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Game on April 14, 2023 at 03:12, 6 players
1. 449 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 201 pts sunshine12
3. 117 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeelpy   H7    32    32   deeply
 2. ?eefoor   7E    66    98   woodfree
 3. acensux   L7    46   144   excuse
 4. aeiinot   8K    38   182   axite
 5. aaaefls  13I    40   222   false
 6. ?adehio   6A    72   294   haemoid
 7. aadelrw   A3    45   339   warhead
 8. aanprru  N10    35   374   parra
 9. acelnqr   N6    32   406   qat
10. cegnotv   J2    33   439   convert
11. enortuz   4H    50   489   zonure
12. bglnotu  15J    41   530   unbolt
13. beijtvw  12D    36   566   jivey
14. dinnoty   H1    54   620   ditzy
15. agilmno   B8    79   699   loaming
16. himnrtu   I7    33   732   fum
17. hiknort   C8    31   763   thio
18. giinstw   N1    32   795   wigs
19. bgiinnr   O5    23   818   giber
20. iknnnst  10F    29   847   kips

Remaining tiles: nnnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6783 FileGLOBEMAN    4 10:52  -398  449     1.7613 sunshine12  2  4:50  -646  201 
  2.7613 Filesunshine12  2  4:50  -646  201     2.7777 roocatcher  1  3:48  -730  117 
  3.7777 Fileroocatcher  1  3:48  -730  117     3.7244 Nibbler     1  4:51  -740  107 
  4.7244 FileNibbler     1  4:51  -740  107     4.7530 bumpkin     0  3:15  -791   56 
  5.7530 Filebumpkin     0  3:15  -791   56     5.7368 FangTooth   1  1:31  -815   32 
  6.7368 FileFangTooth   1  1:31  -815   32            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6783 GLOBEMAN    4 10:52  -398  449 

On 1st draw, DEEPLY H7 32 --- DEEPLY at or to a great depth [adv]
Other tops: YELPED H4 32
Other moves: PLAYED H4 30, DEEPLY H4 28, PAYED H4 28, PLAYED H7 28, YELPED H7 28

On 2nd draw, (W)OODFREE 7E 66 --- WOODFREE of paper, treated to remove wood impurities [adj]
Other tops: REFOO(T)ED 7A 66
Other moves: FORE(B)ODE 7B 64, FOO(T)ERED 7A 63, FOREDOE(S) 7D 63, FOREDO(N)E 7D 63, (R)EROOFED 7A 63

On 3rd draw, EXCUSE L7 46 --- EXCUSE to free from blame or guilt [v]
Other moves: NEXUS 8K 44, FAX I7 40, UNSEX L4 40, AXES 8L 39, EAUX 8L 39

On 4th draw, AXITE 8K 38 --- AXITE a fiber of an axon [n]
Other tops: AXION 8K 38, AXONE 8K 38
Other moves: AINEE K4 19, ATONE 8A 19, EOAN G9 19, TINEA K4 19, TOEA G9 19

On 5th draw, FALSE 13I 40 --- FALSE contrary to truth or fact [adj] --- FALSE to deceive [v]
Other moves: SAFE 13L 30, SELF 13L 30, FALSE 8A 28, FAAS 13I 27, FAA I9 25
FALSE 13I 40 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 6th draw, HAE(M)OID 6A 72 --- HAEMOID pertaining to the blood [adj]
Other moves: A(T)HETOID N4 71, HE(M)ATOID N4 63, HA(D)DIE N10 44, HA(P)LOIDS 11E 44, HOIDE(N) N10 44
HEAD(S) N10 42 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 7th draw, WARHEAD A3 45 --- WARHEAD the front part of a missile containing the explosive [n]
Other tops: RAWHEAD A3 45
Other moves: DRAWL 8A 41, WHALED A5 39, HAWED A6 36, WHALER A5 36, ADAW 14G 34

On 8th draw, PARRA N10 35 --- PARRA (Australian slang) a tourist or non-resident on a beach [n]
Other moves: PURANA 14F 27, PARRA N11 23, UPRAN N11 23, PANARY 12C 22, UNPRAY 12C 22
PARRA N10 35 GLOBEMAN, Nibbler

On 9th draw, QAT N6 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: ANCLE 15K 32, CARLE 15K 32
Other moves: CANER 14F 24, CLEAN 14F 24, CLEAR 14F 24, LARCENY 12B 24, ARLE 15L 23
QAT N6 32 GLOBEMAN, FangTooth

On 10th draw, CONVERT J2 33 --- CONVERT to change into another form [v]
Other moves: CONVEY 12C 28, COVEN 14F 27, COVET 14F 27, COVERT J3 26, COVEY 12D 26
VEG B2 22 GLOBEMAN, bumpkin

On 11th draw, ZONURE 4H 50 --- ZONURE an African lizard [n]
Other tops: ENTREZ C2 50, ZONURE 3I 50
Other moves: ZONER 3I 48, ZONER 4H 48, ZONER 14F 45, ZO I3 44, ROZET B8 39
ZONER 3I 48 Nibbler
ZO I3 44 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 12th draw, UNBOLT 15J 41 --- UNBOLT to open by withdrawing a bolt (a metal bar) [v]
Other moves: LUTZ H1 39, BOLT 15L 35, BOULT 15K 32, BONG 5C 27, BUNG 5C 27
UNBOLT 15J 41 sunshine12
BOLT 15L 35 roocatcher

On 13th draw, JIVEY 12D 36 --- JIVEY jazzy, lively [adj]
Other tops: J*W B2 36
Other moves: JIVE 14F 35, JIBE 14F 34, JO 3I 34, JO I3 34, JEWIE C2 30
JO I3 34 sunshine12, bumpkin

On 14th draw, DITZY H1 54 --- DITZY eccentric [adj]
Other moves: DITZ H1 42, TOYON 3I 32, DOY 5C 28, YOD 13C 26, YOD 5C 26
DOY B2 24 Nibbler

On 15th draw, LOAMING B8 79 --- LOAM to cover with loam (a type of soil) [v]
Other moves: GLOAM 14F 34, LINGAM 14E 33, AMI 14I 30, GLAM 14G 29, OGAM 14G 29

On 16th draw, FUM I7 33 --- FUM the fabled Chinese phoenix [n]
Other moves: HIM C9 31, THRU C8 31, HUM 5C 30, MEITH C5 29, HIM 3M 26

On 17th draw, THIO C8 31 --- THIO containing sulphur [adj]
Other tops: THRO C8 31
Other moves: CHIKOR 2J 30, CHOKRI 2J 30, THINKER C1 30, KHOR B1 29, ROK 5C 29

On 18th draw, WIGS N1 32 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other moves: IWIS N1 30, WINS N1 30, WITS N1 30, WIS N2 28, GINS N1 26

On 19th draw, GIBER O5 23 --- GIBER one that gibes [n]
Other moves: BLINGS 11G 22, GIBE O5 22, BINER O5 20, BLINIS 11G 20, NIGER O5 20

On 20th draw, KIPS 10F 29 --- KIP to sleep [v]
Other moves: KI A12 24, WINKS 3A 24, WINK 3A 22, ITEMS 9F 21, JINK D12 20

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