Game on June 20, 2023 at 12:29, 7 players
1. 229 pts LongJump22
2. 141 pts Pacific
3. 42 pts Discus22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


5E 48 78 


8A 89 167 


J1 62 229 


1E 42 271 


4A 57 328 


3C 36 364 


E8 68 432 


A1 60 492 


15A 48 540 


12A 28 568 


K7 73 641 


8J 21 662 


N5 69 731 


O1 29 760 


14B 39 799 


O12 39 838 


B6 27 865 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 4 5:29 -636 229 1.9588 Pacific 1 3:11 -724 141
Pacific 1 3:11 -724 141 Group: intermediate
Discus22 1 0:54 -823 42 1.6606 LongJump22 4 5:29 -636 229
Javelin22 1 1:13 -823 42 2.6700 Discus22 1 0:54 -823 42
ShotPut22 1 1:30 -823 42 3.6810 Javelin22 1 1:13 -823 42
Hammer22 1 1:51 -823 42 4.6778 ShotPut22 1 1:30 -823 42
7. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:00 -835 30 5.6635 Hammer22 1 1:51 -823 42
Group: not rated
1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:00 -835 30
On 1st draw, FORPET H4 30 --- FORPET a measure of grain [n]
Other moves: FETOR H4 24, FORPET H3 24, FORPET H7 24, FORPET H8 24, FORTE H4 24
FORPET H4 30 OOOOOO1122, LongJump22
On 2nd draw, U(N)COMIC 5E 48 --- UNCOMIC not comic [adj]
Other tops: M(Y)COTIC 5E 48
Other moves: MU(S)IC 10F 31, MI(S)CUT 10F 28, MU(S)IT 10F 25, (S)UCCI 10H 25, COM(A)TIC 5G 24
M(Y)COTIC 5E 48 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, FOREDATE 8A 89 --- FOREDATE to antedate [v]
Other moves: FACTORED K3 64, FOREDATE 8E 63, REF 6H 31, CRAFTED K5 26, AFORE I7 23
FOREDATE 8A 89 LongJump22
On 4th draw, RETAILOR J1 62 --- RETAILOR to tailor again [v] --- TAILOR to fit with clothes [v]
Other moves: RECTORAL K3 60, RELATOR 9D 19, RETOTAL 9D 19, CAROLER K5 18, CREATOR K5 18
RETAILOR J1 62 LongJump22
On 5th draw, GAWKER 1E 42 --- GAWKER one that GAWKS [n]
Other moves: WANKER 1E 39, TWANGER 1D 36, WAKER 1F 36, WAKEN 4A 34, WARK 1H 33
GAWKER 1E 42 Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22, Hammer22
On 6th draw, Z(O)OEY 4A 57 --- ZOOEY resembling a zoo [adj]
Other tops: ZO(O)EY 4A 57
Other moves: E(N)VOY 2B 52, (S)IZY 10H 46, RIVE(R)Y 8J 45, ZOOEY B6 45, ZOO(E)Y B6 44
On 7th draw, SNARY 3C 36 --- SNARY in danger of entrapment [adj]
Other moves: ARSY 6C 33, IR(O)NY B2 30, UNSAY 10F 30, NYAS 3C 29, AYUS 10E 27
On 8th draw, DETENUES E8 68 --- DETENUE a female prisoner [n]
Other moves: NEEZES A1 45, NEEZE A1 42, SEE K1 22, ENSUE 10F 21, NETES 9F 21
NEEZES A1 45 Pacific
On 9th draw, HUTZPA A1 60 --- HUTZPA supreme self-confidence [n]
Other moves: BUAZE A1 48, PUTZ A1 45, BATHS 15A 42, BETHS 15A 42, PATHS 15A 42
On 10th draw, JEHUS 15A 48 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: REHUNG 8J 42, EUGHS 15A 39, EUGH F11 36, SUJEE 15E 36, UGH F12 33
On 11th draw, VOLING 12A 28 --- VOLE to win all the tricks in a card game [v]
Other moves: RIGOLS 8J 27, BIOGS B6 26, BLOGS B6 26, SOV 10H 26, BOOLS B6 25
On 12th draw, DENTING K7 73 --- DENT to make a depression in [v]
Other moves: REDING 8J 30, DENET 14B 29, RIDENT 8J 27, RINGED 8J 27, EIDENT 2G 25
DENTING K7 73 Pacific
On 13th draw, RERAIL 8J 21 --- RERAIL to replace on the rails [v]
Other tops: EALE 2G 21, RALE 2G 21, REALER 8J 21, RELIER 8J 21, REROLL 8J 21, RILE 2G 21, ROLE 2G 21
Other moves: ALLEGRO 13G 20, ILEAL J10 20, AI 2G 17, EA 2G 17, EORL L12 17
On 14th draw, OBSIDIAN N5 69 --- OBSIDIAN a volcanic glass [n]
Other tops: ANOBIIDS N3 69
Other moves: ANOBIIDS N4 67, OBSIDIAN N3 65, ANOBIIDS 11G 61, OBSIDIAN 11H 61, BANED 14B 39
On 15th draw, IVIES O1 29 --- IVY a climbing vine [n]
Other tops: VEINS O1 29, VINES O1 29, VISIE O1 29, VISNE O1 29
Other moves: QIS M3 26, QI J11 24, VEINS 12H 24, VISNE 12H 24, AVENS 6A 23
QI O4 23 Pacific
On 16th draw, MANED 14B 39 --- MANE the long hair growing on and about the neck of some animals [adj] --- MANED having a mane [adj]
Other moves: NAMED 14B 37, MODAL O11 34, MONAD O11 34, DOLMA O11 33, DOMAL O11 33
On 17th draw, AXIL O12 39 --- AXIL the angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem [n]
Other moves: AX J13 28, WOOL B6 28, ALOW O12 27, AWOL O12 27, AXAL 6A 27
On 18th draw, WOO B6 27 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v]
Other moves: BOWNE 12H 26, QI J11 24, BOGIE 13I 22, BOW M3 22, QI 14N 22
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