Game on June 22, 2023 at 09:26, 6 players
1. 148 pts LongJump22
2. 61 pts Javelin22
3. 61 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


4H 34 62 


5K 34 96 


G7 68 164 


F10 50 214 


E7 31 245 


8A 42 287 


C3 30 317 


D1 30 347 


J4 76 423 


2B 45 468 


8J 48 516 


1F 26 542 


K8 28 570 


3M 48 618 


A8 101 719 


2J 35 754 


H13 25 779 


12K 32 811 


N10 22 833 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
LongJump22 3 4:15 -685 148 1.6561 LongJump22 3 4:15 -685 148
Javelin22 1 2:54 -772 61 2.6828 Javelin22 1 2:54 -772 61
ShotPut22 1 2:56 -772 61 3.6863 ShotPut22 1 2:56 -772 61
4. -
JJJJJJ1139 1 1:51 -785 48 Group: not rated
5. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:31 -805 28 1. - JJJJJJ1139 1 1:51 -785 48
6. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:57 -805 28 2. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:31 -805 28
3. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:57 -805 28
On 1st draw, MOVIES H4 28 --- MOVIE a motion picture [n]
Other moves: MOVES H4 26, MOVIE H4 26, VEGOS H4 26, VOGIE H4 26, EGOISM H7 24
On 2nd draw, MOSQUE 4H 34 --- MOSQUE a Muslim house of worship [n]
Other moves: PIQUES 7G 30, PIQUE 7G 29, QUEP G2 24, QUEP I2 24, QUOP G2 24
On 3rd draw, IRES 5K 34 --- IRE to anger [v]
Other moves: AESIR N2 32, IRE 5K 32, ARISE N1 28, IS 5K 28, RAISE N1 28
On 4th draw, AREOLAR G7 68 --- AREOLA a small space in a network of leaf veins [adj] --- AREOLAR pertaining to an areola [adj]
Other moves: AREOLAR G9 62, OLEA 3L 17, ORAL 3L 17, ORLE 3L 17, ORRA 3L 17
On 5th draw, BEA(U)X F10 50 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other moves: ANNEX(U)RE 8A 45, BAN(J)AX 12C 44, AXE(M)AN 12G 40, AXE H11 39, AXE(D) H11 39
On 6th draw, GENOM E7 31 --- GENOM a haploid set of chromosomes [n]
Other moves: ENNOG E7 25, MOG E9 25, NOM E9 25, OMEN 3L 25, OMER 3L 25
On 7th draw, HI(T)HE 8A 42 --- HITHE a small haven [n]
Other moves: H(E)IR H12 41, HUH D8 33, RU(C)HE 8A 33, (A)RUHE 8A 33, H(A)H D8 31
On 8th draw, EGALI(T)Y C3 30 --- EGALITY the state of being equal [n]
Other moves: GLEETY M2 28, LIT(U)RGY 13C 28, GLEY 3L 26, STAGILY J4 26, LATEX 14B 24
On 9th draw, WINO D1 30 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other moves: TWAIN D1 28, WIGEON 4A 28, ANOW D2 27, ENOW D2 27, OWE 3L 27
On 10th draw, STANZOES J4 76 --- STANZO a pattern of verse [n]
Other moves: STANZOES N5 71, WANZES 1D 54, WANZE 1D 51, ZAS 3M 48, ZEA 3M 48
On 11th draw, GRIEF 2B 45 --- GRIEF intense mental distress [n]
Other moves: FLINGER 2B 41, FRINGE 2B 39, FLING 2B 37, FLOWER 1A 36, WOLFER 1D 36
On 12th draw, ZONULE 8J 48 --- ZONULE a small zone [n]
Other moves: ECONUT 1F 29, CULEX 14B 28, ONCET 1F 26, OUNCE 1F 26, CLON 3L 23
ZONULE 8J 48 LongJump22
On 13th draw, ERUV 1F 26 --- ERUV a designated region where Jewish religious rules are relaxed [n]
Other moves: RETAX 14B 24, VAE 3M 24, VAR 3M 24, VAT 3M 24, VAU 3M 24
RETAX 14B 24 LongJump22
On 14th draw, OPTIC K8 28 --- OPTIC an eye [n]
Other tops: PEW H13 28, PICT(U)RED 13B 28
Other moves: PEW 3M 26, WED 3M 26, PEC H13 25, PIC H13 25, CEP 3M 24
PEW H13 28 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 15th draw, JAK 3M 48 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other moves: JUD 3M 42, JUN 3M 40, JUT 3M 40, JA 3M 38, CAJUN 12K 30
JAK 3M 48 LongJump22, JJJJJJ1139
On 16th draw, HAIRBAND A8 101 --- HAIRBAND a headband [n]
Other moves: DRAB 2K 33, NAIAD 2J 33, BRAD 2K 31, DAB 2L 31, DIKA O1 30
DRAB 2K 33 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 17th draw, DITAL 2J 35 --- DITAL a device which raises a guitar string's pitch [n]
Other tops: DOTAL 2J 35
Other moves: ELIAD 2J 33, IDEAL 2J 31, TIDAL 2J 31, DIKA O1 30, DIKE O1 30
On 18th draw, PEC H13 25 --- PEC a pectoral muscle [n]
Other moves: PED H13 22, PUD H13 22, DUP H13 21, SCULPTED N5 21, CEP E13 20
On 19th draw, CUDDY 12K 32 --- CUDDY a donkey [n]
Other moves: CUNDY 12K 30, ONY B12 28, EDDY E2 27, BOYF 12A 24, YO B14 23
On 20th draw, INDOW N10 22 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other tops: DOWF M12 22, DOWF N12 22
Other moves: YONI O12 21, YONT O12 21, WO B13 19, FLOW N7 18, INDOW M10 18
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