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Game on June 5, 2023 at 19:29, 12 players
1. 164 pts Pacific
2. 151 pts LongJump22
3. 36 pts ShotPut22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aginsuy   H4    26    26   yangs
 2. deglorr   4B    22    48   orderly
 3. aadegiu   3B    29    77   guide
 4. ?ainort   E3    86   163   derations
 5. cdeeeiy   F6    36   199   yede
 6. aeeflpx   8A    36   235   elapid
 7. eilprrt   C7    78   313   paltrier
 8. ?abhijw   H1    48   361   bowyangs
 9. aeimnoq  14A    32   393   qorma
10. aenostu   8H    77   470   soutanes
11. ailrsuv   1F    64   534   subviral
12. aeghimt  15D   109   643   megahit
13. eeinnou  15A    41   684   io
14. cdenotz  12A    50   734   zoic
15. aceiost   K4    90   824   oscitate
16. deekntv  14I    36   860   kented
17. effinox  15L    51   911   exon
18. abfhjnu  13M    56   967   haj
19. bffiinu   2L    30   997   biff

Remaining tiles: inuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9224 FilePacific     0  6:24  -833  164     1.9224 Pacific     0  6:24  -833  164 
  2.6824 FileLongJump22  3  4:36  -846  151            Group: advanced
  3.6718 FileShotPut22   1  1:01  -961   36     1.7951 SQUAW1      1  0:31  -971   26 
  4.6715 FileJavelin22   1  1:25  -961   36     2.7890 HollyIvy    0  0:36  -971   26 
  5.6793 FileDiscus22    1  1:43  -961   36     3.7699 sicilianc5  0  0:54  -971   26 
  6.6785 FileHammer22    0  0:37  -969   28     4.7832 moonmonkey  0  1:15  -971   26 
  7.7951 FileSQUAW1      1  0:31  -971   26     5.7735 Mycophot    0  1:35  -971   26 
  8.  -  FileGGGGGG1119  1  1:43  -971   26            Group: intermediate
  9.7890 FileHollyIvy    0  0:36  -971   26     1.6824 LongJump22  3  4:36  -846  151 
 10.7699 Filesicilianc5  0  0:54  -971   26     2.6718 ShotPut22   1  1:01  -961   36 
 11.7832 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:15  -971   26     3.6715 Javelin22   1  1:25  -961   36 
 12.7735 FileMycophot    0  1:35  -971   26     4.6793 Discus22    1  1:43  -961   36 
                                             5.6785 Hammer22    0  0:37  -969   28 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  GGGGGG1119  1  1:43  -971   26 

On 1st draw, YANGS H4 26 --- YANG the masculine active principle in Chinese cosmology [n]
Other tops: YAGIS H4 26, YUGAS H4 26
Other moves: SAYING H7 24, UNSAY H8 24, YUANS H4 24, SAYING H3 22, SAYING H4 22
YANGS H4 26 SQUAW1, LongJump22, GGGGGG1119

On 2nd draw, ORDERLY 4B 22 --- ORDERLY a male attendant [n]
Other moves: DOGEY 4D 20, GODLY 4D 20, GOLDY 4D 20, GRODY 4D 20, LEDGY 4D 20
ORDERLY 4B 22 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, GUIDE 3B 29 --- GUIDE to show the way to [v]
Other moves: AGUED 3A 27, GAED 3B 25, GAID 3B 25, GUID 3B 25, AIDE 3C 22
GUIDE 3B 29 LongJump22

On 4th draw, DERATION(S) E3 86 --- DERATION to free from rationing [v]
Other moves: ATRO(P)INS 8A 74, INTRA(D)OS 8A 74, NOTARI(E)S 8A 74, ORATI(O)NS 8A 74, RAINO(U)TS 8A 74
(O)RATIONS 8A 74 LongJump22
(O)RATION G8 59 Pacific

On 5th draw, YEDE F6 36 --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: DEY F8 33, Y*D F6 33, Y*D F10 29, YE F6 28, CERED F2 27
YE F6 28 Pacific

On 6th draw, ELAPID 8A 36 --- ELAPID a venomous snake [n]
Other tops: FALX 2F 36, FLAX 2F 36, FLEX 2F 36, PELF 2A 36
Other moves: FAX 2F 35, EXPEL D11 31, FLAP 2F 31, ALF 2B 30, ELF 2B 30
FLEX 2F 36 ShotPut22, Discus22
FLAX 2F 36 Javelin22

On 7th draw, PALTRIER C7 78 --- PALTRY petty [adj]
Other moves: LEPT 2A 29, PELT 2A 27, PARTIER C7 26, PERIL 2F 26, PIERT 2F 26
PALTRIER C7 28 Hammer22

On 8th draw, B(O)WYANGS H1 48 --- BOWYANG a strap tied around a trouser-leg [n]
Other moves: HIJAB 2F 45, HIJAB(S) 2F 45, HIJ(A)B 2F 44, H(E)JAB 2F 44, H(I)JAB 2F 44
HAJI 2F 36 Pacific

On 9th draw, QORMA 14A 32 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: OMEN D12 24, QAID D1 24, AEON 2A 23, AMEN B12 22, MEAN B12 22

On 10th draw, SOUTANES 8H 77 --- SOUTANE a cassock [n]
Other moves: SOUTANE 15E 73, SOUTANE I5 69, (S)OUTANES 11E 64, SOUTANE G9 63, ASTONE 15D 28

On 11th draw, SUBVIRAL 1F 64 --- SUBVIRAL pertaining to a part of a virus [adj]
Other moves: IS 15A 41, VIRTUAL K5 40, ULVAS 15D 34, URVAS 15D 34, QI A14 33
IS 15A 41 Pacific

On 12th draw, MEGAHIT 15D 109 --- MEGAHIT something extremely successful [n]
Other moves: MEGAHITS O1 95, MEGAHIT 15E 93, MEGAHIT 13E 73, MIGHT 15D 53, MEATH 15D 50
HAG 2A 26 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 13th draw, IO 15A 41 --- IO a cry of joy [n]
Other tops: IN 15A 41
Other moves: QI A14 33, NEON 2A 23, EON 2B 21, EUOI 14G 19, ENNUI 14J 18

On 14th draw, ZOIC 12A 50 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other moves: ZEIN 12A 46, ZOL B6 36, DOZE 2L 33, AZOTED 5H 32, AZOTED L1 32

On 15th draw, OSCITATE K4 90 --- OSCITATE to yawn [v]
Other moves: SOCIATES O1 83, SOCIATES O8 83, CANOEIST M6 74, SONICATE M6 74, (S)OCIATES 11E 68

On 16th draw, KENTED 14I 36 --- KENT to steer by a punting pole [v]
Other moves: VEND 2A 32, KENT 2A 31, DEEK 12K 30, DEKE 12K 30, DEKE 14G 29

On 17th draw, EXON 15L 51 --- EXON within a nucleic acid, a sequence which codes for protein synthesis [n]
Other tops: OXEN 15L 51
Other moves: FIX 15M 47, FOX 15M 47, EXO L3 40, FIEF 13J 40, *FF 2B 39

On 18th draw, HAJ 13M 56 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: HUB 13M 46, HAN 13M 42, HUN 13M 42, HA 13M 40, AH 13L 39

On 19th draw, BIFF 2L 30 --- BIFF to hit [v]
Other tops: BIFFIN M3 30, BOFFIN 4J 30
Other moves: NUFFIN M3 26, IFF L10 25, BOFF 4J 24, NIFF 2L 24, BUFFE N4 21

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