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Game on June 15, 2023 at 16:49, 7 players
1. 91 pts Pacific
2. 71 pts LongJump22
3. 36 pts ShotPut22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afgnnot   H4    26    26   fagot
 2. aaeilss   9B    69    95   aliases
 3. deiilsy   E5    44   139   eyliads
 4. ?eltuvx  10A    51   190   exo
 5. beilnoq   8D    42   232   qi
 6. addeenr   6H    65   297   gardened
 7. aehmoor   O3    95   392   headroom
 8. ?acinor   K4    90   482   hadronic
 9. deiortw   D1    36   518   weirdo
10. acefnsv  A10    45   563   enface
11. bilnopu   1A    39   602   blowup
12. aeiortz   M6    88   690   notarize
13. eghisuv  14J    38   728   guise
14. eiknrtv  O12    46   774   kirn
15. aehiotu  B12    33   807   eth
16. imnouvw  15G    37   844   novum
17. aeiltuw  C12    37   881   weil
18. abgittu   C3    32   913   bait
19. gnttuvy   J8    25   938   yug

Remaining tiles: jnpttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9503 FilePacific     0  3:28  -847   91     1.9503 Pacific     0  3:28  -847   91 
  2.6867 FileLongJump22  1  5:54  -867   71            Group: intermediate
  3.6812 FileShotPut22   0  2:25  -902   36     1.6867 LongJump22  1  5:54  -867   71 
  4.  -  FileGGGGGG1119  1  1:07  -912   26     2.6812 ShotPut22   0  2:25  -902   36 
  5.6823 FileHammer22    0  0:45  -920   18     3.6823 Hammer22    0  0:45  -920   18 
  6.6677 FileJavelin22   0  1:35  -920   18     4.6677 Javelin22   0  1:35  -920   18 
  7.6786 FileDiscus22    0  1:53  -920   18     5.6786 Discus22    0  1:53  -920   18 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  GGGGGG1119  1  1:07  -912   26 

On 1st draw, FAGOT H4 26 --- FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v]
Other tops: FANGO H4 26, GANOF H8 26
Other moves: FANON H4 24, GANOF H4 22, FAGOT H8 20, FANGO H8 20, NONFAT H3 20

On 2nd draw, ALIASES 9B 69 --- ALIAS an assumed name [n]
Other tops: ALIASES 9D 69
Other moves: ALIASES G6 67, ALGESIAS 6F 63, ALIASES G8 61, ALIASES I8 61, ALIASES 5E 28

On 3rd draw, EYLIADS E5 44 --- EYLIAD an amorous glance [n]
Other moves: SYED 8A 42, DYES 8A 37, Y*DS 10B 36, LYES 8A 34, Y*D 10B 33

On 4th draw, EX(O) 10A 51 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX 10A 50, X(I) 10B 50, (A)X 10A 49, (E)X 10A 49, (O)X 10A 49

On 5th draw, QI 8D 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI D8 42
Other moves: QI G3 26, BELON I3 24, LOBE D4 23, LOBE I5 23, LOBI I5 23

On 6th draw, GARDENED 6H 65 --- GARDEN to cultivate a plot of ground [v]
Other tops: GANDERED 6H 65
Other moves: DEADEN D1 27, EARDED A10 27, ENDEAR A10 27, REDDEN D1 25, EARNED A10 24

On 7th draw, HEADROOM O3 95 --- HEADROOM clear vertical space [n]
Other moves: HEADROOM K3 78, HADROME O4 51, HARMED O1 45, DERHAM O6 36, ROAMED O1 36

On 8th draw, (H)ADRONIC K4 90 --- HADRON an elementary particle [adj] --- HADRONIC relating to a hadron [adj]
Other moves: (M)ARCONI N9 77, (S)ARONIC N9 77, CO(C)INERA L1 76, CO(L)INEAR L1 76, REAC(T)ION L5 74

On 9th draw, WEIRDO D1 36 --- WEIRDO a very strange person [n]
Other moves: WEIRDO N9 35, DOWIER N9 33, TROWED J5 32, TOWIER N9 30, ROWED J6 29

On 10th draw, ENFACE A10 45 --- ENFACE to stamp or print on the front of [v]
Other moves: ENCAVE A10 42, ENCASE A10 33, FAVES F2 33, WAVES 1D 33, FACES F2 32

On 11th draw, BLOWUP 1A 39 --- BLOWUP an explosion [n]
Other moves: POILU C3 36, BOIL C3 32, BLOWN 1A 30, UPBOIL N10 30, BOP J8 29

On 12th draw, NOTARIZE M6 88 --- NOTARIZE to certify through a notary [v]
Other moves: ZATI L1 48, ZERO L1 48, ZETA L1 48, ZITE L1 48, ZOEA L1 48

On 13th draw, GUISE 14J 38 --- GUISE to disguise [v]
Other moves: HUIS C3 36, GUSH 14K 34, HUGS 14J 34, VIGS 14J 34, VUGS 14J 34

On 14th draw, KIRN O12 46 --- KIRN to churn [v]
Other tops: KERN O12 46
Other moves: VERT O12 40, VIRE O12 40, NEK J8 37, REKNIT 15F 35, NERK O12 34
REKNIT 15F 35 Pacific

On 15th draw, ETH B12 33 --- ETH an Old English letter [n]
Other moves: ATE N10 30, THE B13 30, UTE N10 30, AH J9 28, COUTHIE 14A 28
ETH B12 33 LongJump22
OH J9 28 Pacific

On 16th draw, NOVUM 15G 37 --- NOVUM a dice game whre nine and five are important [n]
Other moves: OVUM 15H 34, MUON C3 32, MEOW L5 30, ONIUM 15G 28, OW 8A 28
MOU 15H 18 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22

On 17th draw, WEIL C12 37 --- WEIL a whirlpool [n]
Other tops: WEAL C12 37
Other moves: ATE N10 30, UTE N10 30, AW 8A 28, TEAL C12 28, TEIL C12 28
AW 8A 28 Pacific
WIT 14F 18 Hammer22
WAT 14F 18 ShotPut22
WO 7G 9 LongJump22

On 18th draw, BAIT C3 32 --- BAIT to set a trap [v]
Other tops: GAITT C3 32
Other moves: GAIT C3 28, GAB J8 27, GIB J8 27, GUB J8 27, TAIG C3 27
BI L3 10 LongJump22

On 19th draw, YUG J8 25 --- YUG an age of time in Hinduism [n]
Other moves: GUY N2 24, GAY I5 23, CHITTY 14A 22, G*Y 7G 22, VUGH 3L 22
U(H) 4J 1 LongJump22

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