Game on June 22, 2023 at 20:09, 7 players
1. 192 pts Pacific
2. 172 pts LongJump22
3. 39 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


G11 33 59 


15D 39 98 


14I 76 174 


L8 80 254 


M3 81 335 


O12 39 374 


K7 33 407 


4H 52 459 


J9 32 491 


H1 45 536 


1A 80 616 


E1 70 686 


F6 36 722 


D8 44 766 


8K 21 787 


4A 44 831 


N10 37 868 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 1 6:13 -676 192 1.9655 Pacific 1 6:13 -676 192
LongJump22 3 3:17 -696 172 Group: intermediate
Javelin22 1 1:16 -829 39 1.6477 LongJump22 3 3:17 -696 172
ShotPut22 1 1:36 -829 39 2.6786 Javelin22 1 1:16 -829 39
Discus22 0 0:26 -837 31 3.6827 ShotPut22 1 1:36 -829 39
Hammer22 0 1:00 -837 31 4.6658 Discus22 0 0:26 -837 31
7. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:15 -842 26 5.6658 Hammer22 0 1:00 -837 31
Group: not rated
1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:15 -842 26
On 1st draw, INDOW H8 26 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other moves: DIWAN H4 22, DOWNA H4 22, ADOWN H4 20, ADOWN H8 20, DIWAN H8 20
INDOW H8 26 LongJump22, OOOOOO1122
On 2nd draw, HAJES G11 33 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: HAJ G11 31, JADES 10F 31, JAMES G11 31, JAMS G11 30, JAM G11 29
JAMES G11 31 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, FATSIA 15D 39 --- FATSIA an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: FUTSAL 15D 39
Other moves: FLAUTAS 15A 33, AFLAJ 13C 30, FALAJ 13C 30, FISTULA 15E 30, FA F14 28
FATSIA 15D 39 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 4th draw, TEMSING 14I 76 --- TEMS to sift [v]
Other moves: STEMING G2 65, TEMSING G2 65, MINGIEST 8D 64, MINGIEST 8G 62, MINGES J10 27
TEMSING 14I 76 LongJump22
On 5th draw, BARMI(E)ST L8 80 --- BARMIE frothy [adj] --- BARMY full of barm; frothy [adj]
Other moves: (S)TRABISM L8 78, TRIM(T)ABS L7 74, (T)RIMTABS L7 74, IMBRA(S)T F5 72, TAMB(U)RIN N7 67
On 6th draw, ADU(S)TED M3 81 --- ADUST to scorch [v]
Other tops: AUD(I)TED M3 81, DAU(N)TED M3 81, U(N)DATED M3 81, U(P)DATED M3 81, (S)UDATED M3 81
Other moves: ADU(S)TED G2 64, ADU(S)TED I2 64, ADDU(C)ENT 9B 63, ADDU(C)ENT N8 63, AUD(I)TED G2 63
U(N)DATED M3 81 Pacific
ADU(S)TED M3 31 Discus22
U(P)DATED M3 31 Hammer22
On 7th draw, YEGG O12 39 --- YEGG a burglar [n]
Other moves: YOGEE K7 38, YOGI O12 36, LEGGY O11 33, LOGGY O11 33, YOGI L3 31
On 8th draw, LOREAL K7 33 --- LOREAL pertaining to the head between the eye and the bill [adj]
Other moves: OLEA K8 27, ULEMA K11 27, LEAL K9 24, REAL K9 24, ROUL K9 24
On 9th draw, QUIRED 4H 52 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: QUIFF D11 40, QUERIED 4G 36, QUEER N1 35, FIQUE 5J 34, EQUID 4I 30
QUIFF D11 40 Pacific
On 10th draw, OPS J9 32 --- OP a style of abstract art [n]
Other moves: COPSED G1 31, COPSE G1 29, SCEND G4 29, SNOEP G4 29, SPEND G4 29
On 11th draw, SAIQUE H1 45 --- SAIQUE a ketch-like vessel [n]
Other moves: AUKS G1 30, EIKS G1 30, EUKS G1 30, SEIK G4 30, KVAS G1 29
On 12th draw, AUDITORS 1A 80 --- AUDITOR one that audits [n]
Other moves: AUDITOR F6 74, AUDITOR F5 68, DURATION 9A 61, OUTDRAW 12B 22, AROID 14A 20
On 13th draw, TRECENTO E1 70 --- TRECENTO the fourteenth century [n]
Other moves: NEOTERIC 8B 61, NOTER 2B 29, TENOR 2B 29, TONER 2B 29, RECON F8 25
On 14th draw, YEBO F6 36 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other tops: YIPE F6 36
Other moves: PIONEY D8 35, YEP F6 35, YIP F6 35, YOB F6 35, BONEY D8 33
YEP F6 35 Pacific
On 15th draw, HALFEN D8 44 --- HALFEN half [adj]
Other moves: FINALE D8 38, FAINE D8 36, FINAL D8 36, FLANCH 4A 36, FLENCH 4A 36
On 16th draw, OBELI 8K 21 --- OBELUS a symbol used in ancient manuscripts to indicate a doubtful passage [n]
Other moves: ENOL C11 19, IRON C11 19, ONER C11 19, ONIE C11 19, IRE C11 17
On 17th draw, XENIC 4A 44 --- XENIC of a culture medium, growing with unknown other microbiota [adj]
Other tops: XERIC 4A 44
Other moves: EXO E11 41, EX E11 37, REX G1 37, NIX 3G 36, WEX C12 35
NIX 3G 36 Pacific
On 18th draw, ZOO N10 37 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other moves: POZ C12 36, ZOL 10B 32, ZIG 3G 30, ZORRO K1 28, ZOON 13A 26
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