Game on May 13, 2023 at 00:56, 7 players
1. 494 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 490 pts fatcat
3. 27 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 24 24
2. 5D 94 118
3. D2 80 198
4. 10D 84 282
5. 3C 56 338
6. H10 30 368
7. J8 63 431
8. 2I 76 507
9. 1E 36 543
10. O2 39 582
11. N6 26 608
12. 14A 70 678
13. 15A 33 711
14. 9I 37 748
15. 3K 26 774
16. 2A 24 798
17. K11 38 836
18. L11 36 872
19. 7A 29 901
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6868 GLOBEMAN 4 17:53 -407 494 1.7668 sunshine12 0 1:17 -874 27
2.6571 fatcat 2 16:55 -411 490 2.7688 roocatcher 0 1:47 -874 27
3.7668 sunshine12 0 1:17 -874 27 3.7243 FangTooth 1 0:13 -875 26
4.7688 roocatcher 0 1:47 -874 27 4.7750 enzotiger 1 0:47 -875 26
5.7243 FangTooth 1 0:13 -875 26 5.7622 bumpkin 0 1:27 -883 18
6.7750 enzotiger 1 0:47 -875 26 Group: intermediate
7.7622 bumpkin 0 1:27 -883 18 1.6868 GLOBEMAN 4 17:53 -407 494
2.6571 fatcat 2 16:55 -411 490
On 1st draw, UPSIDE H3 24 --- UPSIDE a positive aspect [n]
Other moves: PSEUD H4 22, UPSIDE H8 22, DUPES H4 20, PSEUD H8 20, SIPED H8 20
SPIED H8 20 fatcat
On 2nd draw, PALISADO 5D 94 --- PALISADO to fortify with a fence of stakes [v]
Other moves: APAID I2 27, PAID I3 26, APODAL G5 24, UPLAID 3H 24, UPLOAD 3H 24
PAID I3 26 GLOBEMAN, fatcat
On 3rd draw, WAYPOI(N)T D2 80 --- WAYPOINT a point between major points on a route [n]
Other moves: OI(L)WAY 4J 35, WI(C)OPY D1 34, WA(L)TY 4K 33, WA(N)TY 4K 33, WA(R)TY 4K 33
WAY 4K 23 fatcat
On 4th draw, SKIWEAR 10D 84 --- SKIWEAR clothing suitable for wear while skiing [n]
Other moves: SKIWEAR C9 83, SKIWEAR 9H 80, SKIWEAR I8 72, WREAK 4K 39, KESAR 10B 37
SWA(N)K 8A 33 GLOBEMAN, fatcat
On 5th draw, BA(R)OQUE 3C 56 --- BAROQUE a bold decorative style [n]
Other moves: Q(I) C7 41, ENWOMB 2B 38, ENW(O)MB 2B 36, E(N)WOMB 2B 36, (E)NWOMB 2B 36
Q(I) C7 41 fatcat, GLOBEMAN
On 6th draw, EITHER H10 30 --- EITHER relating to one or the other [adj]
Other tops: OTHER 11G 30
Other moves: HERIOT 2I 27, HERIOT 11I 25, HERIOT 9I 25, HOWE 2B 25, THEIR 11H 25
EITHER H10 30 fatcat
On 7th draw, VERATRIN J8 63 --- VERATRIN a poisonous mixture of alkaloids [n]
Other moves: VERATRIN 15C 62, VERATRIN 15F 62, AVENIR 2I 36, THRIVEN 13G 30, INVERT 4J 25
KNAVE E10 24 fatcat
On 8th draw, EGOTIST 2I 76 --- EGOTIST a conceited person [n]
Other moves: THORITES 13G 26, TOSED J1 26, OTITIS 6F 25, SIDE J3 25, EGOIST 2I 24
KITES E10 18 fatcat
On 9th draw, HYENS 1E 36 --- HYEN Shakespearean form of HYENA [n]
Other moves: FEHS 1F 33, FEYS 1F 33, HEYS 1F 33, HYEN 1F 33, HYES 1F 33
HUE 1M 31 fatcat, GLOBEMAN
On 10th draw, TABLOID O2 39 --- TABLOID a small newspaper [n]
Other moves: FADO 3K 31, FIDO 3K 31, DIF 3K 29, DOF 3K 29, BOA 1M 27
BOA 1M 27 GLOBEMAN, fatcat, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 11th draw, MAE N6 26 --- MAE more [n]
Other tops: ANIME 6F 26, NEF 3K 26
Other moves: HAREEM 13H 24, HERMAE 13H 24, INFAME M2 24, KENAF E10 24, FAN 3K 23
MAE N6 26 FangTooth, enzotiger, GLOBEMAN
KEF E10 20 fatcat
On 12th draw, ALEURONE 14A 70 --- ALEURONE protein matter found in the seeds of certain plants [n]
Other moves: ALOWE 2A 25, LOWE 2B 23, ANILE 6F 22, NEURAL 15J 21, NEURON 15J 21
ON 11E 18 fatcat
On 13th draw, GAM 15A 33 --- GAM to visit socially [v]
Other moves: MAE 15A 31, VAU(N)CE 8A 30, MA 15A 26, GAE 15A 25, KUMERA E10 24
MA 15A 26 fatcat
On 14th draw, JEED 9I 37 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEER 9I 36, JEN(N)ET 8A 36, JETE 9I 36, JEE 9I 35, JET 9I 35
JEE 4K 29 fatcat
On 15th draw, NEF 3K 26 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other tops: REF 3K 26
Other moves: FIGURE M1 25, FINER 6G 24, FUN(N)ER 8A 24, GNU 13C 24, ERF M6 23
FEM C13 16 fatcat
On 16th draw, VROW 2A 24 --- VROW a Dutch woman [n]
Other tops: ROON 13C 24
Other moves: VODOUN L7 22, VOW 2B 22, ROO 13C 20, IKON E9 18, IN 11E 18
VOW 2B 22 fatcat
On 17th draw, XI K11 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EXI(N)G 8A 36, XI C7 35, XU C7 35, TEF 4K 31, REFIX 13J 30
XI K11 38 fatcat, GLOBEMAN
AX 11J 18 bumpkin
On 18th draw, ECCO L11 36 --- ECCO behold [interj]
Other moves: NOCENT 15J 33, ECO L11 30, DOEN L9 26, EGO L11 26, TICTOC 12J 26
EN L11 20 fatcat
On 19th draw, FUZING 7A 29 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other moves: CUZ 13L 28, FUGU 1K 28, FUG 1K 25, GNU 13C 24, ZING 7C 24
CUZ 13L 28 fatcat, GLOBEMAN
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