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Game on June 7, 2023 at 15:14, 6 players
1. 291 pts LongJump22
2. 76 pts ShotPut22
3. 76 pts Javelin22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?amnsuy   H4    80    80   ynambus
 2. bdeiirt   6F    67   147   diatribe
 3. adinotu   5A    73   220   nudation
 4. acdostt   M3    76   296   codettas
 5. eeinnos   N4    27   323   nose
 6. eehilty   O1    59   382   ethyl
 7. aegiknr   C5    70   452   dakering
 8. eggiopr   K5    44   496   piggier
 9. eilnoor   O7    77   573   loonier
10. ?aeelnr   D1    79   652   lernaean
11. abeijor  12A    42   694   jager
12. aflmoou  A12    39   733   jomo
13. aefiltv   B5    39   772   uvae
14. abotuvx   A8    54   826   box
15. afiltuw   A1    45   871   flawn
16. cdehiqv  14A    36   907   miched
17. aiistvw  J10    33   940   waist
18. efipquv  15E    59   999   fique

Remaining tiles: puvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6488 FileLongJump22  3  3:39  -708  291     1.6488 LongJump22  3  3:39  -708  291 
  2.6790 FileShotPut22   0  2:15  -923   76     2.6790 ShotPut22   0  2:15  -923   76 
  3.6816 FileJavelin22   0  2:23  -923   76     3.6816 Javelin22   0  2:23  -923   76 
  4.6674 FileDiscus22    0  2:29  -923   76     4.6674 Discus22    0  2:29  -923   76 
  5.6593 FileHammer22    0  2:30  -923   76     5.6593 Hammer22    0  2:30  -923   76 
  6.  -  FileGGGGGG1119  1  1:57  -955   44            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  GGGGGG1119  1  1:57  -955   44 

On 1st draw, YNAM(B)US H4 80 --- YNAMBU a very large tinamou (a bird) [n]
Other moves: YNAM(B)US H2 74, YNAM(B)US H3 74, YNAM(B)US H6 74, YNAM(B)US H7 74, YNAM(B)US H5 72
YNAM(B)US H4 80 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, DIATRIBE 6F 67 --- DIATRIBE a bitter and abusive criticism [n]
Other moves: BEDIRTY 4B 26, BIDE G4 25, BITE G4 23, DERBY 4D 22, BIER I6 21
DIATRIBE 6F 67 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, NUDATION 5A 73 --- NUDATION the act of making bare [n]
Other moves: AUDITION K1 68, AUDITION K3 68, SUDATION 10H 65, DURATION J4 61, DANIO 5K 24
AUDITION K3 68 LongJump22

On 4th draw, CODETTAS M3 76 --- CODETTA a short coda [n]
Other moves: OCTADS N1 36, CODAS N2 34, COTTAS N1 34, ATOCS N2 32, COATS N2 32
CODETTAS M3 76 LongJump22

On 5th draw, NOSE N4 27 --- NOSE to sniff with the nose (the organ of smell) [v]
Other moves: SEEN N6 26, SIEN N6 26, STEEN I5 26, STEIN I5 26, IOS N4 24
NONNIES A3 24 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Hammer22, Discus22

On 6th draw, ETHYL O1 59 --- ETHYL a univalent chemical radical [n]
Other moves: THEY O1 52, ETHYNE A1 48, EELY O1 43, ETHINYL A1 42, HENLEY A3 39
THEY O1 52 Discus22, Hammer22, Javelin22, ShotPut22

On 7th draw, DAKERING C5 70 --- DAKER to lounge [v]
Other moves: ARKING O7 42, NAKER 4B 41, NARKY 4D 41, KERNING A2 39, RANKING A3 39

On 8th draw, PIGGIER K5 44 --- PIGGY piggish [adj]
Other moves: PIEROGI K5 40, GROUP B2 38, PONGIER A3 33, GEEP 8A 30, PINGER A3 30

On 9th draw, LOONIER O7 77 --- LOONEY crazy [adj] --- LOONIE crazy [adj]
Other moves: LOONIER N9 74, LOONIER J9 69, LARINE D4 27, LOONIE O7 24, LOONIER A2 24

On 10th draw, LER(N)AEAN D1 79 --- LERNAEAN pertaining to a swamp near Argos [adj]
Other tops: RELEA(R)N B8 79
Other moves: (R)ELEARN B8 78, LERNAEA(N) D1 75, ANNE(A)LER A3 74, ANNE(A)LER A4 74, ENLAR(G)EN A4 74

On 11th draw, JAGER 12A 42 --- JAGER a German army marksman [n]
Other tops: INJERA A4 42, JAGIR 12A 42
Other moves: JAILER 1A 39, JAILOR 1A 39, REJON A1 39, BAJRI J10 34, JAIL 1A 33

On 12th draw, JOMO A12 39 --- JOMO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: MOANFUL A2 39
Other moves: MANFUL A3 36, UFO B5 35, AFOUL J9 33, FULLAM 1A 33, ALF J8 32

On 13th draw, UVAE B5 39 --- UVA a grape [n]
Other moves: FAVEL J10 36, TUFA B4 36, UVA B5 35, FETIAL J10 34, FAVE J10 33

On 14th draw, BOX A8 54 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: TAX A8 42, TUX A8 42, TAXON A1 39, XU G9 36, AX B14 35

On 15th draw, FLAWN A1 45 --- FLAWN a custard [n]
Other moves: WAILFUL 1A 39, LAWFUL 1D 36, WAIFT J10 36, FAULT J10 33, WAFT J10 33

On 16th draw, MICHED 14A 36 --- MICHE to play truant [v]
Other moves: AHED B12 32, QIS 10F 32, HEID J10 31, HIVED I9 29, HE J10 28

On 17th draw, WAIST J10 33 --- WAIST the part of the body between the ribs and the hips [n]
Other tops: WAITS J10 33
Other moves: SWAT J9 32, TWAS J9 32, TWA J9 31, WAIS J10 30, WAIT J10 30

On 18th draw, FIQUE 15E 59 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: FIQUE L11 42, EQUIP L11 41, FIVE 15E 38, EQUIP I11 36, QIS 10F 32

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