Game on May 21, 2023 at 00:32, 7 players
1. 361 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 79 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 46 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 80 80 


13G 96 176 


14F 34 210 


L6 78 288 


G7 34 322 


15C 42 364 


F5 29 393 


8J 33 426 


14J 31 457 


E8 28 485 


12A 24 509 


A7 24 533 


B1 78 611 


O4 64 675 


13B 41 716 


1A 36 752 


N4 27 779 


4A 50 829 


M1 35 864 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Papa_Sloth 0 17:12 -503 361 1.7672 roocatcher 0 2:38 -818 46
GLOBEMAN 1 2:11 -785 79 2.7742 sunshine12 0 1:29 -840 24
roocatcher 0 2:38 -818 46 3.7622 bumpkin 0 0:45 -847 17
sunshine12 0 1:29 -840 24 4.7243 FangTooth 0 1:17 -847 17
bumpkin 0 0:45 -847 17 5.7750 enzotiger 0 1:45 -847 17
FangTooth 0 1:17 -847 17 Group: intermediate
enzotiger 0 1:45 -847 17 1.6434 Papa_Sloth 0 17:12 -503 361
2.6951 GLOBEMAN 1 2:11 -785 79
On 1st draw, (M)ASTICH H6 80 --- MASTICH a yellow gum resin [n]
Other tops: ACHI(E)ST H2 80, AITCH(E)S H8 80, CAT(F)ISH H6 80, CAT(T)ISH H6 80, CA(T)TISH H6 80, CHAT(T)IS H3 80, CHA(T)TIS H3 80, CHITA(L)S H3 80, HA(P)TICS H4 80, IS(O)TACH H6 80, SCAITH(S) H7 80, S(P)ATHIC H8 80, (S)CAITHS H7 80
Other moves: ACHI(E)ST H3 78, CAT(F)ISH H4 78, CAT(T)ISH H4 78, CA(T)TISH H4 78, CHAT(T)IS H4 78
On 2nd draw, GEFILTE 13G 96 --- GEFILTE as in gefilte fish, a dish of fish stuffed with various ingredients [adj]
Other moves: GEFILTE 13B 86, GEFILTE I3 74, GIFTEE 13C 34, LEFTIE 13C 32, ELEGIT 13H 28
FEET G7 28 Papa_Sloth
On 3rd draw, QI 14F 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: RAKEE G5 32, AKEE G6 31, KAIE 12J 30, KEIR 12J 30, KAE G7 29
On 4th draw, HIL(L)FORT L6 78 --- HILLFORT a fort built on a hill [n]
Other moves: HI(L)LFORT L6 76, FORHAIL(E) 7D 68, FORH(A)ILE M6 68, FROTHIL(Y) 9E 68, HIL(L)FORT 9A 65
On 5th draw, KAED G7 34 --- KAE to serve [v]
Other moves: TALKED 8J 33, DEEK 15G 32, DEKE 15G 32, EEK K9 32, KEET G7 32
TAKE 15G 28 Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, BASION 15C 42 --- BASION a part of the skull [n]
Other moves: BIBS 15E 41, SIBB 15E 41, BONSAI 15A 38, NABOBS 15G 37, BISON 15E 36
BINS 15E 33 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, TWOER F5 29 --- TWOER the score of two [n]
Other moves: WORT F6 28, OWLIER 8J 27, TEWIT M3 26, TREW I4 26, TROW I4 26
ROW I5 25 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, PULVER 8J 33 --- PULVER to reduce to powder [v]
Other moves: PULER K11 24, PULLER 8J 24, PULLET 8J 24, LETUP K3 23, PELL K11 22
On 9th draw, DIS 14J 31 --- DIS to insult or criticize [v]
Other moves: ISLED 14K 30, ISLE 14K 26, SELD 14L 26, SEND 14L 26, SLED 14L 26
On 10th draw, PAWA E8 28 --- PAWA abalone [n]
Other moves: PAPAW J6 26, WALI K11 26, TAMP E8 24, TAWAI E8 24, WAP 14B 24
PAM 14B 22 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, RENEST 12A 24 --- NEST to build a nest (a structure for holding bird eggs) [v] --- RENEST to nest again [v]
Other moves: ERNES 12A 22, ETENS 12A 22, NERTS 12A 22, NETES 12A 22, NOTES 12A 22
RENTS 12A 22 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, MANNER A7 24 --- MANNER method, fashion of style [n]
Other tops: ALMNER A7 24
Other moves: CREMONA 11H 22, DISMAL 14J 22, DISMAN 14J 22, MALI K11 22, ARMER A11 21
NAMER A8 21 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, COLOGNE B1 78 --- COLOGNE a scented liquid [n]
Other moves: COLOGNE C7 28, COLOGNE N2 28, ENOLIC K10 27, COGUE K5 25, COLONE B2 24
COG B6 19 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, DREARILY O4 64 --- DREARILY in a dreary manner [adv] --- DREARY dismal [adv]
Other moves: DREARILY O7 63, ACIDLY 1A 42, ACRIDLY 1A 42, ACIDY 1A 39, CLAYIER 1B 39
YAE B10 29 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, MUX 13B 41 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other tops: MAX 13B 41, MAX C2 41
Other moves: DUX 13B 38, EXAM N8 35, NOX 13B 35, NOX C2 35, MOXA C7 34
DEX N7 23 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, OCTAVE 1A 36 --- OCTAVE a type of musical interval [n]
Other tops: ACTIVE 1A 36
Other moves: TOEY N3 33, LEVITY 3B 32, YAE N6 29, AY B9 28, AY N5 28
OY N5 28 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, OUTBEG N4 27 --- OUTBEG to surpass in begging [v]
Other moves: GOODBY 11J 26, GROUT N2 25, BROODY 11J 24, DORBUG 2F 23, ORBED N5 23
OB N5 22 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
DEX D11 14 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, ZONDA 4A 50 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: ZONA 4A 46, ZORI 4A 46, ZA A4 45, JOIN 4A 38, JA A4 37
ZA A4 45 Papa_Sloth
JAR M2 24 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 19th draw, JOEY M1 35 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JOEY I4 34, JOY I5 33, JOY M2 33, JERID J10 29, JO 14A 28
JAI E3 24 Papa_Sloth
OY M3 17 bumpkin, FangTooth, enzotiger
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