Game on May 21, 2023 at 13:47, 5 players
1. 249 pts LongJump22
2. 139 pts ShotPut22
3. 73 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
H7 66 66 ![q](./l/q1.png)
2. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
H7 75 141 ![q](./l/q1.png)
3. ![e](./l/e1.png)
11F 72 213 ![o](./l/o1.png)
4. ![a](./l/a1.png)
10F 33 246 ![s](./l/s1.png)
5. ![a](./l/a1.png)
15A 89 335 ![d](./l/d1.png)
6. ![b](./l/b1.png)
M6 94 429 ![p](./l/p1.png)
7. ![a](./l/a1.png)
A8 80 509 ![s](./l/s1.png)
8. ![d](./l/d1.png)
N7 31 540 ![m](./l/m1.png)
9. ![a](./l/a1.png)
12C 36 576 ![c](./l/c1.png)
10. ![d](./l/d1.png)
O8 33 609 ![t](./l/t1.png)
11. ![e](./l/e1.png)
C8 30 639 ![u](./l/u1.png)
12. ![a](./l/a1.png)
G13 37 676 ![j](./l/j1.png)
13. ![a](./l/a1.png)
D3 27 703 ![m](./l/m1.png)
14. ![a](./l/a1.png)
I10 42 745 ![a](./l/a1.png)
15. ![a](./l/a1.png)
3C 34 779 ![a](./l/a1.png)
16. ![d](./l/d1.png)
K6 63 842 ![f](./l/f1.png)
17. ![e](./l/e1.png)
J6 22 864 ![e](./l/e1.png)
18. ![b](./l/b1.png)
2I 81 945 ![b](./l/b1.png)
19. ![f](./l/f1.png)
L1 24 969 ![h](./l/h1.png)
Remaining tiles: ![f](./l/f1.png)
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 3 3:18 -720 249 1.6562 LongJump22 3 3:18 -720 249
ShotPut22 1 4:21 -830 139 2.6526 ShotPut22 1 4:21 -830 139
Javelin22 0 2:30 -896 73 3.6432 Javelin22 0 2:30 -896 73
4. -
QQQQQQ1124 1 1:16 -903 66 4.6365 Discus22 0 1:52 -935 34
Discus22 0 1:52 -935 34 Group: not rated
1. - QQQQQQ1124 1 1:16 -903 66
On 1st draw, Q(U)ARTZ H7 66 --- QUARTZ a mineral [n]
Other tops: Q(U)ARTZ H4 66
Other moves: QI(N)TAR H4 48, Q(U)ARTZ H8 48, Q(U)AIR H4 46, Q(U)ART H4 46, Q(U)ARTZ H3 46
Q(U)ARTZ H7 66 LongJump22
Q(U)ARTZ H4 66 QQQQQQ1124, ShotPut22
On 2nd draw, Q(U)ARTZOU(S) H7 75 --- QUARTZOUS [adj]
Other moves: (Y)ODH 13H 31, HO(Y) 13F 29, DO(Y) 13F 27, (Y)OD 13H 27, HOR(A)H 10F 26
THOU(G)H 11H 22 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, OUTWILES 11F 72 --- OUTWILE to surpass in wiling [v]
Other moves: ZOWIE 12H 34, WOOLIES 13G 30, OW I12 29, WISE I6 25, ISLE I7 24
OUTWILES 11F 72 LongJump22
ZOWIE 12H 34 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22
On 4th draw, SORAGE 10F 33 --- SORAGE a hawk in its first year [n]
Other moves: GORAS 10F 30, VEGES L8 26, VASES M9 24, WAES I11 24, WOES I11 24
On 5th draw, DRACONE(S) 15A 89 --- DRACONE a container used for transporting liquids by sea [n]
Other moves: ENDOSARC M7 78, DRACONES M4 65, ENDO(S)ARC 15D 61, CANOED 12A 28, CORNED 12A 28
DRACONE(S) 15A 89 LongJump22
DRACONE(S) 15A 39 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 6th draw, PHOBISTS M6 94 --- PHOBIST someone with a phobia [n]
Other moves: PHOBISTS M4 69, UPHOIST 14H 40, BISHOP 12A 37, BISHOPS M9 34, SHIP 12K 33
On 7th draw, SALTATED A8 80 --- SALTATE to undergo an abrupt mutation [v]
Other moves: TAWAS I9 27, ZEST 12H 26, STATAL 12J 25, TAWA I9 22, ZAS 12H 22
On 8th draw, MOOD N7 31 --- MOOD a person's emotional state at a particular moment [n]
Other moves: MODI 8L 30, MOLD 8L 30, MOOD 8L 30, LIMAN 9E 29, DOMINO N1 28
On 9th draw, CALX 12C 36 --- CALX a mineral residue [n]
Other moves: JAIL B6 31, LAX 12D 30, JAI B6 28, CALIX B5 27, COOL 8L 27
On 10th draw, TIED O8 33 --- TIE to fasten with a cord or rope [v]
Other moves: TIE O8 27, GOOD 8L 24, ZED 12H 24, ZEE 12H 22, DEICE C9 20
On 11th draw, UNPICK C8 30 --- UNPICK to remove the stitches from [v]
Other moves: PUNKIE 14G 26, ZEP 12H 26, KET 12K 25, KIP I6 25, PEKIN I4 25
On 12th draw, JOE G13 37 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: MAW 9G 36, WAWA I9 34, ALOWE B6 28, LAW 9G 28, OW L7 28
On 13th draw, MAUVER D3 27 --- MAUVE of a mauve colour [adj]
Other moves: MAR 9G 24, RAMEE D6 23, ZEE 12H 22, MAE D8 21, MATE 12K 21
On 14th draw, AWAY I10 42 --- AWAY a game won on the opponent's territory [n] --- AWAY from a certain place [adv]
Other moves: BEATY C1 35, ABY C3 33, AMBRY 3C 32, EMBAY 3C 32, BAYT E2 31
On 15th draw, AMENITY 3C 34 --- AMENITY the quality of being pleasant or agreeable [n]
Other moves: GEMINY 3B 32, GEYAN E1 31, ENMITY 3B 30, EYING E1 30, TYING E1 30
On 16th draw, FERRELLED K6 63 --- FERREL to fit with a metal cap to prevent splitting [v]
Other moves: FERREL 2I 30, FETED H1 30, DEFER 2G 24, FETE 12K 24, FETE H1 24
On 17th draw, EWE J6 22 --- EWE a female sheep [n]
Other tops: GREW J4 22
Other moves: ENEW J4 21, NEW J5 20, REW J5 20, WE B9 20, WEEN E2 20
On 18th draw, BREIING 2I 81 --- BREI (South Africa) to pronounce r sound at the back of the throat [v]
Other moves: BINGER 2I 29, BEGIN 2E 28, BINGER 2G 24, BITER H1 24, BINGE 2G 23
On 19th draw, HING L1 24 --- HING a foul-smelling gum resin [n]
Other moves: HIVING 6B 23, FINI L1 22, VUGH 5C 22, FIG 2E 21, GHI 1L 21
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