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Game on May 31, 2023 at 07:24, 7 players
1. 399 pts Chelsea
2. 299 pts fatcat
3. 73 pts ShotPut22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deghjos   H4    50    50   joshed
 2. acerrsu   5E    90   140   carouser
 3. ?iknouv   L2    36   176   dvornik
 4. ?ceelst   8A    80   256   selectee
 5. aaefnsy   8J    39   295   nakfas
 6. egintuw   2J    34   329   widget
 7. alnoptv   1F    31   360   pontal
 8. aaeimor   1M    28   388   ama
 9. bilnoov   2B    26   414   ovoli
10. eeemopy   C5    69   483   employee
11. abeiirt  B10    45   528   barite
12. beghitu  A13    43   571   hub
13. eegioqt   1A    35   606   qi
14. ainooru   3L    25   631   van
15. aefgrtx  D12    48   679   grex
16. defioru   M6    28   707   offed
17. denotuy   K8    74   781   autodyne
18. adiilnz  13I    54   835   zayin
19. dgiirtw  15G    36   871   twired

Remaining tiles: giilru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7474 FileChelsea     5 10:07  -472  399     1.7474 Chelsea     5 10:07  -472  399 
  2.6618 Filefatcat      2  9:26  -572  299            Group: intermediate
  3.6653 FileShotPut22   2  1:49  -798   73     1.6618 fatcat      2  9:26  -572  299 
  4.6783 FileJavelin22   2  2:25  -798   73     2.6653 ShotPut22   2  1:49  -798   73 
  5.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  1:00  -821   50     3.6783 Javelin22   2  2:25  -798   73 
  6.6790 FileHammer22    1  1:03  -823   48     4.6790 Hammer22    1  1:03  -823   48 
  7.6694 FileDiscus22    1  1:53  -846   25     5.6694 Discus22    1  1:53  -846   25 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  1:00  -821   50 

On 1st draw, JOSHED H4 50 --- JOSH to tease [v]
Other moves: JOSHED H7 38, JOSHED H3 36, JOSHED H8 36, JOSHED H5 34, JOSHED H6 34

On 2nd draw, CAROUSER 5E 90 --- CAROUSER one that carouses [n]
Other moves: ECRASEUR 8H 83, CRUSADER 9C 66, ECRASEUR 8C 63, CAROUSE 5E 36, CRUORES 5E 36

On 3rd draw, (D)VORNIK L2 36 --- DVORNIK a Russian porter [n]
Other moves: (B)OINK 4K 31, OINK 4L 30, OI(N)K 4L 28, OU(L)K 4L 28, O(I)NK 4L 28

On 4th draw, SELECT(E)E 8A 80 --- SELECTEE one that is selected [n]
Other tops: S(E)LECTEE 8A 80
Other moves: SEL(E)CTEE 8A 77, SCHEELIT(E) 7F 68, SCHE(E)LITE 7F 68, SCH(E)ELITE 7F 67, T(R)EACLES F2 67
KEST 8L 24 Chelsea

On 5th draw, NAKFAS 8J 39 --- NAKFA the standard currency unit of Eritrea [n]
Other moves: FAYNES M7 35, FAYNE M7 34, FAYS M7 33, KAFS 8L 33, KAYS 8L 33
KAFS 8L 33 Chelsea

On 6th draw, WI(D)GET 2J 34 --- WIDGET a gadget [n]
Other moves: WEST 6F 32, WI(D)EN 2J 30, FETING M8 22, FEUING M8 22, TAWING K7 22
WEST 6F 32 Chelsea

On 7th draw, PONTAL 1F 31 --- PONTAL relating to the pons of the brain [adj]
Other tops: LOVAT 1G 31
Other moves: VOLTA 1F 29, NOPAL 1G 28, OVAL 1H 28, PLOAT 1G 28, ATOP 1H 27
OVAL 1H 28 Chelsea

On 8th draw, AMA 1M 28 --- AMA an oriental nurse [n]
Other tops: AMI 1M 28
Other moves: ATOM O1 27, ITEM O1 27, FOAMIER M8 26, VIM 3L 26, ARAME 2B 24
AMI 1M 28 Chelsea

On 9th draw, OVOLI 2B 26 --- OVOLO a convex moulding [n]
Other moves: VOL 3L 25, BAVIN K7 24, OBOLI 2B 24, VIOLONE B2 24, COLOBI E8 20
BOA N6 11 fatcat

On 10th draw, EMPLOYEE C5 69 --- EMPLOYEE a person who is employed [n]
Other moves: PEEVE 3I 43, EVOE 3K 30, YOMP D1 30, YES 6F 29, MOPY 3D 28
COPY E8 22 fatcat

On 11th draw, BARITE B10 45 --- BARITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: BESTI 6F 33, BARE B10 29, BATE B10 29, BEAR B10 29, BEAT B10 29
BEST 6F 26 fatcat

On 12th draw, HUB A13 43 --- HUB the center of a wheel [n]
Other moves: BETH 15A 39, BETH D12 36, HENBIT 6J 36, GIB A13 35, GUB A13 35
HUB A13 43 fatcat, Chelsea

On 13th draw, QI 1A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EVET 3K 30, EVOE 3K 30, VOTE 3L 30, VEG 3L 28, VEE 3L 25
QI 1A 35 fatcat, Chelsea

On 14th draw, VAN 3L 25 --- VAN to transport in a van (a type of motor vehicle) [v]
Other tops: VAU 3L 25
Other moves: CRUCIAN E5 22, ROUE B5 18, INDOOR 9F 17, CORNUA E8 16, CORONA E8 16
VAN 3L 25 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22
ACORN E7 14 fatcat

On 15th draw, GREX D12 48 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: FOREX 4K 39, FAX D12 38, FAX 3D 32, FRAG D12 32, FAX F4 29
GREX D12 48 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Hammer22
FAX F4 29 Chelsea, fatcat

On 16th draw, OFFED M6 28 --- OFF to go away [v]
Other moves: FORDO 4K 27, OFFER M6 27, FORD 4K 25, *FF M6 24, FOID D1 24
OFFED M6 28 Chelsea
FOOD D1 24 fatcat

On 17th draw, AUTODYNE K8 74 --- AUTODYNE a type of electrical circuit [n]
Other moves: YEST 6F 32, YES 6F 29, NY N5 27, OUNDY N10 27, OY N5 27
YEST 6F 32 Chelsea
YES 6F 29 fatcat

On 18th draw, ZAYIN 13I 54 --- ZAYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: LAZIED 15G 54, ZANIED 15G 54
Other moves: LAZED 15H 51, DIZEN 15H 48, ZONA D1 46, AZIDE 15G 45, ADZE 15H 42
LAZED 15H 51 Chelsea
DAZE 15H 42 fatcat

On 19th draw, TWIRED 15G 36 --- TWIRE to peer [v]
Other tops: WIDGET 15G 36
Other moves: WIDGIE 15F 33, WIRED 15H 33, WITED 15H 33, WRIED 15H 33, GIRTED 15G 30
TWIRED 15G 36 Chelsea
WRITE 15G 24 fatcat

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