Game on April 9, 2023 at 03:27, 6 players
1. 376 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 315 pts roocatcher
3. 293 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


8H 101 129 


5E 94 223 


6B 33 256 


N7 72 328 


15J 51 379 


12G 72 451 


9L 43 494 


7M 26 520 


H10 36 556 


L1 56 612 


B2 78 690 


A9 91 781 


1L 39 820 


10J 38 858 


7F 26 884 


A1 35 919 


3I 40 959 


13C 39 998 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
GLOBEMAN 2 13:48 -622 376 1.7769 roocatcher 3 10:59 -683 315
roocatcher 3 10:59 -683 315 2.7475 sunshine12 3 11:46 -705 293
sunshine12 3 11:46 -705 293 3.7364 FangTooth 1 7:27 -743 255
FangTooth 1 7:27 -743 255 4.7480 bumpkin 2 7:10 -784 214
bumpkin 2 7:10 -784 214 5.7620 enzotiger 1 6:22 -785 213
enzotiger 1 6:22 -785 213 Group: intermediate
1.6732 GLOBEMAN 2 13:48 -622 376
On 1st draw, VERBS H4 28 --- VERB a word used to express an act, occurrence, or mode of being [n]
Other moves: REDUBS H8 24, BREDS H4 22, BURDS H4 22, BUSED H4 22, DERVS H4 22
VERBS H4 28 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 2nd draw, STANHOPE 8H 101 --- STANHOPE a light, open carriage [n]
Other moves: PHAETONS 8A 92, PHONATES 8A 92, HAPTERON 6C 67, PHAETON 5E 48, PANTHER 6B 26
On 3rd draw, TAME(A)BLE 5E 94 --- TAMEABLE capable of being tamed [adj]
Other tops: AT(R)EMBLE 5E 94, T(A)MEABLE 5E 94
Other moves: AT(R)EMBLE O1 86, EMBAT(T)LE O1 86, EMBAT(T)LE O8 86, EMBA(T)TLE O1 86, MELTAB(L)E O1 86
BAM 9M 25 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 4th draw, MALODOR 6B 33 --- MALODOR an offensive odor [n]
Other moves: AMORT 6E 30, MARD 6F 29, DOOM 7J 27, DOOM 9J 27, MARL 6F 27
DOOM 9J 27 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 5th draw, OPE(R)CELE N7 72 --- OPERCELE an anatomical part that serves as a cover [n]
Other moves: CO(R)BEL 7E 28, CO(M)BE 7E 25, CO(R)BE 7E 25, COELO(M)E M7 24, LEECHEE L4 24
On 6th draw, WEENSY 15J 51 --- WEENSY tiny [adj]
Other moves: NEWSY 15K 48, WISE 15L 45, WEISE 15K 39, WINY 4L 38, YOWE M7 37
WISE 15L 45 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12, FangTooth
On 7th draw, DRAINAGE 12G 72 --- DRAINAGE the act of draining [n]
Other moves: MRIDANGA B6 64, INDABA 7D 30, GAINED 9J 25, GAINER 9J 23, GIRD 7C 23
DING 4L 22 FangTooth, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 8th draw, AXES 9L 43 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXILS 13K 41, AXE 9L 40, AXIL 13K 39, NIX 7A 39, SAX 7A 39
AXES 9L 43 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 9th draw, POT 7M 26 --- POT to put in a pot (a round, fairly deep container) [v]
Other tops: DRIP 4L 26
Other moves: DRIPT H11 24, INTURN K7 24, IRRUPT H10 24, PITTED L1 24, PUTTED L1 24
POT 7M 26 FangTooth, roocatcher, sunshine12, bumpkin
On 10th draw, CARVED H10 36 --- CARVE to form by cutting [v]
Other tops: CERVID H10 36
Other moves: ADVICE 13B 30, CRAVE H11 30, GARVIE H10 30, VARIED H10 30, VRAIC H11 30
DIVE 4L 24 bumpkin
DIVA 4L 24 FangTooth
On 11th draw, ZINKE L1 56 --- ZINKE a wind instrument [n]
Other moves: KAIZEN L1 48, ZANTE L1 48, ZACK 10F 39, ZAKAT C3 38, ZIN 10J 38
ZACK 10F 39 FangTooth, bumpkin, enzotiger
On 12th draw, AGRIMONY B2 78 --- AGRIMONY a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: ZYGA 1L 51, RAZING 1J 48, ZANY 1L 48, ZING 1L 42, ZONA 1L 39
ZANY 1L 48 enzotiger, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12, FangTooth
On 13th draw, FRUITER A9 91 --- FRUITER one that grows or sells fruit [n]
Other tops: FRITURE A9 91
Other moves: FRUITIER 2G 76, FURZIER 1I 57, FRITZ 1H 51, ZURF 1L 48, ZITE 1L 39
FRITZ 1H 51 FangTooth, sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 14th draw, ZULU 1L 39 --- ZULU a fishing vessel [n]
Other moves: OUBIT 7F 24, OBIT 7G 19, TOIL B11 18, TUI M2 18, ALTO 11H 16
ZULU 1L 39 bumpkin, enzotiger
On 15th draw, QIS 10J 38 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 11J 37, AIS 6J 32, EAS 6J 32, SABINE 7F 27, ENSIGN K7 26
EAS 6J 32 enzotiger, bumpkin
On 16th draw, DOBIE 7F 26 --- DOBIE an unburnt sun-dried brick [n]
Other tops: DEBIT 7F 26, DEBUT 7F 26, EDITOR 2J 26, ETOURDIE 14A 26, ORBED 7F 26
Other moves: ID 6K 25, OD 6K 25, ORBIT 7F 24, OUBIT 7F 24, TORULI 13J 24
ID 6K 25 bumpkin
On 17th draw, WHA A1 35 --- WHA (Scots) who [pron]
Other moves: JA A1 29, WHO C1 29, JAI C1 28, AWOL 13K 27, HOAR B11 27
JA A1 29 bumpkin, GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, JOINT 3I 40 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JO C2 39, JOIN 2J 29, FINITO 2I 28, JOE 14F 26, FOUNT 3I 24
JOIN 2J 29 enzotiger
On 19th draw, FORGIVE 13C 39 --- FORGIVE to pardon [v]
Other moves: FUROLE 13J 33, FUROL 13J 31, FIRE B12 27, FORE B12 27, FOE C1 26
FOE C1 26 enzotiger, GLOBEMAN
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