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Game on May 28, 2023 at 08:13, 11 players
1. 661 pts LongJump22
2. 494 pts fatcat
3. 273 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceefnov   H4    28    28   fence
 2. deiloor   4F    22    50   reflood
 3. ?eiottt   8A    74   124   totemite
 4. eemnrrs   B4    64   188   sermoner
 5. ?aeiotz   E5   110   298   atomizer
 6. abdirtv   A1    35   333   davit
 7. aegmoqs   F2    46   379   qorma
 8. aabennt  A10    33   412   bannet
 9. eilnnos  13C    30   442   insole
10. aahiors  H11    36   478   shear
11. aegoruw   5K    31   509   wager
12. abdlovy   O3    48   557   byroad
13. dinpsuw   9I    81   638   windups
14. acilpru  14F    82   720   piacular
15. efgluxy  L12    44   764   flax
16. eghijou   6J    46   810   jehu
17. aegiuvy  D12    30   840   envy
18. agiiiku   D3    27   867   kagu

Remaining tiles: giiio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6854 FileLongJump22  7 16:14  -206  661     1.7423 Chelsea     5  6:55  -594  273 
  2.6632 Filefatcat      5 14:09  -373  494     2.7700 sicilianc5  1  0:55  -831   36 
  3.7423 FileChelsea     5  6:55  -594  273     3.7609 moonmonkey  1  1:16  -831   36 
  4.6635 FileShotPut22   1  2:02  -765  102     4.7566 Mycophot    1  1:34  -831   36 
  5.7700 Filesicilianc5  1  0:55  -831   36     5.7654 HollyIvy    0  1:40  -841   26 
  6.7609 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:16  -831   36            Group: intermediate
  7.7566 FileMycophot    1  1:34  -831   36     1.6854 LongJump22  7 16:14  -206  661 
  8.  -  FileMoxie622    0  3:15  -832   35     2.6632 fatcat      5 14:09  -373  494 
  9.6613 FileJavelin22   1  1:18  -839   28     3.6635 ShotPut22   1  2:02  -765  102 
 10.6658 FileDiscus22    1  1:36  -839   28     4.6613 Javelin22   1  1:18  -839   28 
 11.7654 FileHollyIvy    0  1:40  -841   26     5.6658 Discus22    1  1:36  -839   28 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Moxie622    0  3:15  -832   35 

On 1st draw, FENCE H4 28 --- FENCE to practice the art of fencing [v]
Other moves: COVEN H4 26, COVEN H8 22, FENCE H8 22, COVEN H5 20, COVEN H6 20
FENCE H4 28 fatcat, LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22

On 2nd draw, REFLOOD 4F 22 --- FLOOD to inundate [v] --- REFLOOD to flood again [v]
Other tops: FLOODER 4H 22, FLOORED 4H 22, FOLIOED 4H 22
Other moves: DOOLIE 9H 21, OROIDE 9D 21, ROILED 9C 21, ROILED 9H 21, DROIL 9G 20
FLOORED 4H 22 fatcat
FLOODER 4H 22 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, TOTE(M)ITE 8A 74 --- TOTEMITE a specialist in totemism [n]
Other moves: TOI(L)ETTE 8A 71, (S)TOTTIE M4 69, TOTTIE(R) 9B 68, TOTTIE(S) 9B 68, (S)TOTTIE 9H 68
(S)TOTTIE M4 69 LongJump22
(D)OTE 9H 14 fatcat

On 4th draw, SERMONER B4 64 --- SERMONER a preacher [n]
Other moves: MENES 9D 29, MENSE M1 26, MERSE M1 26, MESNE M2 26, EMES 5J 25
MENES 9D 29 LongJump22
MEN 5K 21 fatcat

On 5th draw, ATO(M)IZE(R) E5 110 --- ATOMIZER a device for atomizing liquids [n]
Other tops: ATO(M)IZE(D) E5 110, ATO(M)IZE(S) E5 110
Other moves: TOTA(L)IZE A8 104, NOTA(R)IZE 6H 88, (B)OTANIZE 6D 88, (M)ONAZITE 6F 86, TRIAZO(L)E 11A 82
NOTA(R)IZE 6H 88 LongJump22
AZOTE A11 74 ShotPut22
ZATI A1 45 fatcat

On 6th draw, DAVIT A1 35 --- DAVIT a hoisting device on a ship [n]
Other moves: BRAID A1 33, RABID A1 33, TABID A1 33, BRAVI 5J 31, DIVA A1 30
BRAID A1 33 fatcat
BARD 5K 25 LongJump22

On 7th draw, QORMA F2 46 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: OMEGA A11 35, QO(R)MAS 12C 34, EGMAS 13A 32, EGMAS A11 32, GAMES 13A 32
OMEGA A11 35 LongJump22
GAMES 13A 32 fatcat

On 8th draw, BANNET A10 33 --- BANNET a bonnet [n]
Other moves: ABATE A11 32, ANENT F10 25, INANE F8 25, BANE 5K 23, BANT 5K 23
BANNET A10 33 Chelsea
ABATE A11 32 LongJump22
BENT 3K 19 fatcat

On 9th draw, INSOLE 13C 30 --- INSOLE the inner sole of a boot or shoe [n]
Other tops: LESION 13C 30
Other moves: ELSIN 13C 28, EOSIN 13C 28, LOSEN 13C 28, TENSION C8 27, ESLOIN M3 26
INSOLE 13C 30 Chelsea
LOSEN 13C 28 fatcat
NONES 13A 26 LongJump22, HollyIvy

On 10th draw, SHEAR H11 36 --- SHEAR to cut the hair or wool from [v]
Other tops: RHEAS H11 36
Other moves: HAARS 14F 35, HAROS 14F 35, HOARS 14F 35, HORAS 14F 35, HORIS 14F 35
SHEAR H11 36 LongJump22, fatcat, Chelsea, sicilianc5, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 11th draw, WAGER 5K 31 --- WAGER to risk on an uncertain outcome [v]
Other tops: WAGER D1 31
Other moves: OWER 5J 29, WAGE 5K 29, OWE 5J 27, WAG 5K 27, WARE 5K 27
WAGER 5K 31 fatcat, LongJump22, Chelsea

On 12th draw, BYROAD O3 48 --- BYROAD a side road [n]
Other tops: BROADLY O4 48
Other moves: DRABLY O4 42, BOYARD O1 39, BRAVO O4 39, VOLARY O1 39, LOVEY N2 38
BROADLY O4 48 LongJump22, Chelsea
ROYAL O5 24 fatcat

On 13th draw, WINDUPS 9I 81 --- WINDUP a conclusion [n]
Other moves: UPWINDS 9I 78, INDOW 3C 35, SNIPED D4 33, SPINED D4 33, UNIPED D4 33
NEW N4 32 Chelsea, LongJump22
UPWINDS 9I 28 fatcat

On 14th draw, PIACULAR 14F 82 --- PIACULAR atoning [adj]
Other moves: SPICULAR 11H 74, CLIPE D4 30, CRIPE D4 30, PANIC D11 30, CAPUL D1 29
RIPE G1 27 LongJump22
PAAL 14F 24 Chelsea
SCRAP 11H 18 fatcat

On 15th draw, FLAX L12 44 --- FLAX the fibres of the plant linum [n]
Other moves: FUGLY D1 40, EX B1 39, FEY N4 38, FLUEY D1 38, GULFY D1 36
FLAX L12 44 LongJump22, fatcat
EX B1 39 Chelsea

On 16th draw, JEHU 6J 46 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: JEHU D3 39, JOG 3K 39, GJU D4 37, JOE 3K 37, OHO 6M 30
JEHU 6J 46 LongJump22
GJU D4 37 fatcat
PEG N9 8 Moxie622

On 17th draw, ENVY D12 30 --- ENVY to covet others' possessions,looks etc. [v]
Other moves: YAGI 10K 27, IVY D3 26, TYG C8 26, VAGI D3 25, YAGI D3 25
AY B1 23 LongJump22
ENVY K8 20 Moxie622
IVY J9 17 fatcat

On 18th draw, KAGU D3 27 --- KAGU a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: AUK D3 23, AKE N3 20, KAI 8J 20, LAIK 13L 20, GAIR M11 19
AKE N3 20 LongJump22
KI G1 17 fatcat
FIG 12L 7 Moxie622

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