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Game on June 6, 2023 at 20:37, 7 players
1. 211 pts LongJump22
2. 204 pts Pacific
3. 77 pts ShotPut22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degoopr   H4    26    26   pogoed
 2. ?eirsuz   8A   101   127   suberize
 3. ?aefitx   I1   104   231   antefix
 4. aaddosv   J6    29   260   dods
 5. befhils   1E   101   361   fishable
 6. ainnrtv   2K    20   381   invar
 7. aceghns   B5    76   457   chaunges
 8. aikloru   1N    30   487   ka
 9. aclmotw  A11    31   518   matlo
10. ceilnpt   8J    42   560   depict
11. eenttuy   2A    24   584   teeny
12. ailnoru   L5    70   654   unipolar
13. aeeilnw   1A    31   685   awe
14. degioov   E5    48   733   overdog
15. aiorrty  F10    31   764   yirr
16. aemnott  13D    64   828   tormenta
17. beinruw  H12    33   861   weir
18. aejlnuu  K11    42   903   jean
19. abilquu  14K    32   935   niqab

Remaining tiles: luu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.6505 FileLongJump22  2  2:17  -724  211     1.9295 Pacific     2  5:00  -731  204 
  2.9295 FilePacific     2  5:00  -731  204            Group: intermediate
  3.6835 FileShotPut22   1  2:34  -858   77     1.6505 LongJump22  2  2:17  -724  211 
  4.6854 FileJavelin22   1  3:23  -858   77     2.6835 ShotPut22   1  2:34  -858   77 
  5.6517 FileHammer22    0  0:28  -884   51     3.6854 Javelin22   1  3:23  -858   77 
  6.  -  FileGGGGGG1119  1  0:56  -909   26     4.6517 Hammer22    0  0:28  -884   51 
  7.6690 FileDiscus22    0  1:44  -911   24     5.6690 Discus22    0  1:44  -911   24 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  GGGGGG1119  1  0:56  -909   26 

On 1st draw, POGOED H4 26 --- POGO to jump up and down to music [v]
Other tops: PORGED H4 26
Other moves: GORPED H4 24, GORPED H7 24, GROPED H4 24, GROPED H7 24, PODGE H4 24
POGOED H4 26 LongJump22, GGGGGG1119, ShotPut22, Javelin22

On 2nd draw, SU(B)ERIZE 8A 101 --- SUBERIZE to convert into cork tissue [v]
Other moves: SURP(R)IZE 4E 86, SU(R)PRIZE 4E 86, SEIZUR(E) G7 76, SEIZUR(E) I7 76, S(E)IZURE G7 76
SU(B)ERIZE 8A 101 LongJump22
SU(B)ERIZE 8A 51 ShotPut22, Javelin22
Z(E)ES G7 49 Pacific

On 3rd draw, A(N)TEFIX I1 104 --- ANTEFIX an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n]
Other moves: FIXAT(U)RE E2 84, A(N)TEFIX I9 75, FIXATI(V)E F3 71, FIXATI(V)E F7 71, FIXATU(R)E B3 71
FIXAT(U)RE E2 84 LongJump22
FIXATI(V)E F7 71 Pacific

On 4th draw, DODS J6 29 --- DOD to cut the hair of [v]
Other moves: DOD J6 28, DOS J6 27, DO J6 26, DADAS 1H 24, DADAS 9F 24
SOV J6 24 Discus22

On 5th draw, FISHABLE 1E 101 --- FISHABLE suitable for fishing [adj]
Other moves: FEEBLISH D6 82, FEEBLISH D7 82, BLUEFISH B6 80, BEHALF 1F 42, FAIBLES 1H 39
FISHABLE 1E 51 Hammer22

On 6th draw, INVAR 2K 20 --- INVAR an iron-nickel alloy with very little heat expansion [n]
Other tops: VANT 2D 20, VERNANT D7 20, VINTNER D3 20
Other moves: RIVA 2B 19, TAD 9F 19, VINA 2B 19, VITA 2B 19, BAIT J1 18

On 7th draw, CHAUNGES B5 76 --- CHAUNGE to change [v]
Other moves: GAUNCHES B6 74, GANACHES N1 72, CHARGES E5 52, ARCHES O1 45, REHANGS O2 45

On 8th draw, KA 1N 30 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other tops: ALKO A12 30, ILKA A12 30, KO 1N 30, OKRA A12 30, OULK A12 30
Other moves: KSAR 12A 26, FAKIR E1 24, KLOOF 5E 24, VAKIL M2 24, AULOI A11 23

On 9th draw, MATLO A11 31 --- MATLO a seaman [n]
Other moves: CATWORM E3 28, ALOW A12 27, AWOL A12 27, CAW G3 25, COW G3 25

On 10th draw, DEPICT 8J 42 --- DEPICT to portray [v]
Other moves: DIPNET 8J 36, CLIENT 2B 31, DELICT 8J 30, DELTIC 8J 30, LENTIC 14A 28
DEPICT 8J 42 Pacific

On 11th draw, TEENY 2A 24 --- TEENY tiny [adj]
Other tops: NETTY 2A 24, NUTTY 2A 24, TENTY 2A 24
Other moves: TENET 2B 23, CUNETTE N8 22, FYTTE E1 22, TUNY 2B 22, VENEY M2 22

On 12th draw, UNIPOLAR L5 70 --- UNIPOLAR showing only one kind of polarity [adj]
Other moves: CLARINO N8 22, CLARION N8 22, CORNUAL N8 22, COURLAN N8 22, NODUS 9F 22

On 13th draw, AWE 1A 31 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: AWN 1A 31, EWE 1A 31
Other moves: AW 1A 26, AWEEL M10 25, AWEE M10 23, ALEW K10 22, ANEW K10 22

On 14th draw, OVERDOG E5 48 --- OVERDOG one that is dominant or victorious [n]
Other moves: DOVIE K11 26, DODOS 9F 24, DOVE K11 24, GROOVED E7 24, LIVEDO 14A 24

On 15th draw, YIRR F10 31 --- YIRR to snarl [v]
Other moves: VAIRY M2 29, YO F10 29, CARROTY N8 28, OR(B)Y C6 28, YARTO K11 28

On 16th draw, TORMENTA 13D 64 --- TORMENTUM a missile hurler, pl TORMENTUMS or TORMENTA [n]
Other moves: AMENT K10 26, MNA 3B 26, VOEMA M2 26, ETNA 3A 25, TIMON M7 25

On 17th draw, WEIR H12 33 --- WEIR a fence placed in a stream to catch fish [n] --- WEIR to guard [v]
Other tops: WEEN H12 33, WEER H12 33, WERE H12 33
Other moves: BEEN H12 27, BEER H12 27, BEIN H12 27, BENE H12 27, BENI H12 27

On 18th draw, JEAN K11 42 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: CAJUN N8 30, JA G3 22, JANE 11K 22, JEAN 11J 22, JAUNT O4 20
JEAN K11 42 Pacific

On 19th draw, NIQAB 14K 32 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: QUAIL 5K 28, BAIL M11 27, BALU M11 27, QUAI 5K 26, QUBIT O4 26

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