Game on June 16, 2023 at 13:05, 7 players
1. 221 pts LongJump22
2. 74 pts Javelin22
3. 74 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


4H 76 152 


M2 42 194 


K2 82 276 


L8 40 316 


3I 44 360 


O4 45 405 


13G 78 483 


14B 74 557 


12C 35 592 


15H 60 652 


15A 27 679 


2J 25 704 


15H 51 755 


5E 26 781 


10A 72 853 


A8 36 889 


6C 35 924 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
LongJump22 2 3:00 -703 221 1.7948 SQUAW1 0 1:26 -892 32
Javelin22 0 2:22 -850 74 Group: intermediate
ShotPut22 0 2:23 -850 74 1.6580 LongJump22 2 3:00 -703 221
4. -
JJJJJJ1139 1 1:58 -880 44 2.6677 Javelin22 0 2:22 -850 74
Discus22 0 1:38 -885 39 3.6812 ShotPut22 0 2:23 -850 74
SQUAW1 0 1:26 -892 32 4.6784 Discus22 0 1:38 -885 39
Hammer22 0 1:58 -896 28 5.6828 Hammer22 0 1:58 -896 28
Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1139 1 1:58 -880 44
On 1st draw, CONGERS H4 76 --- CONGER a marine eel [n]
Other moves: CONGERS H2 72, CONGERS H3 72, CONGERS H6 72, CONGERS H7 72, CONGERS H8 72
CONGERS H4 76 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, COSSETED 4H 76 --- COSSET to fondle [v]
Other moves: CESTODES 4H 74, DOSSERET 9C 63, STENOSED 6E 63, OERSTEDS 9F 62, CESTODE 4H 20
COSSETED 4H 76 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, TETTIX M2 42 --- TETTIX a cicada [n]
Other moves: TIX 5J 35, EXTENT N1 30, EXIST 10E 28, EXIST J1 28, NEXTS 10D 28
EXTENT N1 30 LongJump22
On 4th draw, (Y)ESHIVAH K2 82 --- YESHIVAH an orthodox Jewish school [n]
Other moves: (Y)ESHIVAH 10F 68, (Y)ESHIVAH J2 68, HATH(A) 5K 39, H(A)THA 5K 39, (K)HEDIVA O1 39
(K)HEDIVA O1 39 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22, Discus22
HATE 5K 28 Hammer22
On 5th draw, WINIER L8 40 --- WINEY having the qualities of wine [adj]
Other moves: WINDIER O1 33, WINDER O1 30, WEN L6 29, WIENER 3I 28, DWINE O4 27
On 6th draw, JEERER 3I 44 --- JEERER one that jeers [n]
Other moves: JIRRE 13I 40, RAJ J8 38, JAM J8 37, JEE 3I 37, JIRD O1 36
On 7th draw, DIAZO O4 45 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n] --- DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj]
Other moves: AZIDO J9 41, AZO J9 38, MAZING 6D 38, MOZING 6D 38, ADZING 6D 37
GAZON 6D 35 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 8th draw, BOUDER(I)E 13G 78 --- BOUDERIE pouting [n]
Other moves: OU(T)BREED 13H 72, DO(N)EE M9 32, BED(S)ORE 13G 28, BUD(G)ERO 13G 28, BESE(S) J2 27
On 9th draw, TORULAE 14B 74 --- TORULA a type of fungus [n]
Other tops: ROTULAE 14B 74
Other moves: ROTULAE 14A 72, TORULAE 14A 72, OUTLEARN 6A 62, ARTEL 14G 22, ELUTOR 5D 22
On 10th draw, FANTAD 12C 35 --- FANTAD a fidgety state [n]
Other moves: FATED N10 34, FOEN H12 33, DAFT J8 29, ADNATE 12G 27, FANTAD J8 27
On 11th draw, KAYO 15H 60 --- KAYO to knock out [v]
Other moves: KAY 15H 57, KYU 15H 57, KY 15H 54, KAIL 15H 51, KALI 15H 51
On 12th draw, LONER 15A 27 --- LONER one that avoids others [n]
Other tops: ROUEN 15A 27
Other moves: LONE 15A 22, LORE 15A 22, RONE 15A 22, ROUE 15A 22, ENROL 5E 20
On 13th draw, P(Y)AT 2J 25 --- PYAT a magpie [n]
Other tops: NIPA 11B 25
Other moves: NAP J8 23, PAN M9 23, PANG J8 23, PINA 11B 23, PUN M9 23
On 14th draw, KAYOINGS 15H 51 --- KAYOING the act of a knockout [n]
Other moves: GISMO O11 38, MISGO O11 38, WIGEON N10 36, WOMEN N10 36, SNOW 10K 32
On 15th draw, BEGOT 5E 26 --- BEGET to cause to exist [v]
Other tops: BEDU 11B 26, DEPOT 5E 26
Other moves: DOETH 5G 25, PED M9 25, PUD M9 25, PET M9 23, PUT M9 23
On 16th draw, AMYLOIDS 10A 72 --- AMYLOID a hard protein deposit resulting from degeneration of tissue [n]
Other moves: DAIMYO 1E 42, MINA 6F 36, MONA 6F 36, MAYO 1G 33, MOYA 1G 33
On 17th draw, CLAIM A8 36 --- CLAIM to demand as one's due [v]
Other tops: MACAW A7 36, MINA 6F 36
Other moves: CLAIM 6B 35, CALAMI A7 33, CAMAIL A7 33, CLAVI A8 33, VAW J8 32
On 18th draw, WAIF 6C 35 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: FAWN J8 33, FAW 9C 32, FAW J8 32, NAIF 6C 32, VAW J8 32
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