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Game on May 1, 2023 at 02:26, 6 players
1. 211 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 199 pts sunshine12
3. 123 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deegiru   H3    20    20   edgier
 2. ?abcmot   8A    98   118   combater
 3. aehlnor   7C    30   148   hone
 4. ?inortw   2H    84   232   waitron
 5. adegstu   5E    40   272   stagged
 6. aennprt   B4    72   344   patronne
 7. aehnoow  A11    41   385   wahoo
 8. aeejlls   1L    50   435   ajee
 9. ablrssu   M1    26   461   jouals
10. deeirty  13A    82   543   heredity
11. begoors  12H    86   629   boogers
12. definuv  14F    44   673   fiend
13. aeilqrx   6J    53   726   xi
14. aeimnrv   M8    78   804   riverman
15. afiillo   8J    30   834   floral
16. ailqsvy  15H    44   878   sail
17. ikpquvy  11I    37   915   kyu
18. ciptuuz   A1    39   954   cutup

Remaining tiles: iiqvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6912 FileGLOBEMAN    1  6:28  -743  211     1.7619 sunshine12  2  5:14  -755  199 
  2.7619 Filesunshine12  2  5:14  -755  199     2.7806 roocatcher  1  4:06  -831  123 
  3.7806 Fileroocatcher  1  4:06  -831  123     3.7243 FangTooth   1  3:33  -857   97 
  4.7243 FileFangTooth   1  3:33  -857   97     4.7615 enzotiger   1  2:17  -888   66 
  5.7615 Fileenzotiger   1  2:17  -888   66     5.7622 bumpkin     1  1:18  -910   44 
  6.7622 Filebumpkin     1  1:18  -910   44            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6912 GLOBEMAN    1  6:28  -743  211 

On 1st draw, EDGIER H3 20 --- EDGY tense, nervous, or irritable [adj]
Other tops: GUIDER H4 20
Other moves: DERIG H4 18, DERIG H8 18, DIRGE H4 18, EDGIER H4 18, EDGIER H7 18

On 2nd draw, COMBAT(E)R 8A 98 --- COMBATER one who fights against [n]
Other moves: COMBAT(S) 2B 86, TOMBAC(K) 2B 86, TOMBAC(S) 2B 86, COMBAT(E)D 4A 84, (H)ECATOMB 3G 82

On 3rd draw, HONE 7C 30 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other tops: HALE 7C 30, HOLE 7C 30
Other moves: HEAL G3 28, HAE 7C 27, HALER 2F 27, HALON 2F 27, HAN 7C 27

On 4th draw, W(A)ITRON 2H 84 --- WAITRON a server in a restaurant [n]
Other moves: TINWOR(K) 2B 80, WROOTIN(G) B6 78, NOWTI(E)R 2F 75, ROWTIN(G) 2F 75, TINWOR(K) 2E 75

On 5th draw, STAGGED 5E 40 --- STAG to attend a social function without a female companion [v]
Other tops: GADGETS 5E 40
Other moves: SAUTED 1J 35, TSADE O1 34, USAGE O1 34, AGNATES E5 32, USED O1 31

On 6th draw, PATRONNE B4 72 --- PATRONNE a female patron [n]
Other moves: APER 1L 30, PANNER 4J 25, PANTER 4J 25, PARENT 4J 25, PRONATE B6 25

On 7th draw, WAHOO A11 41 --- WAHOO a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: NOHOW A11 38, OHONE A11 38, HAW 1M 34, HEW 1M 34, HEWN 6J 34

On 8th draw, AJEE 1L 50 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: JEE 1M 41, HAJES 13A 30, AJEE C2 28, JEEL C2 28, JEES C2 28

On 9th draw, JOUALS M1 26 --- JOUAL a dialect of Canadian French [n]
Other tops: BALU A1 26, JOBS M1 26
Other moves: ABS B13 25, JOB M1 24, JOUAL M1 24, JOURS M1 24, SLURBS I8 24

On 10th draw, HEREDITY 13A 82 --- HEREDITY the genetic transmission of characteristics [n]
Other moves: DITSY 6J 31, EYE B13 29, REDEYE 3C 28, WEEDERY 11A 28, EYED C10 27

On 11th draw, BOOGERS 12H 86 --- BOOGER a piece of snot [n]
Other moves: BOOGERS N4 74, GOOBERS N4 73, GOBOES A1 39, BOYGS H11 36, BYES H12 36
BYES H12 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 12th draw, FIEND 14F 44 --- FIEND a demon [n]
Other moves: INFUSED N8 38, DEFI 14D 37, FIE 14F 37, NIFE 14D 35, DEF 14D 34
DEF 14D 34 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 13th draw, XI 6J 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: OXER 14A 44, RELAX C1 37, AX 9F 36, EX B13 36, ILEX 3F 36
XI 6J 53 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher, FangTooth

On 14th draw, RIVERMAN M8 78 --- RIVERMAN a man who works on a river [n]
Other moves: MINEVER 3C 36, AVENIR 15J 33, VISNE N10 32, AMIR 12C 31, EMIR 12C 31
MEIN 13L 22 FangTooth, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, FLORAL 8J 30 --- FLORAL a design in which flowers predominate [n] --- FLORAL pertaining to flowers [adj]
Other moves: FILIAL 11D 29, FILO A1 29, FINAL 15K 27, FOAL G3 25, FOLIA 11D 25
OF 12C 22 FangTooth, enzotiger

On 16th draw, SAIL 15H 44 --- SAIL to move across the surface of water by the action of wind [v]
Other moves: SAI 15H 41, VINYL 15K 36, SYLVA 11D 31, ABYES H11 30, QIS C3 30
SAIL 15H 44 enzotiger, bumpkin, sunshine12

On 17th draw, KYU 11I 37 --- KYU a novice grade in judo [n]
Other moves: QUIT F2 33, QUEY D11 32, YEUK D12 32, PIKEY 3E 31, PAIK 4L 30
QUEY D11 32 sunshine12

On 18th draw, CUTUP A1 39 --- CUTUP a mischievous person [n]
Other moves: CUZ A3 31, PIZE D10 30, ZIT C3 30, CAZ 14L 28, CAZ 4L 28

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