Game on June 18, 2023 at 12:34, 5 players
1. 211 pts LongJump22
2. 81 pts Javelin22
3. 67 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 20 20 


11H 40 60 


M9 42 102 


N6 39 141 


I2 70 211 


O5 39 250 


14J 36 286 


5D 90 376 


O12 39 415 


15D 103 518 


14B 25 543 


A11 41 584 


4A 26 610 


2D 63 673 


1J 67 740 


1A 51 791 


A3 30 821 


10G 44 865 


H1 30 895 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 4 2:18 -684 211 1.6736 LongJump22 4 2:18 -684 211
Javelin22 2 2:13 -814 81 2.6745 Javelin22 2 2:13 -814 81
ShotPut22 1 1:29 -828 67 3.6879 ShotPut22 1 1:29 -828 67
4. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:58 -828 67 Group: not rated
5. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:15 -875 20 1. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:58 -828 67
2. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:15 -875 20
On 1st draw, ATOKE H8 20 --- ATOKE a sexless part of some worms [n]
Other tops: ATOKE H4 20
Other moves: ATOKE H5 18, ATOKE H6 18, ATOKE H7 18, GEEK H5 18, GEEK H6 18
On 2nd draw, K(A)MEEZ 11H 40 --- KAMEEZ a South Asian loose tunic [n]
Other moves: MZEE 7H 37, MZEE(S) 7H 37, MO(Z)ZIE 10G 36, MZE(E) 7H 36, MZ(E)E 7H 36
On 3rd draw, WIZEN M9 42 --- WIZEN to shrivel [v]
Other moves: ZOWIE M11 34, ANOW 12K 31, ENOW 12K 31, AZIONE M10 30, AZINE M10 28
On 4th draw, JETON N6 39 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JIBE N6 34, JOBE N6 34, OBJET G6 32, JOBE L8 30, JIB G8 29
On 5th draw, RI(N)GWAY I2 70 --- RINGWAY a ring-road [n]
Other tops: RI(N)GWAY G2 70
Other moves: RI(D)GEWAY K7 64, GAW(S)Y 14J 47, AW(N)Y O8 44, AR(E)W O6 41, AR(O)W O6 41
On 6th draw, BADE O5 39 --- BID to make a bid (an offer of a price) [v]
Other moves: BARE O5 35, RADE O5 33, DARE O5 32, DEBUD L10 32, BADE H1 31
On 7th draw, ADUSTS 14J 36 --- ADUST to scorch [v]
Other moves: ADUST 14J 34, DUSTS 14K 30, DUST 14K 28, ADUSTS 14H 27, ADUSTS 13C 26
On 8th draw, RESTAGED 5D 90 --- RESTAGE to put on the same play again [v]
Other moves: DERATES 15F 85, REDATES 15F 85, SEDATER 15F 85, DEAREST 15D 82, DERATES 15D 82
On 9th draw, FISC O12 39 --- FISC a state or royal treasury [n]
Other moves: FRIVOL 15E 38, FOLIA H1 33, FICO 4A 30, ORFE 12J 30, FOCI 15G 29
On 10th draw, FLAGMEN 15D 103 --- FLAGMAN a man who carries a flag [n]
Other moves: FLAGMEN 15F 102, FLEAM 15H 51, FLAMEN 15G 46, GLEAM 15H 45, LEGMAN 15G 40
On 11th draw, URIAL 14B 25 --- URIAL a wild Asian sheep [n]
Other moves: ARLE 12J 18, LEAF 12L 18, ORLE 12J 18, REIF 12L 18, ARIL G7 17
On 12th draw, TEUCH A11 41 --- TEUCH teugh [adj]
Other tops: RETCH A11 41
Other moves: ETCH A12 38, SECH A12 38, SUCH A12 38, TECH A12 38, ETHER L8 34
On 13th draw, VINO 4A 26 --- VINO wine [n]
Other tops: VINA 4A 26
Other moves: AVION 4A 24, INVAR 4A 24, VIRINO B6 21, ARVO 4A 20, AVION 13I 20
On 14th draw, OLIGURIA 2D 63 --- OLIGURIA reduced excretion of urine [n]
Other moves: OGIVAL A1 30, LOGIA H1 28, GALVO A1 27, VIGIA A4 27, VIGIL A4 27
OLIGURIA 2D 63 LongJump22
On 15th draw, LAXEST 1J 67 --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other moves: AXELS 1K 62, AXLES 1K 62, EXALT 1K 62, LAX 1F 62, SAX 1F 62
LAXEST 1J 67 LongJump22, ShotPut22, SSSSSS1111
On 16th draw, VINY 1A 51 --- VINY covered with vines [adj]
Other moves: PINY 1A 48, PIOY 1A 48, PONY 1A 48, PORY 1A 48, ROPY 1A 48
VINY 1A 51 LongJump22, Javelin22
On 17th draw, OVERDO A3 30 --- OVERDO to do to excess [v]
Other tops: VENDOR A4 30, VORRED A4 30
Other moves: DRONER 10F 22, ORD 13C 22, ONDINE 10J 20, RODEO 6B 20, DRONE 10F 19
VENDOR A4 30 LongJump22, Javelin22
On 18th draw, QOPH 10G 44 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: WHIP 6I 36, WHOP 6I 36, WHIO 6I 34, WHIR 6I 34, QI B10 33
On 19th draw, RUPIA H1 30 --- RUPIA a skin ulcer [n]
Other tops: NUBIA H1 30
Other moves: ORB 13C 25, PUB H1 25, BRIO 6D 21, BROO 6D 21, REB L10 21
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