5 64, COINSURE C5 62

On 9th draw, MANGONEL C6 78 --- MANGONEL a medieval military device for hurling stones [n]
Other moves: MONAL 3C 42, OMEGA O11 42, MANGEL 1G 40, MANGLE 1G 40, MAGE O12 37

On 10th draw, MILTIER 1G 90 --- MILTY full of milt [adj]
Other moves: MILTIER 3G 85, LIMITER 3G 81, MITER B10 42, MILTER 1G 37, MITIER 1G 37
MILTIER 1G 40 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 11th draw, WIPE B10 38 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: TOW 3E 35, W*P B10 35, WITE B10 34, PEEWIT 12A 33, WOOT 8L 33
WIPE B10 38 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12

On 12th draw, THANE O11 47 --- THANE a man holding land by military service in Anglo-Saxon England [n]
Other moves: HAEN O12 42, HAET O12 42, HANT O12 42, HATE O12 42, HEAT O12 42
HEN O7 33 sunshine12

On 13th draw, ATOK D12 39 --- ATOK a skunk [n]
Other moves: ATOK A12 36, ATOK 3F 34, DOOK 8L 33, DROOK 8K 33, DATO 3C 31
DOOK 8L 33 GLOBEMAN, bumpkin

On 14th draw, BETON 3C 45 --- BETON a type of concrete [n]
Other moves: BONK 15A 30, BOOK 15A 30, OBENTO O1 29, BOON 8L 27, BOOT 8L 27
BOOK 15A 30 roocatcher
BOOT 8L 27 bumpkin

On 15th draw, QUOD 8L 72 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: FOOD 8L 36, FORK 15A 33, QI F10 31, AD 14A 28, AUF 4F 28
QUOD 8L 72 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, FangTooth

On 16th draw, OFFKEY 15A 57 --- OFFKEY pitched higher or lower than the correct musical tone [adj]
Other moves: FORKY 15A 45, OFFER 2J 42, EFFEIR M10 39, YORKIE 15A 39, KEFIR 15D 36
FORKY 15A 45 bumpkin, enzotiger

On 17th draw, AX 10E 53 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: BORAX 14F 49, BOX 12J 36, DIAXON 14J 36, DIOXAN 14J 36, BOARD 14F 31
AX 10E 53 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12, bumpkin

On 18th draw, BOVID 14F 34 --- BOVID an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: BIRD 14F 26, BORD 14F 26, BROD 14F 26, ORB 14D 26, BID 14F 25
BROD 14F 26 FangTooth
BIRD 14F 26 enzotiger

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